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Nya and Anirei raced to Chen's Noodle House, where they agreed to meet Kai after they were done at the Samurai X cave. They both raced into the restaurant and quickly found Kai.

"Nya! Anirei! Over here!" He called and waved them down.

"We did it." Nya exclaimed running over to her brother, "We figured out the identity of Samurai X. It's Skylar."

"I am?" A chuckling voice said from across Kai. They turned and saw Skylar sitting at the booth like nothing was wrong, but beside her Anirei didn't fail to notice the old rusted helmet sitting on the table.

"I had no idea." Skylar smiled, "Does that mean I get that cool armor?"

"Uh.... It has to be you." Nya insisted, "Everything fits. The skills, the different fighting styles, the voices."

"Elder sister, maybe we were wrong." Anirei said, "There are many people in Ninjago that have started training in different fighting styles to ensure their safety nowadays. They changed voices as well, so perhaps we thought wrong."

Nya turned to Kai, "I don't suppose she just got here seconds before we did." Kai shook his head, "Then I still don't know who Samurai X is. I don't believe it."

"We can solve that riddle later. Nya, I have news for you. And it's not good. You better sit down."

"I'm gonna get some noodles." Skylar said and left to get a bowl.

"Elder Brother, would you like me to leave? I can catch up with the others." Anirei asked.

"No, I want you here, too. Out of all of us, you know more about the previous Elemental Masters. I want to see if you can fill in some of the missing blanks in what I found out." Kai said.

Anirei nodded and sat down in the booth across from her brother and sister.

"I went back to the blacksmith shop. What Krux told me is true. Our parents were indeed traitors."

"No. They couldn't have been." Nya denied.

"Elder Brother Kai, I told you once before and I will say it again. The previous masters of water and fire were in no possible way traitors. It's not possible."

"They were, Anirei. And they still are." Kai said and turned to Nya, "Nya, our parents... they're alive."

"But, that's impossible." 

Kai took the old rusted helmet and showed it to his sister.

"An old rusty helmet. So?" She questioned.

"So this one is new." Kai took the newer helmet, "Our dad is still making them. Which can only mean..."

Nya gasped, "Our father is still alive."

"And working for the Hands of Time. But here's the worst part. What does that mean for us? Are we destined to turn evil?"

"Elder Brother, that's not true." Anirei said, "That's the same as saying that Lloyd was supposed to be a terrible dark overlord like Master Garmadon."

"You should listen to Anirei, Kai." Skylar said coming back with a couple bowls of noodles to eat before sitting next to the silver haired girl, "Our parents leave behind their legacies, not their destinies. We choose who we become. Noodles? Nice and hot. They always cheer me up."

"No, thanks. I lost my appetite." Kai grumbled.

"Kai, you can't let this news get you down. We find our own paths."

"Skylar and Anirei are right." Nya agreed, pointing a chopstick at Skylar, "Look at Skylar. She could have inherited her father Chen's evil empire and ruled the world, but instead dedicated her life to spending her day bent over a hot stove to provide low-cost, quality noodles to the people of Ninjago City."

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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