Lancelot and Guinevere

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Arthur assisted Morgana as she mounts her horse in the Square.

"I hope your trip isn't too upsetting," Arthur said. Coventina smiled a bit, seeing the sibling-like relationship between Arthur and Morgana. Coventina mounted her horse with some help from Sir Leon.

"Thank you, Sir Leon."

"Make sure you return to Camelot before dusk," Arthur instructed. One of the knights nodded his head, "Yes, Sire." Arthur and Gwen gaze at each other briefly as the party leaves. Coventina smirked, oh she knew something was going between Gwen and a man.

"You look troubled, Gwen," Morgana commented as they rode through the woods.

"I'm fine." Gwen said.

"You're very secretive these days. I'm beginning to think there's a man involved." Morgana said.

Gwen snorted, "When do I get to meet any decent men?" Bandits jumped from the trees. The escort was shot in the back. Coventina tried to struggle as she was pulled from her horse.

"Gwen! Crystal! Head for the path! Go!" Morgana yelled. Coventina ran up the hill but was stopped by a bandit.

"I warn you. I am Uther Pendragon's ward. He'll have your heads if any harm comes to me." Morgana said.

"I have no intention of harming you. At least not yet. You're much more valuable to me alive, Lady Morgana." Kendrick said.


After being forced into a tent, Morgana came up with a plan for Gwen to get a sword.

"I trust you are comfortable?" Kendrick questioned.

Morgana gave him a hard glare, "I demand to know where you're taking us." She said.

Kendrick chuckled. "You'll find out soon enough. We've a long journey ahead of us. Get some rest." He turned to leave, but Morgana followed him out.

"I wish to bathe." She demanded.

"You wish to bathe?" Kendrick questioned with a laugh.

"I am the King's ward and accustomed to certain standards. I am sure you are quite contented to stink like a pig, but I am not."

"The Lady Morgana wishes to bathe! Who wants to help me guard her?" Kendrick yelled to the bandits. Their coarse laughter filled the camp. A huge bandit dragged Coventina down to the stream by her arm. Morgana took off her red cloak, leaving her in a light purple dress.

"You may find the water a little icy." Kendrick said.

"I'm sure I'll manage. If you were any kind of gentleman, you'd give me some privacy." Morgana said.

"Well, unfortunately for you I am no kind of gentleman. Now get on with it." Kendrick said, motioning for Morgana to continue to undress.

Morgana removes her outer garment and the second bandit let go of Gwen. "You can at least turn your backs."

"So you can make a run for it. Do you think I'm that stupid?" Kendrick asked.

"I think you're very stupid." Morgana said. Gwen pulls Kendrick's sword, Morgana hits him, Gwen tosses her the sword and she slashes both men. Coventina elbowed the man who held her as Morgana slashed him with the sword. Coventina ran when Gwen stumbled hurting her ankle. Coventina stopped to help her.

"Put your arm around my shoulder, come on!" She urged.

"No, no, no. We'll never outrun them, you must go on without me!" Gwen said.

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