The Beginning of the End

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Mordred walked through the market with his father, Cerdan.
"Do you have my supplies ready? We must leave the city without delay." Cerdan said. 
"Everything you asked for, it's all here." The man paused. "I'm sorry." The guards approached. Mordred and his father ducked under the merchant's table to run through the market. Mordred and Cerdan were forced to run into the palace grounds. A guard jumped at them and slashed Mordred. Coventina was cleaning the floor of Morgana's chambers when she heard a familiar scream, her brother's. There was no way he was in Camelot. 
Mordred was struck on the drawbridge which his father caused it to close by a spell. He ran into Camelot, he needed help from his sister, he knew she was here. Coventina could hear her brother's terrified screams for help, but she could not just leave her mistress' side, she could get killed if she helped her own brother. Coventina engaged in talking with Morgana and Gwen when Merlin bursted in with Mordred. 
"Have you forgotten how to knock, Merlin?!" Morgana yelled.
"The guards are after him. I didn't know what to do." Merlin said. 
A guard knocked on the door. "My Lady? My Lady?"
"In there." Morgana said. Morgana waited until Merlin and Mordred were behind the curtain to open the door.
"I'm sorry to disturb you, My Lady." He apologized. 
Mordred collapsed into Merlin's arms. Coventina just wanted to take Mordred and hold him. She wanted to cry.
"We're searching for a young Druid boy. We believe he came this way." The guard said. 
"I haven't seen anyone. It's just me and my maids." Morgana lied. 
"Best keep the door locked till we find him." The guard said.
"Of course. Thank you." Morgana said. Coventina rushed to check on Mordred. His blood covered Merlin's hand. Mordred was now awake, laying on a blanket, Coventina was speaking to him. She was holding him.  
"Mordred, why are you in Camelot?" Coventina asked.
"Father and I were getting supplies. Coventina, I am in pain." Mordred cried.
"People of Camelot, the man before you is guilty of using enchantments and magic. Under our law, the sentence for this crime is death. We're still searching for his accomplice. Anyone found harbouring the boy is guilty of conspiracy, and will be executed as a traitor. Let this serve as a warning to your people." Uther explained. 
"You have let your fear of magic turn to hate. I pity you." Cerdan said."
"I can't watch this." Morgana said. She joined Coventina on the floor. Uther gave the signal. 
"No!" Mordred screamed. Morgana's mirror broke. A tear left Coventina, Uther had once again murdered someone in her family. Merlin left for a while.  Soon Mordred fall asleep. After Merlin left, Coventina completely had a breakdown in front of Morgana. She hurried over to the Druid girl.
"Crystal, why are you crying?" Morgana asked, concerned. 
"My name is not Crystal." Coventina cried. Morgana looked at her with concern with her eyes. "What are you asking about?" 
"My real name is Coventina. I am a Druid, Morgana. This is my little brother, Mordred. If you didn't notice that he bares a resemble to me with the same eyes and black hair as well as the same Druid mark on his chest. And I can not bare to let him die, I can not keep this secret from you anymore because I am in love with Morgana." Coventina confessed. Morgana was taken back by Coventina's sudden outburst of her true heritage. The one she loved was a Druid, and she could accept because she loved her, and she vowed to keep her brother alive. She knelt down to Coventina, pressing her lips to hers, tasting the salt from her tears, she pulled away with a happy smile. 
"I love you, Coventina." Morgana said.
"I love you, Morgana." Coventina said. The two embraced warmly when a knock was heard on the door. It turned out to be Merlin. 
"How is he?" Merlin said.
"He's sleeping. He's very pale. I worry he may have lost a lot of blood." Coventina explained. 
"Has he said anything at all?" Merlin asked. 
"Nothing. He won't even tell me his name." Morgana said. 
"You know, er, for a moment there earlier, I- I thought you were going to hand us over to the guards." Merlin confessed. 
"I'm glad you have so much faith in me, Merlin." Morgana scoffed. 
"No, no, sorry. Erm, I meant, you're the King's ward. You're taking a huge risk helping the boy." Merlin said. 
"I wouldn't see an innocent child executed. What harm has he ever done anyone?" Morgana said. 
"Uther believes he has magic, and that makes him guilty." Merlin explained. 
"Uther's wrong." Morgana said bluntly. 
"You believe that?" Merlin questioned. 
"What if magic isn't something you choose? What if it chooses you?" Morgana said. Merlin looked at her. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Coventina smirked, Merlin knew she had magic too. 
"Nothing." Merlin said. 
"Why are you helping him?" Morgana asked. 
"It was a spur of the moment decision. What do you think we should do with him? He can't stay here." Merlin said. 
"We have to find a way to get him back to his people." Morgana said. Later that night, Coventina catered to Uther and Morgana at dinner, she was in a super happy mood now. 
"You seem troubled, Morgana. Is something wrong?" Uther asked.
"No, My Lord. I'm sorry I'm not better company." Orhana asserted.
"I'm merely concerned for your welfare, that's all." Uther said.
"Thank you, My Lord. All is well." Morgana said. Arthur entered. 
"What news of the hunt for the Druid boy?" Uther asked. 
"We have conducted an extensive search. The boy is nowhere to be found." Arthur explained. 
"You mean you failed to find him?" Uther questioned. A scowl present on his aged face. 
"Perhaps he's already left the city." Arthur concluded. 
"You're telling me that a wounded boy is able to evade the guards and escape the city? Nonsense, someone's hiding him. I want him found." Uther demanded. 
"He's just a boy. What harm can he do?" Arthur said.
"He is a Druid, and that makes him dangerous." Uther said. 
"The Druids would see your father's kingdom destroyed." Morgana lied. She knew it was her sharp tongue to sound like it was the truth. 
"I had no idea you were such an authority on Druids." Arthur said. 
"Morgana is right. Double your efforts." Uther said. 
"Yes, father." Arthur agreed. 
"Keep searching until you find him." Uther said. The next morning, Coventina went to check on Mordred to find him with a high fever, she wiped his forehead with a cold cloth when Merlin came in. 
"How long has he been like this?" Merlin asked. 
"Since early this morning which I checked on him. I think his wound may be infected. We need Gaius before it gets any worse." Coventina said. 
"No. We can't involve Gaius. It's too dangerous. Besides, if he finds out about this, he'll execute me himself." Merlin warned. 
'We need to get him out of Camelot, and we can't do that while he's sick. We need a physician." Morgana said. 
"I'll treat him." Merlin said. 
"Merlin, do you know how to treat an infected wound?" Morgana and Coventina said at the same time. 
"Not exactly, but I'm a fast learner." Merlin said. Footsteps were heard outside the door, then a knock sounded. Coventina pulled the curtain closed. Morgana opened the door to reveal Arthur. "Arthur! To what do I owe this pleasure?"
"Don't get all excited. It's not a social call. I'm looking for the Druid boy. I'm afraid I'm going to have to search your chambers." Arthur said. 
"You're not searching my chambers." Morgana said. 
"Don't take it personally. I have to search the entire castle. Only take a few minutes." Arthur asserted. 
"I'm not having you mess up my things." Morgana said. 
"I'm not interested in your things, I'm just looking for any evidence that the Druid boy's in the castle." Arthur explained. Merlin peeked through the curtain and saw Mordred's boots sitting out in plain sight.
"Perhaps the Druid boy's hiding in your chambers. They're usually such a mess, you'd never know." Morgana teased.
"It's hardly my fault I have such a lazy idiot for a servant. Not all have a lovely servant like your handmaiden." Arthur said. Coventina did a quiet snicker. Merlin whispered a spell which caused the boots to tiptoe toward them. 
"If you can't even find your own servant, what hope do you have of finding the boy?" Morgana teased. 
"Really, I'm touched by the confidence you have in my abilities. And, as much as I'd love to stay and talk, the sooner we get started, the sooner we'll be finished." Arthur said. 
"Well, I'll save you the trouble." Morgana said. 
"Trust me, if I could find him, I would." Arthur said. 
"The Druid boy's hiding behind the screen. I'm sure your father would love to know how you wasted your time by rifling through my things. Go on." Morgana said. Coventina gulped but realized Arthur could be really stupid sometimes. 
"So you can have the satisfaction of making me look a fool?" Arthur asked.
"In my experience, you don't need any help looking like a fool. What are you waiting for? Take a look." Morgana said, gesturing to the curtain. 
"Why don't you go back to brushing your hair, or whatever it is that you do all day with your handmaiden? Where is Crystal?" Arthur questioned. 
"She is charging behind the curtain. Bye, Arthur. Good luck with the search!" Morgana teased. A little while later, Coventina and Morgana were alone again. 
"Coventina?" Morgana asked. Coventina looked up from tending to Mordred. "Yes, Morgana?"
"It is quite strange to call you by your real name, but I already prefer it better than Crystal. It is more refined. And I think I had a slight suspension that you were a Druid by your shoulder." Morgana explained. Coventina blushed, and pulled down her dress to show the mark. 
"It is simply beautiful." Morgana commented. 
"Morgana, what are we exactly? We confessed our love to each other, but it is still forbidden for us to be together for one, we are women, but the second is I am a simple servant while you are the ward to the king." Coventina questioned. 
"I would say we are lovers in secret, to others I am your mistress and you are my handmaiden." Morgana explained. With that, Morgana kissed Coventina with a passion, all of her emotions built up for the pass year spilled into a makeout. 
Nightfall was upon them when Merlin returned. 
"What took you so long?" Morgana asked.
"Sorry. Once Gaius gets talking about anatomy, there's no stopping him." Merlin apologized. 
Merlin began to treat Mordred with a paste of some kind. 
"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Coventina asked.
"I'm doing my best." Merlin said.
"I'll get you some more water." Morgana said, getting up to recieve water. Coventina cradled Mordred, his eyes slightly open. 
"Thank you, Emrys." Mordred said. 
"Emrys? Why do you call me that?" Merlin asked. 
"Among my people, that is your name. My sister Coventina was calling you that before." Mordred explained. 
"You know who I am. How?" Merlin asked. Mordred's eyes fluttered back to sleep. 
"Speak to me." Merlin said. 
"I don't know if he can't speak, or... he's just too scared to." Morgana said. The next morning, Coventina was exhausted and fall asleep unaware her brother was getting worse as she held him to calm him. She had not slept much with her combined worry of Mordred and her visions. 
It was late afternoon when Morgana had finally woken her. "Coventina, Gaius cured your brother. I am off to the market. I will return."
"Coventina, you have such kind friends." Mordred said. 
"Yes, I do indeed." Coventina said. 
"Especially your lover, Morgana." Mordred might have been young, but he knew when his oldest sister was in love. Later that night, Coventina helped Morgana dress in her own clothes. She had been informed of the plan to help Mordred escape. 
"It'll have to do." Morgana said.
" I think you look amazing." Coventina said. Morgana sighed.
"I feel I've put you and Gwen in danger without ever stopping to ask how you feel about it. I'm sorry." Morgana said. 
"I know how it feels to face the threat of execution. And I wouldn't wish that on anyone." Gwen said. There was a knock. 
"It's Merlin."
Morgana and Coventina went to Mordred. Coventina slipped him a little note to give to their mother and siblings. 
"We're going to get you out of Camelot. I won't let anything bad happen to you. I promise." Morgana said. Coventina hugged Mordred goodbye, she did not know if she would ever see him again. 
"Are you ready?" Merlin asked. 
Morgana nodded,"Did you get the keys?"
"Yeah. Er, the door is behind the shield at the far end of the armoury." Merlin explained. 
"I'll pack you some food and water for the journey. Be careful." Gwen said.
Guards march through the Griffin Landing as Morgana peeked over the edge of the curved stairs and descended with Mordred. They sneak out through the door behind the shield in the armoury. Coventina stayed behind if anything happened at the castle. When she heard the warning bell, she knew that Mordred and Morgana were caught, the next morning, there was much tension in the throne room. 
"All this time, you've been hiding the boy in my own palace. How could you betray me like this?" Uther sneered. 
"I would not see him executed." Morgana said. 
"I've treated you like a daughter. Is this how you repay me?" Uther questioned. 
"I did what I thought was right." Morgana said. 
"You think it's right to conspire with my enemies against me?" Uther asked.
"How can this child be your enemy? He's just a boy." Morgana said. 
"He is a Druid." Uther said. 
"Is that such a crime?" Morgana asked. 
"His kind would see me dead and this kingdom returned to anarchy and you would help them." Uther explained. 
"Then punish me... but spare the boy. I beg you." Morgana begged.
"Make arrangements for the boy to be executed tomorrow morning." Uther ordered. 
"No! Please. He's done nothing." Morgana cried. 
"Let this be a lesson to you." Uther said. 
'You don't have to do this." Morgana said. 
"Do you hear me? I want him executed at dawn." Uther ordered. 
"Yes, Father." Arthur said.
"What have these people done to you? Why are you so full of hate?" Morgana cried. Morgana marched towards Uther and grabbed his arm. Uther grabbed her throat and pressed her against a chair back.
"Enough! I will not hear another word! Do not speak to me until you are ready to apologise for what you've done." Uther yelled. 
Everyday, since she had come to Camelot, her hatred for Uther grew, especially for how she treated Morgana for her views, and the treatment of the Druids, they were peaceful people. Morgana had gone to Arthur's chambers to try to persuade him into helping. 
"I promised that I wouldn't let anything bad happen. I promised Coventina." Morgana said.
"You can't blame yourself. You tried your best. I know we can get him back to our people." Coventina said.
"It's not enough." Morgana said. 
"He's in jail now. There's nothing more we can do." Merlin said. 
"I will not let him die. Can I count on your help?" Morgana said. Merlin nodded. 
'Thank you, Merlin." Coventina said. Arthur entered, to see Morgana waiting for him.
Make yourself at home.
"You can't let your father execute the boy." Morgana said. 
"You're lucky he's not executing you. Are you telling me he really was behind the screen when I came to search your chambers?" Arthur said. 
Morgana nodded. 
"I was not really changing, I was protecting the boy." Coventina said. 
"I know you believe your father's wrong to execute him." Morgana said. 
"What I believe doesn't matter. My father's made up his mind. He won't be talked out of it. I tried." Arthur explained. 
"Then the time for talking is over." Morgana said. 
"Whatever you're thinking, it's not going to happen." Arthur said. 
"We have to get the boy back to his people." Morgana said.
"No. Forget it." Arthur said. 
"I can't believe you'd let an innocent child die!" Morgana scolded. 
"It's too late. He's been caught. I have no choice." Arthur said. 
"And is this how you will rule when you are King? You're not like your father." Morgana said. 
"I will not betray him." Arthur said. 
"If I know you at all, you won't stand by and let this happen. Please. If you won't do this for the boy, then do it for me." Morgana pleaded. 
Merlin entered the room. 
"Sorry. Was I interrupting something?" Merlin asked. 
"Nothing you need concern yourself with. Go make yourself useful, muck out my horses." Arthur ordered. 
"I trust Merlin." Morgana breathed. 
Arthur motioned for Merlin to enter.
"We're going to break the Druid boy out of the dungeons." Morgana said. 
"You can't do that." Merlin said. 
"We have to. Uther's going to execute him at dawn." Morgana said. 
"I mean... it's too dangerous. You've already been caught once, and if the King catches you a second time he'll never forgive you." Merlin pointed out. 
"I'm not worried for myself." Morgana asserted. 
"Merlin's right. When my father finds out the boy's escaped, he will suspect you being involved." Arthur said.
"It's suicide." Merlin said. 
'You must go to my father and apologise. Dine with him, he cannot hold you responsible if you're with him when the boy escapes." Arthur explained. 
"You need me if the plan's to work. You can't do this on your own." Morgana said. 
"Merlin will take your place." Arthur said. 
"Me?" Merlin questioned. 
"I'm going to take the boy out through the burial vaults. There's a tunnel that leads beyond the city walls. Get my horse from the stables and meet me there. There's a grate that covers the entrance to the tunnel. Bring a rope and a grappling hook to pull it off." Arthur explained. 
"No-- no, I can't..." Merlin stuttered. 
"Merlin. Do you understand? If you're not there to meet us, we'll surely be caught." Arthur said. 
As night was upon them, Coventina helped Morgana finished getting dressed for her dinner with Uther. 
"Thank you."
Morgana turned around, saw Gwen's disappointment expression.
"What is it? What's wrong?" Morgana asked. 
"You're risking so much for this boy. You don't even anything about him. You don't even know his name." Gwen said. 
"There's a bond between us, much like the bond Crystal and I share." Morgana said. 
"Stronger than the bond you have with Uther?" Gwwn questioned. 
"It's like nothing I've ever felt before. Perhaps I was always meant to help him." Morgana explained. 
"How can that be?" Gwen questioned. 
"I don't know. I can't explain it." Morgana said 
Gwen sighed and shook her head. Gwen would never understand the connection that Morgana had to Mordred, no one would. 
"I must go to Uther." Morgana said. 
"Good luck." Gwen said. 
Morgana entered the dining hall with tears stained cheeks which Coventina had seen her crying from Mordred, not because of Uther's hatred. 
"I have come to apologise, My Lord. You have been generous and kind and fair. And I owe you everything. I truly don't know what came over me. I acted without thinking of the consequence. My behaviour was unforgivable." Morgana cried. 
"I am glad you've seen sense. Dine with me. Let's put this *ahem* unfortunate incident behind us." Uther said with a slight smile. 
A little later, the warning bell sounded. Uther called a guard in to find out why.
"Find out why they've sounded the warning bell." Uther said. 
"My Lord. I regret to report that the Druid boy has escaped from the dungeon." The guard explained. 
"What!? How?" Uther yelled. 
"My Lord, he was assisted by some accomplices. The guards are searching Camelot as we speak." The guard explained. 
"Find him and his accomplices and kill them." Uther demanded. 
"Yes, My Lord." The guard said. 
"If I discover that you were somehow involved in freeing this boy, the consequences will be extremely severe." Uther said. 
"My Lord, you know I respect you too much to ever betray you like that." Morgana said. 
"I made a promise to your father that I would protect you. But if you cross me again, I will break that promise without a second thought." Uther threatened. Morgana scowled.
After Arthur returned to Camelot, Morgana and Coventina were able to get a peaceful sleep until Coventina had a vision. 
Blood and bodies covered the ground as Coventina walked around a cup filled with red liquid, she wore a blue dress with a white fur cloak. 
"Well, it is not the Druid Queen, herself." Coventina turned to see Merlin standing feet away from her with a sword in his hand. Coventina gasped quietly, waking up to catch her breath until snuggling back into Morgana. All was well, for now.

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