The Witchfinder

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In the past weeks, Camelot had almost been taken over by a troll. She even went as far as disgusting her as a former lady from a different kingdom. Luckily Merlin was able to break the king's enchantment by faking the death of Arthur. But ever since the night in the Druid camp, Coventina noticed that Morgana was more on edge about her magic being found out. Coventina stood to the side next to Gwen as a woman approached Uther. 

"It was sorcery you saw, and you're certain of it?" Uther said.

The woman by the name of Cathryn approached Uther slowly, stopping before speaking, "Yes, Sire." She said. Her voice was timid, almost frightened.

"And you swear this before your King?" Uther questioned.

Cathryn nodded. "I swear it."

Arthur was not fully convinced that she had seen magic, "Perhaps your eyes deceived you, a trick of the light." He suggested.

"The smoke was alive, I tell you. I feared for my life." Cathryn said. Her voice was more frightened now, having to remember what she had seen.

"I thank you for bringing this to my attention. Your loyalty will not go unrewarded." Uther promised as a knight came to escort her out. Cathryn thanked him as she was escorted out. Coventina watched as she left the throne room before turning her eyes back to Uther.

"It cannot continue," Uther said, turning away from the door to walk toward the throne.

"I will hunt down those responsible, Father. I promise they will not escape unpunished." Arthur said.

"No. Stronger methods are called for. Send for the Witchfinder." Uther said. All of the courtiers gasped. Coventina furrowed a bit.

"Who was the witchfinder?" She thought. 

Gaius stepped up, "Sire, is it necessary to resort to such measures?" He asked.

"The Witchfinder is a trusted ally, Gaius. His help will be invaluable."

Gaius nodded, "Of course." He said.


Later that night, Coventina stood with Gwen and Morgana at her window, watching as a man on a horse rode into the square. Attached to the cart was a cage.

"Is that him?" Coventina asked. The Witchfinder was new to her, even traveling from village to village as a child, the name had never been uttered that she recalled.

"Yes." Morgana said, her gaze still down looking at the square. The man dismounted from the horse.

"What's that cage for?" Gwen asked, eyeing it.

"It hardly bears thinking about," Morgana said. Aredian looked up at the window. Morgana gasped while Coventina felt a shiver go down her spine. 

"Gwen, you are dismissed for the night. Morgana said. Gwen nodded and bowed before leaving the chambers. When she was gone, Morgana turned to Coventina holding her face.

"Are you alright, love?" Coventina asked. She could see the fear in Morgana's eyes, the color had become more of a gray sometimes green, she had to admit that she liked it more than the bright blue ones she had seen when they first met.

"I am worried about us being found out because of magic." Morgana voiced. She lightly kissed Coventina before pulling away from but her hands still on her face.

"I assure you, Morgana, we will not be found out about. Coventina said. Morgana nodded slowly, turning away. She sat on her bed as Coventina grabbed her sleeping draught from the table.

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