Sins of the Father

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A/N: A filler chapter to introduce Morgause

Coventina stood off to the side of the court as Uther was crowning the new knights of the court.

"Arise Sir Vidor, Knight of Camelot. Arise Sir Caradoc, Knight of Camelot." Uther said, holding a sword over their heads to bestow them. Both of them stood as the sword was lifted off of them.

"You have been accorded a great honour. But with that honour comes great responsibility. From this day forth, you are sworn to live by the knights' code. You have pledged to conduct yourselves with nobility, honour, and respect. Your word is your sacred bond. You will find no one who better embodies these values than my son, Arthur. Follow his example, and you will prove yourselves worthy of your title." Uther proclaimed. Sword fighting was heard outside of the chamber doors. The entire court turned as a knight matched in. They dropped a gauntlet in front of Arthur who picked it up.

"I accept your challenge. If I'm to face you in combat, do me the courtesy of revealing your identity." Arthur said.

The knight removed their helmet to reveal a wealth of long blonde tresses. The knight was indeed a woman.

"My name is Morgause." She said.


Later that night, Coventina was fixing Morgana's bed, pulling back the covers as Morgana dressed in a white nightgown stared out the window. Morgause was training in the Square. Gwen had already been dismissed for the night.

"Who is she? Why would she challenge Arthur? It seems no one's ever heard of her." Coventina questioned, walking around to the other side of the bed.

"I feel as if I've met her somewhere before," Morgana said, her gaze still outside.

Coventina approached her at the window, "Really? Where could you know her from?" She asked.

"I don't know," Morgana said. Coventina hummed, taking Morgana's hand leading her away from the window.

"Come on, darling. You need to get sleep, I already have received your sleeping daught." Coventina said. Morgana shook her head, sitting on the bed. She proceeded to lay down.

"I wish for you to take it instead, you need more sleep than I do." Morgana said softly. Coventina sighed quietly knowing there was no arguing with Morgana. She swallowed the draught before crawling in next to Morgana, falling into a slumber.

"Sweet Dreams, darling," Morgana said softly.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Coventina watched a guard walk down, she quickly walked down the stairs out to one of the balconies to meet Morgause. She wiped the dried tears on her face, knowing that the state that Morgana was in the moment. But she needed to tell Morgause why the night of her birthday she did not meet her. She smoothed the material of the black dress that she had found in Morgana's closet. 

"Coventina, what has happened, why did Morgana and you not come to meet in the woods last night?

Coventina sighed. "Last night when we were walking through the castle, sneaking through the halls. Somehow, one of the torches fell and Morgana tripped. She went tumbling down a whole flight of stairs. Her head was hit hard, so hard that her brain is bleeding." She explained solemnly.

" She explained solemnly

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