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The sky was bright, but the Island was dark. Anirei could sense that darkness, like a hold on her heart steadily increasing as time passed by ever so slowly. She and the others had landed on the Dark Island a day or two prior to now, and her cold feelings were becoming worse.

She stood up and slowly lowered the back of her shirt, revealing the markings. They were spreading from her back to her front at a much faster rate, even now as she is awake.

"I fear this place very much so, Little One."

"Yes, Child. This is a terrible place. The Overlord is near, and I am sure he senses your presence by now."

Anirei sighed and fixed her shirt before putting on her gi, "Yes, I know. I can sense his darkness as well as Garmadon's. But I must keep the light within me burning brightly. My spirit must be balanced. And besides.... the time is coming sooner than expected."

The voices knew what she was saying. Her dreams have become increasingly darker by the night. Her nightmares were terrifying with the dark shadow overcoming her light before the nightmare ended and Anirei became unable to fall back to sleep. All she could do until the sun rose was meditate and watch as the pictures drew themselves on the paper.

Each time it depicted her screaming in pain, two hands on her shoulder. One with light. One with darkness. Each side tearing her apart bit by bit.

It was almost time... her time for delegating on a decision was almost up. She had to make a choice on this island.

"Rei!" A voice shouted from behind her bedroom door. She walked over to open it and saw Lloyd on the other side, "My Mom's going to go over some things about the Temple of Light. You should come and hear this."

Anirei nodded, "Of course." She said, following Lloyd to the bridge where everyone else was gathered.

Misako smiled seeing everyone gathered around her and unrolled the scroll with the picture of the Temple of Light.

"The Scrolls say there is a hidden temple on the island." She began, "If you find it, it will give the ninja pure elemental powers, powers that can destroy the indestructible army."

"So you're saying we get to fight?! Whoo! I've got happy feet!" Cole cheered excitedly.

"And you, my son, here it is written: "For once the Green Ninja finds the instrument of peace, he will strike it and know the power of the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master.""

"Ultimate Spinjitzu Master?" Lloyd repeated.

"It means you will be able to invoke the power of the Golden Dragon, an ancient fighting style only practiced by the First Spinjitzu Master."

Lloyd laughed mockingly at the other Ninja, "Jealous?"

"Wait a minute." Kai interrupted, "This all sounds too good to be true. What's the catch?"

"And does Anirei have anything to do with this? I mean, we don't really know her element actually." Jay added.

"Balance is an element, too, Elder Brother Jay. Just not a very well known one." Anirei pointed out.

"There is another piece to this prophecy." Misako added, "It also states that in order for balance to be shown within the Green Ninja, a light must be brought to its rightful place in the darkness."

"A light within darkness? Now that's something strange." Cole said.

"So do you believe that has something to do with Anirei?" Zane asked, "She is the Ninja of Balance, after all."

"Perhaps, but we cannot know for sure until we find the Temple."

"The catch is, the Temple could be anywhere on the island, and all we have is this." Sensei Wu said, pulling out a medallion with three holes in specific places.

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