The Mark of Nimeuth

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In a deep cave, Nimueh placed a magic egg, into the water. It travels through underground waterways to a manmade cavern. Nimueh watched Camelot from her water basin. Nimueh chanted a spell with a smirk present on her face. About a week had passed since the feast, Crystal was avoiding the fact that Morgana had kissed her. She refused to sleep in the bed with her, which made Morgana have her nightmares again. Crystal was making Morgana's bed when Gwen walked in holding a bouquet of flowers. 
"You look happy." Morgana commented.

"I picked these for you." Gwen said. 

"Oh, that's so sweet." Morgana said, smiling.  
"Something to cheer you up. I know you're not sleeping well." Gwen said. 
"You cheer me up. As well as Crystal." Morgana said.

"Would you like me to put them in water for you?" Gwen said.
Morgana nodded her head. Gwen left the room, to receive water. Crystal finished making Morgana's bed and stood up. 
"I am finished, Morgana. What is my next duty?" Crystal asked. Morgana looked at her. 
"That is all I have for you." Morgana said, walking over to her. She took her hands. Crystal was trying to avoid Morgana's blue eyes, that brought you in. 
"Crystal, you have seemed off this whole week. What is the matter?" Morgana asked, concerned. Crystal hesitated to answer. She did not even know if that kiss was real. 
"I am sorry, my lady. I have been trying to distance myself from you." Crystal said. Morgana looked confused at her hand maiden. 
"Distance yourself? Why would you do that?" Morgana asked. 
"So you would get over your attraction for me." Crystal said bluntly.
"This is about the kiss I give you?" Morgana said. 
"Morgana, yes. We are both women. That is strictly forbidden. Furthermore, I am your handmaiden. I do not want us to suffer in chains at the wrath of Uther." Crystal said. She stepped away from Morgana. 
"Crystal, sometimes you have to damn the consequences." Morgana said slyly. She took a step closer to Crystal and was about to kiss her, when a knock came on Morgana's chamber. 
"Lady Morgana, the king has requested a counsel." The knight said. Inside Morgana and Crystal arood next to Merlin as Gaius and Uther discussed a matter.
"What's happened to him?" Uther questioned. The man was dead, his eyes completely white. 
"I don't know, Sire. It's the second case I've seen today." Gaius said. 
"Why didn't you report it to me?" Uther asked. 
"I was attempting to find the cause." Gaius explained.
"What did you conclude?" Uther asked. 
"I don't think it's time to hurry to conclusions. The scientific process is a long one." Gaius said. 
"What are you concealing from me?" Uther demanded.
"Sire, I have seen nothing like it. The victims are dying in 24 hours, and it's spreading fast." Gaius concluded. 
"What is the cause?" Uther asked. 
"I think you should say that the cause, the most likely cause, is sorcery." Gaius said. Uther dismissed the counsel and Merlin came over to me. 
"Gaius needs your help." Merlin said, taking her hand pulling along as they walked to Gaius' chambers. They walked in to see a woman laying on a bed. 
"What's different about this victim?" Gaius asked, seeing them. 
"Er... she's a woman." Merlin said, completely puzzled.
"Sometimes I do wonder whether you're a magical talents were given to the right person. Anything else?" Gaius said.
"She's a courtier. I have seen her in the town before." Coventina said. Gaius hummed. 
"How does that help us?" Merlin asked. 
"Courtiers seldom go down to the lower town. So what does that mean?" Gaius explained.
"Erm... that, that she hasn't spoken to any townspeople." Merlin said. Gaius had a pained look on his face. 
"Yes, it suggests that the disease is not spread by contact." Gaius said. 
"Oh, and they probably ate different food." Merlin said, getting closer to the right answer. Coventina did not how this boy was working at Arthur. 
"Good. Anything else?" Gaius asked.
"Erm... I doubt they breathe the same air." Merlin said, stupidly.
"So what's the only thing they do share?" Gaius asked.
Merlin's face lit up, and said, "Water. Water? You think the disease is spread through water?" 
"Merlin, you're a prodigy." Gaius said, handing him a bucket. After Merlin left, Coventina laughed.
"Why have you called me here, Gaius?" Coventina asked. 
"I thought you could help Merlin figure out what was causing the disease, but it seems he has a brain in there." Gaius said.
"Well, I am going to tend to Morgana's needs." Coventina said. She walked into Morgana's chambers, the flowers were dead, clearly from the water they were in. Coventina carefully picked up the vase to dump the water out. While she was gone, she returned to see Gwen crying.
"Gwen, what is wrong?" Crystal asked. She hugged her friend who cried into her dress, tears soaking the fabric. 
"My father has contacted the disease." Gwen sobbed. Crystal rubbed her back, trying to comfort her. She sat them down on the bed. 
"Gwen, you must return to him and care for through his illness. Gaius had concluded that you can not get it through contact." Crystal explained. She felt Gwen pull away from her, wiping her tears. She left the chambers in a hurry. Coventina smirked, watching her leave. Morgana was currently attending a counsel with Uther. 
"Mundus locus" Coventina chanted. Morgana's room instantly became clean. Her simple Druid magic was handy, but she could feel it getting stronger. Coventina laid down in Morgana's bed, falling asleep. She could barely sleep anymore even with her sleeping tonic, the visions were getting stronger. She hated being a seer sometimes because she would always be kept awake at night. Later that night, Morgana returned to her chambers to see Coventina fast asleep on her bed. Morgana smiled, she had never seen Crystal sleep so peacefully. Morgana went to do her nightly rituals. The next day, Crystal gasped waking up. Morgana was sound asleep next to her. Crystal moved her shoulder. The enchanting blue eyes stared into Crystal's dark blue eyes.
"Morgana, why did you let me stay asleep?" Crystal questioned. Morgana stroked her cheek. "You looked exhausted, I am able to care for myself." She explained. Crystal got up, to start her chores. She changed into a new dress, pulling it with Morgana's laundry. Later in the morning, Gwen returned, beaming. Crystal hid behind Morgana's changing space, sorting her dresses when Merlin walked in. 
"How's your father? Is he feeling better?" Merlin asked.
"Yeah, it's incredible. It's a miracle." Gwen said, excitely.
"His skin's clear, back to normal?" Merlin wondered.
"Yes." Gwen said.
"Great!" Merlin exclaimed.
"You don't seem surprised." Gwen said.
"No, no, I am. It's a miracle." Merlin said. 
"But how did you know he was well?" Gwen asked.
"Er... because you're smiling." Merlin said, innocently.
"That's really weird because I haven't told anyone, but you know. How could you know?" Gwen questioned. 
"Yeah. Alright. You finally found out, I'll tell you. I'm psychic." Merlin said.
"No, you're not." Gwen said, laughing. 
"It's true." Merlin said. 
"Alright, what am I thinking?" Gwen asked. 
"That I'm not psychic." Merlin said. 
"You're strange. I... I don't mean that in a nasty way. You're just funny. I like that." Gwen said with a giggle. Coventina made a gagging noise from behind the changing space. 
"Erm, er, I'm pleased for you." Merlin said 
"Thank you." Gwen said with a warm smile. 
"What for?" Merlin asked.
"Don't know, just for asking." Gwen said.
"I didn't like to see you upset. I have to...get on." Merlin said, starting to leave. He waved awkwardly. Coventina could not help but laugh at Merlin. Late in the day, Arthur came bursting into the chambers.
​​​​​​"Seize her." Arthur commanded.
"No." Gwen cried. 
"Guinevere, I'm arresting you for crimes and contraventions of the laws of Camelot, that you did practice enchantments." Arthur said. Morgana entered the chambers. 
"Gwen?" Morgana questioned.
"But what have I done? I haven't done anything! Help me, please!" Gwen screamed, being held by the guards.
"What are you doing?" Morgana asked.
"I found a magic poultice in her house." Arthur explained. 
"Oh, that's ridiculous." Morgana scoffed. 
"Then how else do you explain her father's recovery?" Arthur asked. Morgana shot back, "Well, she's innocent! I know she's innocent."
"What can I do? I can't turn a blind eye!" Arthur yelled. Arthur left with the guards who were dragging Gwen along. Morgana let out a scoff at Arthur. Crystal appeared from Morgana's changing curtains. She smoothed her dress down as she stood up. 
"My lady, you must prove Gwen's innocence." Crystal spoke quickly. The pair hurried to the throne room, to see Gwen thrown to the ground, pleading, "Please listen to me I have done nothing, please! I swear I haven't done anything!" Uther nodded to Arthur.
"Why will no one believe me?! He got better, he just recovered. I didn't do anything!" Gwen cried. 
"I believe you. Perhaps this is a disease that is not always fatal. Have you thought of that? Perhaps he recovered naturally." Morgana said.
"And what of this poultice that was found?" Uther asked.
"What poultice? I don't know anything about a poultice!" Gwen screamed. 
"It was found in your house. Undo this enchantment. Put an end to this contagion." Uther demanded. 
"I can't!" Gwen cried. 
"I will show you no mercy." Uther said. 
"I am not a witch. I don't know how to stop the illness!" Gwen cried. 
"If you will not undo your sorcery, you force my hand and I must find you guilty..." Uther said. 
"But I told you, I..." Gwen stuttered. 
"It is therefore my duty to pronounce judgment. And under the circumstance I have no choice but to sentence you to death." Uther said. 
"No." Gwen said.
"I can only hope that when you die, this evil plague dies with you." Uther said. Gwen begged for mercy. 
"Take her away." Uther demanded. The guards dragged Gwen backwards as she was begging for her innocence. Morgana looked up at Uther after Gwen was gone. 
"I know Gwen, she's my maidservant, not an enchantress." Morgana said. 
"Have you ever seen an enchantress? Believe me, they bear no sign, no mark. There is no sense of evil in the eye." Uther questioned. When Crystal heard that statement, it made her rub her shoulder with her Druid mark. 
"I've seen the way the girl works. Her fingers are worn, her nails are broken. If she was a sorceress, why would she do this? Why would she kneel on a cold stone floor morning after morning when she could make these things happen with a snap of her fingers? Like an idle king!" Morgana said with anger. There was one thing Crystal that knew about Morgana, never make her mad or suffer her wrath. 
"You have no right!" Uther yelled, but Morgana continued to defend Gwen," You have no right to cast a judgement on that girl!"
"I have a responsibility to take care of this kingdom! I take no pleasure in this!" Uther yelled again with his stubbornness. 
"But you're sentencing the wrong person!" Morgana screamed with anger. 
"She's right, Father. You hear the word magic, you no longer listen." Arthur said, calmly.
"You saw it for yourself. She used enchantments." Uther said.
"Yes, maybe. But to save her dying father, that doesn't make her guilty of creating a plague. One's the act of, of kindness, of love, the other of evil. I don't believe evil's in this girl's heart." Arthur said. 
"I have witnessed what witchcraft can do. I have suffered at its hand. I cannot take that chance. If there is the slightest doubt about this girl, she must die or the whole kingdom may perish." Uther said, seriously. 
"I understand that." Arthur said. 
"One day you may become King. Then you will understand. Such decisions must be made. There are dark forces that threaten this kingdom." Uther said. 
"I know. Witchcraft is an evil, father. So is injustice. Yes, I am yet to be King, and I don't know what kind of king I will be, but I do have a sense of the kind of Camelot I would wish to live in. It would be where the punishment fits the crime." Arthur said with understanding. 
"I fear you're right. She's played with fire, and sadly she must die by fire." Uther said. Morgana had enough of Uther, she left the chamber with Crystal. When they returned to Morgana's chambers, Morgana fall into Crystal's arms. Crystal stroked her hair. "It is already, we will prove Gwen's innocence. Let us go see Gaius and see if he could can help." She spoke. She felt Morgana nod against her. They walked to Gaius' chambers.
"They're bringing forward the execution. We have to prove Gwen's innocence." Morgana said. 
"We're trying." Gaius said.
"Please, just tell me what we can do to help." Crystal said. 
"We need Arthur." Merlin said. 
"Arthur?" Morgana questioned. 
"There's a monster, an Afanc, in the water supply. That's what's causing the plague." Merlin explained.
"Well, we must tell Uther." Morgana said. 
"The Afanc's a creature forged by magic. Telling Uther wouldn't save Gwen. He'd just blame her for conjuring it." Gaius said. 
"So what are we to do?" Morgana asked with pled in her eyes, wanting to help free Gwen. 
"We need to destroy it. Then the plague will stop and Uther may see sense." Merlin said.
"And that's why you need Arthur." Morgana said. 
"He's our best chance. But he won't want to disobey the King." Merlin explained.
"Leave that to me." Morgana said simply. Morgana left. Crystal followed her just in case, Arthur needed more persuasion. Morgana entered his chambers. 
"Hello, Arthur." Crystal said, softly. Arthur looked up from his paper. 
"You alright? Sorry about all this. Merlin's not been in today." Arthur asked, standing up walking over to Morgana. 
"Poor Merlin." Morgana sighed. 
Arthur nodded his head. 
"To offer to give up his life to save Gwen's. I certainly can't imagine any man loving me so much." Morgana said. 
"No, I certainly can't imagine that either." Arthur said. Morgana smirked. She was clearly manipulating. This is why Crystal loved Morgana, she was a woman of words. 
"That's because you're not like Merlin. He's a lover." Morgana asserted.
"Yeah, maybe that's because I haven't found the right person to love." Arthur said. 
"Sadly the age of gallantry seems to be dead. You look around and all you see are small men, not big enough to fill their armour. There's not one of them that's able to stand up for what is right." Morgana said. Morgana sounded so manipulative which made Crystal's heart throb. 
"What do you want me to do?" Arthur asked. Morgana smiled and walked, motioning Arthur to followed her. After Gaius told him where to go, Merlin led the four of them to the water system.
"You'd better be right about this, Merlin." Arthur warned. 
'You should stay here." Arthur said, looking at Morgana.
"I'm coming with you." Morgana said. 
"No." Arthur said, sternly. 
"Scared I'll show you up?" Morgana asked, cockily. 
"Father will slam us both in chains if he knew I'd endangered you." Arthur warned. 
"Well good thing he doesn't know about it then." Morgana said with a smirk. 
"I'm telling you, Morgana, turn back. You could get hurt." Arthur said.
"You could too... if you don't get out of my way." Morgana said  Crystal let out a giggle. Morgana was a strong woman. 
"How are we going to find it?" Crystal asked. 
"I just hope we do before it finds us." Merlin said. Arthur spun around, but yelling, "Stop." 
"What?" Merlin questioned. 
"It's just a shadow." Arthur said.
We reached the water source. Crystal had her hand inside of Morgana's to make her feel safe. 
"Spread out." Arthur commanded. A growl came from behind him, but the Afanc disappeared. 
"What is it? Are you alright?" Morgana asked, concerned. Arthur nodded. 
"Did you see it?" Merlin asked. 
"Yes." Arthue said, simply. 
"What did it look like?" Crystal asked. 
"It... it's quick." Arthur concluded. The Afanc appeared in front of Morgana and Crystal. Morgana let out a loud scream. Crystal grabbed her mistress's hand tighter to calm her. "Discedite." She whispered. 
"Where is it?" Arthur asked. 
"I think it's gone this way!" Merlin cried. The Afanc slowly creeped around the corner. Arthur swung at it, his sword was lost. Morgana's torch was thrown away. Arthur pointed the torch at the Afanc, it was frightened. 
"Arthur, use the torch!" Merlin cried. Arthur swung the torch. 
"Lyfte ic þe in balwen ac forhienan." Merlin chanted  Crystal heard him from under his breath. The flames incinerated the Afanc. Camelot was safe again. Uther called Gaius to hear that everything was safe. Crystal knew there was someone behind the Afanc. She hid behind a panel in the throne room. 
"It's very good." Uther acknowledged. 
"Good news, Sire. There are no new deaths, and those that are sick are recovering." Gaius reported. 
"Good. Strange, I've never heard of an Afanc before." Uther said.
"It's conjured from clay by powerful magic. The type that can only be invoked by an ancient sorcerer. One that has the power to mirror the spirit of life. I found this at the water source." Gaius explained. In his hand was a cracked egg shell which he presented it to the king.
"It bears the mark of Nimueh. We must be vigilant, Sire." Gaius whispered. Crystal let out a little gasp at the name, Nimueh was a very powerful sorceress and a priestess of the old High Religion. 
"Will I never be rid of her?" Uther asked. 
"Sire." Gaius said. 
"Leave me!" Uther commanded. While he was turned to the throne, Crystal left silently. Morgana had planned to reunite Gwen and her father. 
"Dad!" Gwen cried. Father and Daughter embraced in a warm hug.
"Oh, my little child!" Tom said, softly. Gwen grasped Morgana's hand. She thanked Morgana genuinely. 
"Don't thank me. It was more Merlin. And of course the bravery of Crystal." Morgana said. 
"Really?" Gwen asked. 
"He's the real hero here. And an act of bravery can go a long way. Crystal was prosed and ready to fight if she had a weapon handy." Morgana said, complicating her friends. 
"I don't know what to say." Gwen said. 
"I didn't do anything." Merlin admitted. 
"Anyone can have an act of bravery." Crystal said. 
"I'm- I'm grateful to you all. Come on, Gwen." Tom said. Tom and Gwen left to return to the blacksmith's shop. 
"Merlin. I wanted you to know, your secret's safe with me." Morgana said. 
"My secret?" Merlin asked. 
"Merlin, don't pretend. I know what you did." Morgana said. 
"You do?" Merlin asked.
"I saw it with my own eyes." Morgana confessed. 
"You did?" Merlin asked with a gulp.
"I understand why you don't anyone to know." Morgana said. 
"Well, obviously." Merlin said.
"But I won't tell anyone. You don't mind me talking to you about it?" Morgana said, sincerely. 
" I, I, it's, have no idea how hard it is to keep this hidden." Merlin stuttered. 
"Well, you can continue to deny it, but I think Gwen's a very lucky woman." Morgana said. 
"Gwen?" Merlin asked. Morgana put her finger to her lips. Her lips were a perfect pink to Crystal, it made her blush. She mentally slapped herself.
"It's our secret." Morgana said.

Morgana and Crystal left for Morgana's chambers. When they were inside and alone, Morgana lifted Crystal's chin to look at her. Her piercing blue eyes staring in her soul as she spoke, "I know your secret too. You love me " 

Crystal looked away from her mistress, blushing. She had no idea about what Morgana was referencing to, but many secrets laid under her innocent face. 
There were many secrets about Coventina Adelina Emmeline, the Druid seer.

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