The Curse of Cornelius Sigan

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A/N: A little bit of a filler chapter to set up the next chapter

It had been a few months since Coventina had told Morgana she had magic, the only thing that happened is that her visions were getting stronger, but she only knew them as dreams. The scariest one she had was Arthur being attacked by a creature that actually happened, but Merlin had saved him. Some nights were better than others when it came to Morgana's dreams.

Morgana bolted awake, looking around, "Ah, Coventina!" She cried. Coventina was finishing up her nightly duties when she heard Morgana cry out. Coventina quickly grabbed Morgana holding her close.

"It's alright, it's alright. I'm here. I'm here. There's nothing to be frightened of. Shh, shh, shh." Covnetina said softly, her hand gently running down her back. After Morgana calmed down, Coventina laid beside her, staring into her eyes.

"In the morning, I will go see Gaius to check on you." She said. Morgana nodded sleepily, Covneitna smiled lightly, holding Morgana's hand. "Get some sleep now."


Coventina opened Gaius's chambers and saw Gaius cleaning breakfast for him and Merlin. 

"Gaius, Morgana requested your presence, she had a horrible nightmare." She said softly. Gaius looked up from cleaning, "I will be up at once." He said. Coventina walked back to Morgana's chambers, to start preparing to get Morgana ready for the day. 

"What was this dream about?" Gaius asked. Morgana sat up in her bed, clearly still exhausted after the night she had endured.

"A bird." She said quietly.

"What kind of bird?" Gaius asked.

"A raven."

Gaius looked at her with a questioning look, "A raven?"

"It was terrifying, Gaius. What do you think it means?" Morgana questioned.

"Probably nothing." Gaius stated. Coventina peered from behind the changing area, to see tears starting to form in Morgana's eyes, clearly, she was frightened. 

"It's happening again, isn't it?" Morgana said.

Gaius gently patted Morgana's knee. "Morgana, one raven doesn't mean that your nightmares are returning. Are you taking the sleeping draughts I prepared for you? I'll get Coventina to give you something stronger."

"Like a blow to the head? I'm sure she wants to." Morgana said. Gaius left to brew a stronger sleeping draught, leaving Coventina and Morgana alone again. Coventina came out from behind the panel.

"I hope you are aware I would do anything for you right." Coventina said. She stood next to the bed, leaning down to wipe the tears away, "Even Uther found out about us, I would fight every knight to escape with you." Morgana smiled lightly at hearing that.

"I know sometimes I can be difficult to deal with sometimes, especially when it comes to sleeping next to me." Morgana said.

"You are amazing, love. And sleeping next to you is always nice because I can always be there to comfort you." Coventina said. Morgana was smiling now, and pulled Coventina down onto the bed, causing to fall on top of her, "Morgana, not the time for this, Gwen will be here soon with your breakfast.:" She said giggling.

Morgana kissed Coventina anyways, "I normally would say damn the consequences, but you are a point darling." She said. Coventina pushed herself off. 

"Yes, I do. Now come along, I picked out a beautiful emerald dress for you."


As a normal day went, until a servant named Cedric that Coventina had been suspicious of, unleashed a spirit from a tomb that was discovered underneath the castle. Now the knights of Camelot were attempting 

"We need more bandages, Gwen." Gaius said before turning to Morgana, "You shouldn't be doing this."

"It's exactly what I should be doing." Morgana shot back.

"You need rest, Morgana."

"And I'm likely to get it with all this going on," Morgana said. Coventina was attending to Sir Leon when she found out that Arthur had gone to the lower town, she gently attended to Sir Leon when suddenly all of the fighting stopped. Covnetina figured that Merlin had somehow saved the day again, sometimes she was jealous he was able to use magic without getting caught. She felt her fingers tingle, signaling her Druid magic wanting to come out.

Later that night, Coventina was exhausted after tending to the knights, but honestly she had not been sleeping well again, her visions were getting more and more intense, always about her and Morgana in that well, or the one that always occurred when Morgana was crowned. Coventina shifted a bit in her sleep, laying on Morgana's chest, when her eyes fluttered.


It was storming in Camelot, and Coventina was wide awake, watching Morgana sleep peacefully when she started to toss and turn. Morgana turned away from Coventina, her eyes fluttering gold often as her own did. The candle next to them lit on fire. Coventina heard Gwen coming in, so she pretended to be asleep, hopefully, she would not question why she was in the bed, since she had seen her stay before when it stormed when Morgana tended to have more nightmares. Gwen blew the candle out and left. Coventina laid back on the pillows when Morgana bolted awake when the thunder sounded.

"Hey, I am right here," Coventina said softly. Morgana's eyes glowed again, causing a candle to light again, and grow bigger, causing the curtain to catch on fire. Morgana screamed seeing the fire, causing the window to shatter.


Coventina gasped sitting slowly, that was the first version where she was not the source of what happened, it was about Morgana. Morgana had magic. Hopefully, that version never came true because deep down Coventina knew that Morgana was afraid of possessing magic. 

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