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After their confrontation with one of the Hands of Time and finding Master Wu weakened from the fight, the ninja team went back to their floating temple to gather and create a plan for their attack. But with no prior knowledge about their enemy, the ninja were at a loss. Even Anirei, who's knowledge from her parents' journals, didn't have anything to say about the twin Time-users.

Sensei Wu sat in a chair with Misako holding a pot of healing tea. Behind him was Anirei using her powers over light to heal him, but with no external injuries, Anirei could only wonder what was making him so weak.

"Another cup, Misako." He asked, holding out his cup for another serving.

"Okay, but drink it slower this time. Healing tea doesn't work on a burnt tongue." Misako chuckled while pouring him another cup of tea.

"Don't worry, Misako, I can always heal up a burnt tongue." Anirei added and stepped away from her Sensei, "He's healed both inside and how, but I can't tell what's causing him to become so weak."

Sensei Wu didn't listen and slurped up the tea quickly.

"Sip! You are quite impatient." Misako said.

"The same could be said for them." Sensei Wu said, gesturing to the team who had been waiting for him to explain what had happened.

"Okay, Master Wu, you've had your tea, now can we talk?" Cole asked.

"Any question you wish."

"Who did we fight in the monastery?" Cole asked.

"That was Acronix, right? From the painting?"

"Twins look alike!"

"Or was it Krux?"

"IS he from the future?"

"How does he speed up time?"

"Was he from the past?"

"Who ate my pudding cup?"

That last question from Jay caused everyone to stop talking for a bit just to stare at him.

"What? He said ask any question. I put my name on this." Jay pointed out, "Just because we're in a new dojo, doesn't mean we disobey the refrigerator rules!"

No one was too interested in his dilemma, but Anirei promised him a new pudding cup after the whole ordeal was over.

"Right. Sorry. Guy in Monastery." Jay conceded and turned to Sensei Wu, "What's his story?"

Sensei Wu sighed, "Well, to answer that, I must begin at the end." He started, "It was forty years ago, shortly after the Serpentine Wars... when I was a much younger man. As you know, we fought valiantly, but our enemies were strong and our powers alone were not enough. It was the discovery of the magic flutes that allowed us to finally defeat the Anacondrai. Their leaders were banished. And peace was returned to Ninjago. This would not have been possible if not for the Elemental Masters fighting alongside my brother and I, two of them being twin brothers capable of controlling time itself. The Hands of Time."

"Hold on a sec." Cole interrupted, "So that guy at the monastery is an actual Elemental Master of Time?"

"No. Acronix was an Elemental Master of Time, like his brother, Krux." Wu took another sip of his tea, "After helping us win our hard-fought peace, they betrayed me, Garmadon, and the others. The so-called Hands of Time felt they controlled the most powerful element, therefore entitling them to rule all of Ninjago."

"What did you do?" Nya asked.

"We had to stop them. And it would take all of us. Garmadon, myself, and every Elemental Master."

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