The Fires of Idirsholas

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Coventina entered the room, holding a basket of clean dresses, noticing that Morgana was standing next to the slightly open window.

Coventina set down the basket on the bed, "Are you all right?" She asked, coming up stand next to Morgana.

"Yes, just a little cold." Morgana said.

Coventina leaned up to place a gentle kiss on Morgana's cheek. "Do you need something warmer?" She asked.

Morgana shook her head, "No, thank you." she said, shutting the window.

Coventina stepped back to go back to her chores, "Let me know if you do, even a hug from me can help."

Morgana chuckled and smiled, "Also you were not gone long with that laundry. How it is already clean and dry?"

"I have the magic touch," Coventina said moving her hand over the dresses and having them move to be hung up.

Morgana's eyes widened a bit in surprise, "Please do not feel worried, I am more of a healer with my magic." Coventina assured, her hand taking, rubbing circles with her thumb.

"I will have to keep that thought in my head, just in case." Morgana said.


Coventina was fast asleep in bed, as Morgana moved quietly into the night. Covetina's eyes fluttered gold as her eyelids opened a bit.

Coventina wiped at her tears, looking down at Morgana's nearly dead body. She had fallen down the staircase right in front of her because a torch had scared her causing her to fall, she had not caught her. Now her cranium was fractured, and then was nothing she could to save her. Her magic was not strong enough. Her hand rested on her head, trying a lot of her healing spells, but none could help. She heard footsteps approaching and quickly hid under the bed, looking from underneath to see Uther and Gaius. She felt the bed sink as Uther sat.

Uther stroked Morgana's hair, "So beautiful" He spoke.

Gaius nodded, "Yes, Sire." He said.

Uther sighed, "I cannot watch her die, Gaius."

"I wish there was something I could do." Gaius said.

"No, you don't understand. I cannot lose her. No matter what happens, she cannot die." Uther said.

Gaius reassured him, "I will do everything I can, Sire."

"No, Gaius. Whatever it takes. Whatever, I don't care. You must save her." Uther said.

"If I knew a way..." Gaius trailed off.

"You're not understanding me, Gaius. Cure her. I don't care what remedy you use. In all these books there must be something. Something in the Old Religion?" Uther suggested.

"Are you suggesting?" Gaius whispered.

"Sorcery, yes." Uther said

"I know she's dear to you, Sire, but surely you're not going to risk everything for Morgana?" Gaius questioned.

"Gaius, you don't understand. There's something you should know. Something I've told no one. Morgana is my daughter. It was while Gorlois was away." Uther confessed. Coventina covered her mouth covering her gasp.


Coventina's eyes opened suddenly, glancing over at Morgana who was asleep next to her, Coventina looked down noticing her healing bracelet on her wrist. Morgana must have pull it on her because she was moving in her sleep. Coventina turned onto her side resting on Morgana's chest.

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