The Nightmare Begins

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It was storming in Camelot, and Coventina was wide awake, watching Morgana sleep peacefully when she started to toss and turn. Morgana turned away from Coventina, her eyes fluttering gold often as her own did. The candle next to them lit on fire. Coventina heard Gwen coming in, so she pretended to be asleep, hopefully, she would not question why she was in the bed, since she had seen her stay before when it stormed when Morgana tended to have more nightmares. Gwen blew the candle out and left. Coventina laid back on the pillows when Morgana bolted awake, when the thunder sounded.

"Hey, I am right here," Coventina said softly. Morgana's eyes glowed again, causing a candle to light again, and grow bigger, causing the curtain to catch on fire. Morgana screamed seeing the fire, causing the window to shatter. Coventina looked in disbelief. That had been one of her versions about a month ago, this was the first time it happened. Coventina heard some guards rush outside where Morgana had shattered the window. Coventina stood quickly from the bed. 

"I have to go, love." She said, still seeing that Morgana was frightened. It pained her to leave Morgana in such a vulnerable state. If she stayed to comfort her, the consequences were unspeakable. The following morning, Coventina walked up the stairs into Morgana's chambers, where Merlin was cleaning up glass and the burnt fabric. She knelt down, helping him a bit as she listened to Uther and Gwen's conversation.

"I came back in with some extra blankets. There was a candle, but I put it out." Gwen said.

Uther was in doubt, "Are you sure?" He questioned.

"I blew it out, I swear."

"Gwen's been Morgana's servant for years. If she said she blew it out, I believe her." Arthur assured. Coventina had started to notice the changes in their relationship after a recent tournament. 

"She could've been burnt alive," Uther said.

"Lightning struck the castle roof last night, that could've started the fire." Arthur acknowledged.

"Perhaps." Uther said.

"What other explanation is there?" Arthur questioned looking at the mess and damage.

"Someone started the fire deliberately," Uther said. Coventina turned her gaze to the floor, collecting more glass, and rolled her eyes at Uther, always suspecting magic.


After Uther and Arthur had left, Coventina stood from the ground, walking over to Morgana who looked shaken and exhausted.

"Come, Morgana. Let us go see, Gaius to see if he has any remedy." Coventina said. Coventina helped Morgana walk down the stairs, into Gaius's chambers.

"Gaius." Coventina said, seeing him. "I hope you heard about the fire."

"What I don't understand, Morgana is how the fire started in the first place." He said.

"It happened so quickly. It was terrifying." Morgana explained, a little quiver still in her voice.

"It's alright. You're safe now." Gaius reassured. 

"You're the only person I've told about my dreams. I know I can trust you, Gaius." Morgana said. Coventina looked at Morgana a bit with confusion, maybe she had not told Gaius that she knew, maybe Gaius was aware that Morgana had a dream about her.

"Yes, of course, you can." Gaius said.

"It was me. I set the room alight. I started the fire." Morgana confessed.

Gaius's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "I don't understand. Did you knock a candle over?" He questioned.

"No that's not what happened. I did it just by looking at it, the flames suddenly leapt higher." Morgana explained. 

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