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The team ran down the hall trying to escape the ghost of Sensei Yang. As they ran, the pictures on the walls began to shake as Sensei Yang slowly approached behind them through the wind.

"Does this mean he doesn't want to teach us Airjitzu?!" Jay shouted.

"Forget Airjitzu! Where's the window?" Kai asked in his panic.

"Over there!" Cole yelled. 

The five of them ran to the boarded up window, but even with all them pulling on the wooden boards, they couldn't unblock the window to break free.

"Ah! We're caged in like animals!" Jay screamed as they heard Sensei Yang laughing in the background.

"Let's try the front door!" Cole suggested.

"But that's downstairs, and in case you haven't paid attention, there's flying weapons trying to slice us!" Kai shouted back.

Anirei looked around and saw a small door in the wall that could only lead to their way downstairs.

"Elder Brothers, there's a dumbwaiter!" She shouted pointing towards the dumbwaiter door behind Jay.

"Hey, watch who you're calling... Oh, a dumbwaiter. That should take us down."

The five of them squeezed into the dumbwaiter as Jay and Kai tried to get it moving downwards.

"Zane, you said there'd be enough room for all five of us in here!" Jay grunted.

"My calculations are always correct!" Zane shouted.

"Ow, my ear!" Cole groaned, "Well, turn on a light or something because I can't see a thing."

Zane did just that, lighting up his head so everyone could see. But their relief to the light was quickly transformed into terror as the ghost of Sensei Yang appeared in front of them. Sensei Yang seemed to ignore the rest of the team and focused only on Anirei who glared at him.

"As iron sharpens iron..."

The Ninja screamed as the dumbwaiter finally gave and crashed to the bottom level of the temple. As soon as the doors opened, they all rushed out of the dumbwaiter, trying to escape the flying swords that followed them downstairs. Soon, they made it to the front door, but so did Sensei Yang.

"As iron sharpens iron, sensei sharpens students!"

Anirei turned to once again glare at Sensei Yang before she kicked the front door open. The Ninja quickly ran out of the front door, but grabbed onto each other for dear life when they saw a glowing green vortex swirling underneath them.

"What is it? What's down there?" Jay screamed.

"You don't want to know, Elder Brother!" Anirei shouted and helped them back into the temple. Once they were back inside, everyone hid in one of the rooms, where the large clock read two-fifteen. They didn't have much time to escape from the temple before turning into ghosts forever.

"Ah. All right, so there's no way out of the haunted temple, but at least all the commotion's died down." Jay chuckled nervously.

"Yeah, we just gotta get through the night together." Kai assured, "Show Yang we're not scared."

Anirei glanced around the room, seeing the painting of Sensei Yang moving just a little bit.

"What do you want from us, Yang?" She thought to herself, but got no answer from any source. 

All of a sudden, the clock chimed, scaring the team from the loud ticking.

"It's just a clock." Cole said, "We're not afraid of time, but we are afraid of not getting outta here in time. Oh, my gosh, why did we spend the night in a haunted temple?"

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