First Fight

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Jean Grey:

It took about four months after you became a couple for it to happen. You couldn't really remember what had brought it up, but the two of you ended up talking about your family. You had tried to avoid having that conversation, but Jean ended up reading your mind, which only served to make things worse.

You went back and forth on reading other's minds, especially yours, before she had let it slip that she did it often. You had to leave, but the time apart gave you both time to think.

When you next saw each other, she was the first to apologize. Though you were still upset, you accepted her apology and told her the truth about your parents.

They hated mutants.

Your first fight came about a week after moving in with each other. It was....rough, to say the least.

She woke up you find you having one of your night terrors. Of course, you refused to talk about it. She had gotten frustrated about you not allowing her to help, but she finally put her foot down. The fight started off with some back and forth before it became a screaming match.

She understood that you had your issues, but that didn't mean you had to deal with it alone. Especially now that you were both together.

But it was late and you decided to sleep on the couch until you could deal with it in the morning.

Fortunately, Betsy followed you and ended up sleeping with you on the couch. The two of you finally cooled down and talked.

You weren't ready to open up, but Betsy was here for when you were.

And you were done pushing people away.
Invisible Woman:

The first fight came pretty early. About a week after your first date. It way anything bad at first. She just joked about your haircut, which you didn't mind, but she did say something that she shouldn't have.

She mentioned that you should talk to your sister, which kicked off the fight.

She suggested you invite your sister over for dinner, which you declined. You didn't want anyone else involved in...your rocky relationship with your sister. But Sue, being a family woman, continued to push it before you finally snapped.

Thankfully the fight happened at your place instead of in front of everyone, cause some harsh words were said between the two of you. You threw her divorce in her face, she yelled at you for being an asshole who had abandonment issues.

You both ended up sitting on the couch as the TV played in the background. It took an hour or so, but you both did apologize for a pointless fight.

You ended up cuddling on the couch watching some old movie.
Black Widow:

Fighting with a spy is a very dangerous thing. Especially when said spy has most definitely killed people before. And this one happened almost three months into your relationship.

She had noticed your anxiety grow as finals drew near. She had tried to help you calm down, but you kept yourself busy. In truth, you were getting more anxious because of her.

This all came out when she was assigned to a new mission. One that would require her to not be in contact for a few days. Maybe even a few weeks.

You had expressed your fear of never hearing from her again, but she tried to reassure you that it was fine. But that didn't help. Not even a little bit. You both started to fight about whether or not you should even be worried.

In the end, you never got to settle your fight since she had to leave.

You didn't hear from her for a week or so after that.
Scarlet Witch:

Unlike the others, this fight was completely avoidable.

It was during a job when she noticed something. Everytime you casted a spell, something would happen to your soul.

She finally confronted you about it, and you finally came clean and told her everything. How you would spend a bit of your soul every time you used your magic. How you'll eventually become a shell of yourself should you do it for too long.

She grew worried before she yelled at you for being so selfless. You expressed your side of the argument, which was that you wanted to help people, but she only grew more frustrated when she realized you had been using magic for years now.

The fight didn't really end for a few days, but you both did come to an agreement. You wouldn't use spells if you can help it, but you weren't going to stop doing jobs. She had agreed, but she never stopped worrying.

And you could already tell that it would break her heart if she knew just how long you had left.

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