A Remedy to All Ills

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The past few weeks in Camelot had been very eventful. Merlin had saved Arthur's life, after he had drank a poison that a king had tried to use murder Arthur, but in the end Merlin was saved. And soon a man by the name of Lancelot lied about being a knight came to Camelot. Crystal could tell that Gwen was very attracted to him. The sun was slowly falling when Gwen entered holding a vase of white flowers. 
"Look what's just arrived for you." Gwen said. 
"Who are they from?" Morgana asked. 
"I don't know. Maybe Arthur?!" Gwen suggested. 
"How disappointing." Morgana said. Crystal snickered at her answer. 
"Why? Who'd you like them to be from?" Gwen asked. 
"I don't know. Tall, dark stranger?" Morgana said. Night fall, and Crystal and Morgana had their normal position in the bed. Crystal was sound asleep, holding Morgana's hand. A bug crawled out of Morgana's flowers, soon it made it into her ear. Crystal woke up the next morning and saw Morgana was not breathing very well. She got dressed in a hurry, running to Gaius' chambers. 
"Gaius, there is something wrong with Morgana!" She cried.  Gaius followed her and Uther was alerted about Morgana's health. 
"Her body seems to have closed down." Gaius said. 
"Why? You don't have an answer do you? Nothing you've tried so far has worked. It's been nearly two days. And what do you know?" Uther asked. 
"I fear she may have some form of inflammation of the brain." Gaius said. Crystal turned away, covering her mouth trying not to cry. 
"What could cause such a thing?" Uther asked. 
"An infection, possibly, rest assured, I will do everything in my power to cure her, Sire." Gaius said. The two left and Gwen entered. Coventina was by Morgana's side and kissed her hand. She had a few tears falling down her face. 
"Morgana, please I can't lose you." Coventina begged. A day had passed, Morgana was still ill. 
"I cannot preserve her life for much longer. She has hours, maybe less." Gaius said. 
"We cannot let her die!" Arthur yelled. 
''Arthur, please." Uther said, calmly. 
"There's a man, he came to the castle yesterday. He claims he can cure her." Arthur said. 
"That's ridiculous. He doesn't know what's wrong with her." Uther said. 
"He says he has a remedy that can cure all ills." Arthur said.
"Impossible." Gaius said
"Well, for Morgana's sake, surely we should at least hear him out. I mean, what've we got to lose? Please, Father." Arthur begged. 
"Probably some charlatan hoping for a quick shilling." Gaius accused. 
"I don't care! If she's about to die, what harm can it do? Give him his shilling! If there's one chance in a million he can save her, then why not?" Arthur said, seriously. 
"Send for him." Uther demanded. 
Later, a man was brought into the throne room. He had severe scarring on his face. 
"Edwin Muirden, Sire. Physician and loyal servant." He introduced. 
"Welcome to Camelot." Uther welcomed. 
"Have we met before?" Gaius questioned.
"I doubt you would forget a face like mine, sir." Edwin said. 
"Do you really believe you have a remedy?" Uther asked. 
"There are not many ills that I have not seen and successfully treated, Sire. So when I heard of the Lady Morgana's sickness, I felt honour bound to offer my services." Edwin explained. 
"You say you have a cure for all? An antidote for everything?" Gaius questioned. He was clearly in disbelief.
"Yes. Although it is not quite as simple as that." Edwin stated. 
"Gaius is the court physician." Uther explained. 
"You are indeed a legend, sir. I am delighted to meet you. I am curious to know what it is that has affected her." Edwin said. 
"An infection of the brain." Gaius explained. 
"And your treatment? Edwin asked.
"Yarrow." Gaius said. Edwin nodded, "Yes, Yes."
"Rosemary to stimulate cerebral circulation." Gaius added. 
"Interesting." Edwin remarked. 
"Why? What would you suggest?" Arthur asked. 
"No, no, no, that is all fine. All good. If that is... the right diagnosis." Edwin stated with doubt with his face.
"What would your diagnosis be?" Uther asked. 
"Well, without examining the patient..." Edwin expressed. 
"He should examine her." Arthur said. 
"I would need my equipment." Edwin explained. 
"Of course. You'll have use of one of the guest chambers." Uther said. 
"And consider my manservant at your disposal." Arthur said. Crystal silently laughed at Merlin's eyeroll. 
"I will start work immediately." Edwin remarked. Crystal stood left the chambers and went on with her chores. She had walked into the clean dresses seeing Edwin at Morgana's side. 
"Why are you spying on me?" Edwin asked, looking questionable at Coventina. 
"I wasn't. I'm her handmaiden. I was doing my chores." Coventina explained.
"Then bring me some water." Edwin said. 
"Someone should be with her." Coventina said quickly.
"Do you want to be responsible for her death?" Edwun asked. 
"No." Edwin said. 
"Then you will bring me some water. Now. Or she may die." Edwin demanded. Coventina sat down the basket and left. Coventina felt there was something about this man. While she was gone, Edwin pulled out the bug, dabbing the blood from Morgana's ear. The bug was placed in a box. By the time Coventina returned with the water, Edwin was not in the room, but Morgana's eyes were open and looking around. Coventina put the water down quickly, hugging Morgana then slammed her lips into hers. She pulled quickly. 
"Morgana, you are alive." Coventina cried. She felt Morgana's hand on her back, rubbing it. 
"Of course, I am alive, it's very hard to get rid." Morgana said with a smile. Her lips touched Coventina's again, and then this time Coventina kissed back. It was so sweet and warm until she heard footsteps near the chambers. Coventina quickly pulled away, getting off the bed. She stood next to the bed, pretending to clean when Uther and Gaius entered. Uther's face was full of hope, sitting to Morgana's side. Uther kissed her forehead, "Morgana, this is truly a miracle. I thought... I really thought..." Uthee said, trailing off. 
"Oh, you won't get rid of me that easily." Morgana giggled. 
"What exactly did he give you?" Gaius asked.
"I have no idea. But thank heaven he did." Morgana breathed. 
With that Uther and Gaius exited. Morgana looked over at Coventina. 
"You want to kiss me again?" Morgana teased, giggling. A few days passed since Morgana was recovered. Edwin was once again in the throne room. 
"I have been through the court medical records with a fine-tooth comb, Sire." Edwin explained. 
"And were your findings satisfactory?" Uther asked. 
"With regret, I would have to say they were not." Edwim said simply. 
"How so?" Uther asked. 
"Gaius is a great man, thorough, and dedicated." Edwin remarked.
"But?" Uther asked. Edwin let out a sigh. "His methods are outdated. He has failed to keep up with the latest developments. This has led to a number of errors." 
"Gaius has served me well for 20 years." Uther said. 
"And one cannot blame him for the infirmity those years have brought. Age can be a terrible curse." Edwin asserted. 
"Perhaps it is time to lighten his burdens. Have you given any more thought to my offer?" Uther offered. 
"Yes. I have considered it very carefully." Edwin said. 
"Allow me some time to do the same." Uther said. Edwin bowed and exited. Uther got up, going to the table for a drink. Crystal could clearly see that Morgana was upset.
"Uther, you can't do this." Morgana cried. 
"You heard what he said. Gaius is old, he makes mistakes." Uther said. 
"Gaius has treated me since before I can remember. You can't cast him out." Morgana said.
"You would have died if your care had been left to him. That's something I could not bear." Uther explained. 
"I know that, but ..." Morgana said. 
"I cannot risk something like this happening again." Urher said. A little while later, Crystal was upset as well. Gaius was helping control her magic without him here she would found out. Crystal clutched her fist in anger, accidently a lighting a candle. She quickly blew it out. Coventina went down to the lower town to purchase some food when she saw Gaius walking through with severalpossessions. .
"Gaius? You're leaving? Did Uther sack you?" Coventina asked.
"Yes, I'm sorry I didn't come and say goodbye." Gaius apologized.
"I don't want you to go. I don't trust Edwin. There was no blood in Morgana's ear, he put it there. He demanded I should leave or else I would have caused Morgana's death. He did something to her, I know he did. And I suspect there was magic involved. 
"You need to be careful who you say that to." Gaius said.
"I'm saying it to you because you can do something about it. You and me are alike." Coventina explained.
"I can't." Gaius said. 
"But you think the same, don't you? He's evil. I think he's planning something against the king." Coventina said.
"It's not that simple." Gaius said. 
"So you're going to turn your back on us?" Coventina asked. 
"I have no choice, I'm sorry Coventina. Gaius said. 
"In life you always have a choice. Sometimes it's easier to think that you don't. That is the same choice I made when I left my village and came to Camelot." Coventina said. 
"Well, then. My choice is to leave." Gaius said.
"Then I'll miss you. Thank you for everything you have done for since I came to Camelot." Coventina said, a tear sliding down her face. Gaius hugged her, giving her a kiss on the head. 
"Goodbye Gaius." Coventina said. 
"Goodbye, Coventina. Please protect Morgana for me.' Gaius said. He left the gates. Coventina went back to the castle. She entered Morgana's chambers. Morgana knew that she was clearly upset. 
"Morgana, Gaius has been sacked." Coventina cried. Morgana let out a sound of anger, taking Coventina into her arms. Morgana hated to see Coventina so upset. 
"Crystal, do not cry. You are here with you." Morgana asserted her. Coventina completely lost her face of hiding her feelings, sobbing in Morgana's dress. 
"I am afraid that Edwin will do something to the king. I do not trust him." Coventina confessed. 
"If it makes you feel better, I do not him trust him either. That statement made Coventina smile a bit. When Morgana's sleeping draft arrived, Coventina chuckled it out the window.
No one was hurting Morgana again.
A day had passed, and Gaius had returned to Camelot. It turned out that Edwin was burned by Uther and he was seeking revenge on Uther for murdering his parents. All that Coventina was happy about was Gaius was back.
Her Druid magic was getting stronger.

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