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Coventina awoke the next morning feeling refreshed. She had never sound sleep as good as she had just had back when she came of her are. Normally she was plagued with horrible nightmares that predicted her future. She was a seer druid, able to see the future through her dreams.

"Good morning, Crystal." Morgana yawned from beside her. Coventina had forgotten that her mistress had wanted to stay with her. During the night, Morgana's arms had wrapped around Coventina's waist as if a lover would. A blush covered Coventina's cheeks instantly.

"Good morning, my lady. I hope you slept well." Crystal said and stood from the bed. Crystal went about her normal duties from the morning. A bath for Morgana that was warm, not freezing cold or boiling hot that could kill someone. And a dress for her fair lady, a purple gown with a white fur collar so she would not be cold for today's tournament.

"Today for your duties is to watch the tournament since Arthur is to fight in it as he goes every year this occurs." Crystal spoke from her piece of parliament.

Morgana stood from her bed, stretching her limbs before heading to take her bath. She observed her servant, Crystal. The young girl had caught the ward's eye. She was an absolute beauty, she had long locks of black hair that caressed on her shoulders. Blue eyes that had a shine of mischievous and a secret behind them. She was a very thin woman with hidden curves that Morgana would secretly look at when Crystal performed her duties.

"Well, that sounds like an easy day. I must just watch the tournament with my two friends, Gwen and you." Morgana said, very excited.

Crystal let out a smile at Morgana's statement. At least Morgana considered her friend. She knew Morgana had a special connection to her from her dreams, but in them Morgana was much darker, dressed in a black dress and hair all mussed. Crystal knew these images would become true one day.

After their breakfast was served, the tournament began. Arthur was the fan-favorite since he was the prince and the once and future king. When Crystal was a teen in her village, her mother, her brother Mordred had gone to collect herbs and she had found the Crystal Cave where she had become frightened from what she had seen. Bloodshed, death, her sitting on a throne. Crystal snapped out of her thoughts and followed Morgana down to where they would sit.

The fanfare played when Arthur entered the arena. Crystal clapped along with Morgana who sat on the end and Crystal was in the middle.

"Knights of the realm, it's a great honor to welcome you to a tournament in Camelot. Over the next three days, you will come to put your bravery to the test, your skills as warriors, and of course, to challenge the reigning champion, my son, Prince Arthur. Only one can have the honor of being crowned champion, and he will receive a prize of 1,000 gold pieces." Uther announced and opened a chest of gold, "It is in combat that we learn a knight's true nature, whether, he is indeed a warrior or coward. The tournament begins!" The crowd exploded in cheer at this announcement, there was something about grown men fighting with swords which people enjoyed. Crystal watched as Uther was giving Arthur a lecture, then patted his back and the tournament officially began. Arthur fought against another knight and had an easy victory for the day. The tournament was full of men strong knights while others were shown to have cowardness. The last knight was a large man with a shield with the pattern of three serpents. Crystal observed the shield and felt something like magic was being used. The man easily won his fight. Crystal felt adrenaline from watching all of the fights. After it was over, Crystal followed Morgana back to her chambers, Morgana had told Gwen that Crystal could take care of her for the night.

"Crystal, did you enjoy the tournament?" Morgana asked when they arrived at her chambers.

"It was like nothing we had back home in my village." Crystal said, sitting on Morgana's bed, looking up at her mistress. Morgana came to sit next to her, taking her hand, You never say much about where you came from before you arrived in Camelot." Morgana spoke, stroking her hand in a lovely way.

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