To Kill A King

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It was close to the middle of the night when Coventina was listening from outside the King's chambers.

"Treason?!" Morgana exclaimed.

"Yes, Morgana, treason. The blacksmith was consorting with a known enemy." Uther explained.

Morgana was in disbelief, "Enemy? What enemy?" She questioned.

"Tauren. The leader of a band of renegade sorcerers sworn to bring down the King." Arthur said.

"And where is this Tauren now?" Morgana questioned. 

Arthur crossed his arms, "He escaped."

"Well, then how can you be sure?" Morgana asked.

"Because Arthur saw him with his own eyes," Uther explained. Coventina could tell from the conversation that Morgana did not like the circumstances, "Well, even if the man is who you say he is, you can't sentence Tom to death for just being seen with him!?" Morgana explained. 

"We have reason to believe he was forging weapons for Tauren," Uther said.

"Rubbish! He would never do such a thing." Morgana yelled.

"Every man has a price."

"Found this on the blacksmith," Arthur said. Coventina heard something move on the table.

"So he was paid! He's a blacksmith. He could've been paid for shoeing Tauren's horse!" Morgana yelled, trying to think of a logical explanation. 

"In gold?" Uther questioned. 

"This is madness! You condemn a man with no proof!" Morgana protested.

"I have enough proof," Uther said.

Morgana turned to Arthur, "Arthur! Have you nothing to say?"

"Father, the blacksmith committed a crime, but we don't know for certain he meant treason," Arthur said.

"No. You're right. Nothing's certain. Save one thing. The law stands or this kingdom falls." Uther said simply.

"But the law must give him a fair trial!" Morgana protested.

"He'll get a fair trial, and he'll be found guilty, 'cause that's what he is." Uther said.

"You execute Gwen's father, and I will never forgive you. Never." Morgana stormed out, Coventina quickly ran from where she was standing. Coventina quickly followed her. She did not say anything until they are reached her chambers.

"Nothing a nice bath can not fix," Coventina said. Morgana smiled a little, taking Coventina's hand kissing it.

"You always know how to make me feel better."


The following morning, Coventina was making the bed when Morgana came putting some in a fancy box, must be a gift from Arthur. Since Gwen was not doing well, she was left with all of her duties as well, not that she minded that, it was nice to have something to do all day. It kept her mind off from the visions. Later in the day, as she was tending to laundry. She heard screaming towards the dungeons.

"Then release me because I've learned it already! That you care not for me, or anyone but yourself! That you're driven mad with power! That you're a tyrant!" Morgana exclaimed. As night approached, Coventina sat on the bed, knowing that Morgana was not going to come back. Coventina eventually fell asleep. Her eyes shined gold underneath her lids.


Coventina felt extremely cold, darkness surrounded her, she could see nothing around her. She heard the soft whimpers of a creature and soft breathing.

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