The Gates of Avalon

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Coventina laid in Morgana's arms. Morgana woke up gasping, "Arthur! Arthur!" Coventina sat up, wrapping her arms around Morgana. 
"What was this nightmare about this?" Coventina asked. 
"I had a nightmare about Arthur dying." Morgana cried. 
"You are alright. I am here." Coventina asserted. Coventina knew it was not a nightmare, Coventina was a seer just like her. The next day, Coventina followed Morgana when Morgana stopped seeing a girl dressed in a tan dress carrying a blue walking stick who was being a shown a room by Merlin. Her eyes met the girl's. She entered the guest room. Morgana and Coventina approached Merlin. 
"Who is that?" Morgana asked. 
"Er…Sophia Tír-Mòr. We rescued her in the woods. Well, Arthur did most of the rescuing." Merlin explained. 
"She can't stay here." Morgana demanded. 
"The King said that she and her father are welcome in Camelot. Is everything ok?" Merlin said.
"Yes. Thank you." Morgana asserted. When Merlin walked away, Coventina pulled Morgana aside.  
"Morgana, how do you know that girl?" Coventina asked. 
"She was in a nightmare last night." Morgana explained. Coventina hesitated to say something. 
"Let us go see Gaius then." Coventina said. The two entered his chambers as he took a flask off a burner. 
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you." Morgana apologized. 
"Nonsense, my child. My favourite patient is always welcome" Gaius said, kissing her cheek. "I'm sorry about the mess. Most of it's Merlin's. If I'd known you were coming, I'd have tidied up in here." 
"I can imagine living with Merlin." Coventina said with a laugh. 
"Er…it's not that. It's just...your bench is on fire." Morgana said.
My bench is on fire? What are you...My bench is on fire!" Gaius yelled. Morgana handed him a bucket. Gaius placed the flask into the water. "You're always getting me into trouble. What brings you to this dark corner?" He asked. 
"I had another dream." Morgana said. Gaius nodded, "I see."
"I saw Arthur lying under water, drowning, and there was a woman standing over him, watching him die. And she's here in Camelot." Morgana explained. 
"The mind plays tricks. It borrows from everyday life and plays out its own fantasy." Gaius asserted. 
"But I had this dream before she came to Camelot." Morgana said.
"You must be mistaken." Gaius said. 
"No, I know what I saw. It was so vivid. I saw him die, Gaius. She's going to kill him." Morgana cried with tears in her eyes. 
"These are just dreams, Morgana, nothing more. Are you taking the sleeping draught I made up for you?" Gaius said. 
"Oh, it doesn't help. Only the time I really have none is when Crystal is there." Morgana explained. 
"Here. Try this. It will induce a deeper sleep. You've nothing to fear." Gaius said. Coventina took the bottle in her hands. 
"Thank you, Gaius." Coventina said. 
"Morgana. Don't bother Uther about this. No need to worry him." Gaius warned. Coventina told Morgana that she would be back soon. She needed to talk to Gaius. 
"Gaius, you and I know full well that Morgana is a seer just like me." Coventina said. 
"Yes, but she can not know." Gaius said. 
"Why not? Morgana is bloody terrified." Coventina asked. 
"Coventina, I fear Morgana has magic. If she told she will freak out. She must not know." Gaius said. Coventina scoffed and left. Morgana watched as Arthur rode out of Camelot with Sophia.
"You're sure it's her?" Coventina asked. 
"I could never forget that face." Morgana said. 
"You should speak Uther." Coventina suggested. 
"And tell him what? That I can see the future?" Morgana asked. 
"If you think Arthur's life is in danger." Coventina said.
"You know how he'd react." Morgana said. 
"You're his ward, he wouldn't harm you." Coventina asserted. 
"He hates magic more than he cares for me." Morgana said. 
"That's not true." Coventina said. 
"Would you care to put it to the test?" Morgana asked. 
"No, hut what else can you do?" Coventina asked. 
"I'm going to have to try and stop her myself." Morgana said. Coventina watched as Morgana stormed out. What a woman. Later that night, Coventina struck out of the castle. She had seen the scepters that Sophia and Aulfric had before in a book. She bumped into Merlin. 
"Merlin, what are you doing?" Coventina whispered. 
"Following Aulfic." Merlin said. Coventina nodded. They reached the lake. Aulfric reached the Lake. Merlin and Coventina watched him from behind a tree. The wind starts to blow. Aulfric addressed the Lake.
"I seek an audience with the Sidhe elders! Do:tiag-sa ar idbairt do denam!" Aulfric chanted. A blue haze and fairies appeared over the lake. Merlin is amazed by what he sees and he smiled. Coventina was amazed by the beauty. 
"I come before you to plead for the chance to win passage back to Avalon and a life of immortality!" Aulfric yelled.
"Your punishment for killing another Sidhe is a mortal body and a mortal life. You will never be able to return to Avalon." Sidhe Elder said. 
"The crime was mine, not my daughter's." Aulfric said. 
"The gates of Avalon remain closed to your daughter. Unless the soul of a mortal prince be offered up to them." Sidhe Elder said. 
"Thank you. An immortal life for my daughter is all that I desire, so I promise you the soul of the greatest prince of all. Arthur Pendragon! Merlin realizes that Arthur’s life is in great danger." Aulfric said. The fairies disappeared into the Lake. Coventina couldn't believe believe she had seen. The next day, Arthur requested an audience.
"I request this audience, Father, to discuss a matter of great importance. It cannot have escaped your attention that I and Lady Sophia Tír-Mòr have grown very close." Arthur said. 
"Not too close, I hope." Uther teased. 
"We're in love." Arthur said. Uther and Morgana exchanged a look. "Which is why I come before you today to ask your permission to marry." Arthur finished. Morgana looked very concerned. Coventina placed her hand on Morgana's. 
Uther laughed,"I assume you're joking."
"No. I'm going to marry her." Arthur said bluntly. 
"But you only met two days ago." Uther stated. 
"We're in love." Arthur said. 
"In love? We had no idea that you were such a romantic, had we, Morgana?" Uther asked. 
"No. He's full of surprises." Morgana said bitterly. 
"I'm going to marry her. I don't care what either of you think about it." Arthur said. 
"I thought you'd come to ask my permission?" Uther questioned. 
"Out of courtesy, nothing more." Arthur said. Arthur turned back, taking Sophia's hand, they walk toward the door.
"Guards, door." Uther yelled. The guards prevent Arthur and Sophia from leaving by putting their spears in front of the door. 
Uther stood up."You've forgotten whose court you're standing in." Uther growled. 
"You won't stop me. If I want to marry her, I will." Arthur said. 
"Arrest Sophia and Aulfric Tír-Mòr…" Uther commanded. 
"What are you doing?" Arthur asked. 
"…and inform the executioner his services will be required tomorrow morning." Uther said. 
"You can't do this." Arthur said angrily. 
"Yes! I can! And unless you show me some respect, I will!" Uther yelled. Arthur reluctantly bowed his head.
"Release them. You've got your whole life ahead of you. Sophia is no doubt your first love, but she certainly won't be the only one. Enjoy yourself while you can." Uther explained. The court was dismissed with Uther leaving, Morgana following him. 
"You're not planning on springing any surprises on me, are you?" Uther asked. 
"Don't you think you should be taking this a bit more seriously?" Morgana questioned. 
"He's young, foolish and in love. Give it a week and he'll be chasing after the next girl that catches his eye." Uther said. 
"Sophia will never let that happen." Morgana said. 
"Do you bear a grudge against our guest?" Uther questioned. 
"There's something about her I don't trust. You've seen the way Arthur changed since she's arrived." Morgana said. 
"He's a fool in love." Uther said. 
"She's dangerous." Morgana warned. 
"Dangerous? To who?" Uther asked. 
"Why do you say that?" Uther asked. 
"I just have a sense, a feeling." Morgana suggested. 
"And what has she done to make you have this feeling?" Uther questioned. 
"Nothing, yet. It's what she's going to do…I don't know how to tell you this." Morgana said, clutching her hand. 
"Try. Whatever it is, you can tell me." Uther said, softly. They stopped to face each other. Coventina hoped that Morgana was confess the truth.
"I've just seen girls like this before. They string men along and then drop them. I don't want to see him get hurt." Morgana explained. 
"I know you want to protect him, but some lessons we have to learn for ourselves. He'll hurt for a week and then Sophia will be forgotten." Uther asserted. 
"I hope so." Morgana said. 
"Are you sure there's nothing else behind this?" Uther asked. 
"Yes, it's nothing." Morgana asserted. Coventina took Morgana's hand, holding it to ease her nerves.
"Come on, I prepared a little something for you in your chambers." Coventina said. Morgana smiled as Coventina took her hand, leading her into her chambers. On the table was a basket full of food and a rose. 
"I wanted to cheer up since you are so worried " Coventina said, handing Morgana the rose. 
"Crystal, this is so sweet of you." Morgana said. Coventina pulled out the chair for Morgana to sit.
"Such a lady." Morgana said. Coventina served Morgana first then herself. As they ate, Coventina was staring Morgana's blue eyes. They always made her heart flutter. Morgana was right, she was in love with her. She felt Morgana's hand on hers.
"What is your mind?" Morgana asked. 
"I was thinking about what you said earlier a few weeks ago. The fact you said I was in love with you. I believe I am." Coventina confessed. Morgana giggled. 
"I thought you thought it was wrong because we are women which is a sin to love one of the same sex, and the fact is I am the King's ward while you are a mere handmaiden. If we were caught together, you would be hanged." Morgana acknowledged. 
"Sometimes you have to damn the consequences." Coventina said, quoting Morgana's trademark. She leaned into to kiss her when she saw something outside the window. 
"Look out, the window now!" Coventina said. Morgana looked out her window and seeing Arthur leaving the Square with Sophia and Aulfric. She ran out of her chambers.
"Morgana!" Coventina yelled, going after her. Morgana ran into Gaius' chambers. "He's gone! Arthur's gone with her! She's taken him!" She cried. 
"Slow down." Gaius said. 
"I know you don't believe me, but I'm so sure it's going to happen. My dream's going to come true." Morgana said. 
"I do believe you." Gaius said. 
"I've got to tell Uther. I've got to do something, if I don't then Arthur will die." Morgana cried. 
"You can't tell Uther about your dream. If Uther thinks you've got the seers' power, he'll charge you with witchcraft." Gaius said. 
"I don't have a choice. I couldn't live with myself knowing I'd let him die." Morgana cried. 
"Wait. We've known each other a long time, you trust me don't you?" Gaius asked. 
"Yes, you know I do." Morgana said. 
"Then trust me now. Stay here and don't say a word to anyone about this." Gaius warned. Morgana's lip was trembling. 
'I'll take care of it." Gaius said. 
"Where are you going?" Morgana questioned. 
"To find someone who can help. Coventina, look after her." Gaius said. Coventina was afraid that Morgana noticed Gaius saying her real name, but she had not. 
"Crystal, I am afraid." Morgana confessed. 
"I know you, it is alright. I am to protect you." Coventina asserted. 
"Why did you Gaius call me a seer? Do I have magic?" Morgana asked, frightened. 
"I am going to confess this to, but I am very powerful seer, and I do believe you have magic but I am unsure but I'll make you Uther never hurts you. Do you trust me?" Coventina said.
"Yes, I trust you." Morgana said. 
The next morning, Arthur had returned with Merlin. 
"When you failed to show up for patrol this morning, I feared you'd eloped with Sophia in a fit of passion." Uther said. 
"I…I wish he had. Because then I wouldn't be stood in front of you feeling like an idiot... again." Merlin stuttered. 
"This is becoming a near daily occurrence for you." Uther acknowledged.
"But there was a mistake. And I would not say it was anyone's fault Not…not really. Erm,…you could say it was mine." Merlin said, stumbling over his words. 
"Could somebody tell me what happened?" Uther asked. Merlin tried to explain. 
"Someone with a brain." Uther said.
"After Sophia left, I wanted to take my mind off her so I went for a hunt." Arthur explained.
"And killing things mends a broken heart?" Morgana questioned. 
 No, but it's good fun. Merlin was meant to inform you that I wouldn't be back till later today." Arthur explained.
"Have you some kind of mental affliction?" Uther asked, looking at Merlin. 
"Probably." Merlin said. 
"I'm looking into it, Sire." Gaius asserted. 
"Well, I hope for our sake you find a cure. Or we'll find ourselves with a food shortage on our hands." Uther said. 
Merlin chuckled,"Food shortage…" 
Later that day, Morgana knocked on Gaius' chambers from the request because she had not been sleeping well again. 
"Morgana." Gaius said. 
"I've had some troubled nights." Morgana confessed.
"Every night, she has awoken up screaming." Coventina said. 
"I prepared another draught for you. Have the dreams stopped?" Gaius asked. 
Morgana shook her head. "Arthur told me what actually happened. You must've hit him round the head really hard." She said. 
"Yeah. I feel really bad about that." Merlin said. 
"Here you are. Remember, every night just before you go to sleep." Gaius said.
"Thank you, Gaius." Morgana thanked, leaving.
When night was upon Camelot, Morgana was fast asleep when a vision woke her up again and Coventina was there to ease her back into slumber. 
Coventina could not deny that she was in love with the king's ward: Morgana.

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