Catching Up 2

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Laura Kinney/Wolverine

Who Are You?:
You're a teen who had ran away from your father who had turned into an abusive drunk after the untimely death of your mother. You had been drifting from place to place for nearly 4 years now.
You never really longed for a home, but you did have many nights when you felt alone.

How Did You Meet?:
You remember that day well.

You were up north, near the border of Canada, when you found a naked girl asleep in the snow. It took a second to snap out of your surpise to help her.

She had woken up with your jacket covering her as well as whatever covers you had been carrying in your bag. She was immediately alarmed by your presence, but you tried your best to calm her down. She accepted the clothes that you gave her, but that was it.

The two of you sat next to fire in silence. You didn't even know her name. But when she brought out her claws at the sight of you, you had guessed that she was a mutant.

How Did You Become Friends?:
It took some time.

The two of you became travel companions since she had no where else to go and you didn't want to leave her alone. She had told you that dangerous people were looking for her, and you didn't want her to get hurt.

Though you learned more about her as the days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months. You had an uneasy relationship at first, but she did get comfortable with you around. Though she kept you at arms length.

She had only experience kindness once before. And she had killed them.

Who Fell In Love First?:

Without a doubt.

She was beautiful, mysterious, and adorable. Her curiosity was something you loved to see. The way she slept without a care was always funny. But you also felt the need to protect her since she was younger. At least, you think so.

But that didn't mean she didn't end up falling in love with you, as well. Your kindness was something she found herself finding solitude in. And she felt the need to protect you since you were weaker. At least, she thinks so.

Who Asked Who?:

It was just an unspoken thing that happened. You had saved her from a train yard guard after they had caught you both on the train. Once you were in the clear, she had grabbed you and kissed you. While it was a surpise, you didn't resist.

Neither of you said anything about being a couple, but you both had silently agreed that you belonged with one another.

First Date:
You didn't really have a date.

It was hard to even get food sometimes thanks to being a runaway teenager and an escaped experiment. But if you asked Laura, it would've been when you caught that Salomon and cooked it under the stars.

She leaned on you as you both ate. And you both fell asleep in each other's arms. She enjoyed it, and it was the first time she had someone hold her in such a way.

First Fight:
It was when she was found by Weapon X.

The two of you had managed to barely escape thanks to Laura fighting them off long enough for you to find an escape through the woods. She was reminded how much of a danger she really was and tried to get you to leave her behind.

You both argued as she tried her best to get you to leave. She told you about what she really was and the things she's done. Yet you refused which only made her more angry.

You stopped her by kissing her and.....

Who Said It First:
You told her that you loved her.

She cried, and told you the same. Even if she didn't know what love was. She knew it was this.

First Time:

It was when you were both laying low in Yellowstone National Park. You were both just laid in the grass and watched the stars when she turned to you.

She had asked you why you chose to stay with her even though Weapon X was after her. You simply told her the same thing you had a few weeks ago. She kissed you, and one thing lead to another.

You both woke up the next morning in each other's arms. Laura gets a strangely warm feeling every time she thinks about it.

What's It Like?:

Teasing constantly.


She always feels awful when her claws accidentally pop out.

You tell her how much you love her.

Always under the stars.

You're a homeless runaway.

Neither of you had any kind of technology.

But she did happen to see a TV playing in a store. It showed the X-Men. And she recognized the Wolverine.

Would She Cheat On You?:
No. Absolutely not.

And you wouldn't either.

Meeting The Family:
Weapon X found her again.

It was in the middle of a town that you were just passing through. Laura did her best to hold them back while you helped others to safety. It wasn't long before the X-Men showed up to help out.

They had introduced themselves to Laura after they had saved the day. They asked her to come back with them, but she refused unless you could go as well. So they took you to the Mansion and you met Logan. The man Laura was cloned after.

It was a school for mutants, which you weren't. While everyone was nice and there was so many different kinds of people, you didn't think you belonged here. But Laura seemed so happy.

Turning Point:
Laura: Y/N?

You turned back towards the the Mansion to find Laura standing there. It was late enough that you thought you could leave without anyone knowing. Of course she would.

You explained how you didn't belong here and how she needed to stay. This was where she belonged and where she would be happy.

She tried to get you to stay, but you had made up your mind.

She deserved to be happy. She deserved a family. So you said goodbye.

That night, both of your hearts broke.

You had once again left behind your family.

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