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In the darkness of a secret cave, the Ninja battled the skeleton guardians of a precious treasure only seen by a few eyes. Jay quickly took down on the skeletons using his nunchucks but even more sprang from below. He twisted the lamp on the pedestal, the walls around the room turning to show Kai jumping out from hiding and using his Spinjitzu to take out even more of the skeletons.

More and more skeletons ran into the room, when all of a sudden, Cole fazed through the wall and scared them. As they ran away, Zane used his powers to freeze the air and pushed away all the skeletons. The Ninja all jumped into a line and prepared to fight once again.

Cole jumped forward and punched the ground, making it roll up like a carpet, smacking the enemy into the dead end wall. All of a sudden, the wall began to crumble and a large hole now revealed the leader of the skeletons, his four arms holding one blade each as he rushed to fight the ninja.

Before the skeleton leader could touch any one of them, the leader of the group appeared from the sky. The famous Green Ninja of the group landed on the ground and used his power to send the skeleton leader packing.

"Do you have the golden scroll, Lloyd?" Kai asked.

Lloyd nodded and took out their prize, "I sure do, Kai. But I don't know what it says. Can anyone help me read it?"

"We can!" They all said, "Because reading is the first step to every adventure. Go reading, go!"

"And... cut!" Darreth shouted as the cameras were shut off. The adventure was only for show.

"Brilliance plus perfection." He said, "Clean up, fellas, and make some headway here. That's a wrap."

Just then, Nya and Anirei walked in to see all the actors getting out of their costumes and everyone cleaning up after the shoot.

"A wrap? We just got here. Darreth said--"

"Hey, hey, there's my boys." Darreth cut Nya off, "Ha, ha. I knew you could do spinjitzu, but that acting knocked me out." He saw Nya and Anirei, "Oh, hey, sweethearts. Mind sticking around for the next segment to teach girls how to apply makeup?"

Anirei sighed, "Darreth, that is rude and you know it."

"You're gonna need makeup when I rearrange your face!" Nya shouted and tried to stomp closer to Darreth, but Jay kept her back before she could get close.

"Easy." He said, "Nya's one of us now, and Anirei's always been apart of the group since the beginning. No reason they should be treated differently."

Lloyd walked over to Anirei and smiled at her as he wrapped his arm around her waist. She sighed and returned the gesture.

"No reason?" Darreth questioned, "It's crazy enough that you added Anirei to the group, but another girl? You know how much that hurts your image? You're a boy band. A hunk machine."

"No, we're equals." Lloyd said walking up to Darreth, "Our power comes from no one being more important than the others."

"We all work together to keep ourselves in balance. If one falls out of line, then our entire team will fall apart." Anirei added.

"Important, no. Irresistible? Uh, debatable." Kai said as he turned and winked at the fans near the exit. Anirei sighed and let go of Lloyd.

"Elder Brother Kai, there are more important things in our lives than fame and fortune. You know that as well as I do." She muttered to him and he nodded, but you could tell that he still enjoying the attention.

"Heh. I don't tell you how to do your business, don't tell me how to do mine." Darreth said, "Remember how every time you saved Ninjago no one cared? Well, now, Darreth's in charge and Darreth says don't change the recipe. Boys are the face of the franchise, and now the face of teen idol."

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