Catching Up: Nadia

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Who Are You?:
You're the son of none other than Daredevil, Matt Murdock, and Elektra.

Being raised by two incredibly skilled fighters with even more heroes acting as aunts and uncles, you became a skilled fighter yourself. And a vigilante.

How Did You Meet?:
Technically, you met her before she even knew who you were.

AIM was looking for her. It was the same time that your dad was helping her become a US citizen. They needed protection and you had just finished taking down a Hand cell. When AIM showed up, you jumped into action.

You protected her and her friends. You even followed them to the hospital in the aftermath. Janet knew who you were, so she introduced the two of you.

How Did You Become Friends?:
Nadia was new to the friend thing.

But she was good at it. She started GIRL, an all female lab group, and so she was quick at making friends with them. But she also asked you to stop by and try out some tech for her. Granted, you only used wooden sticks.

But in the days that turned to weeks and so on, you found yourself becoming her first ever male friend. Even when she joined the Avengers, and later on the Champions, she made sure to let everyone know that you were her best friend.

Who Fell In Love First?:
You might have.

It was hard to even pinpoint when that was. She had expressed her distaste for dating and boys and whatever else Jarvis tried to fill her head with. But she loved science. Though you didn't know anything about it, you found yourself enjoying her rants.

However, in a bizarre twist of fate, Nadia found comfort with you around. She offered to help you on a few of your missions and she concluded that the two of you made a good team. And after talking to Ying, fellow Red Room escapeee, she came to realize that she may or may not love you.

Who Asked Who?:
You both did. At the same time.

You were paying her a random visit. Not entirely random, you had planned to do this after getting some advice from your dad. You both started off with some small talk. Stuff like the weather and the upcoming Stark Expo.

Y/N: Hey, speaking of, uh, the Stark Expo....

Y/N/Nadia: You wanna go?

And just like that, you had your first date.

First Date:
The Stark Expo was pretty much what you expected it to be.

A bunch of science nerds and business men looking at advance inventions and crazy tech. But you were here with Nadia. And, by the way, she looked cuter than usual. And you even put in the effort of dressing nice, with your mom's help, and researched some of the inventors that attended this thing.

Nadia was extremely nervous. This was her very first date, after all. You both looked around, Nadia telling you about what it was you were looking at, and you actually ended up talking to a few figures. Apparently they were famous, too, since Nadia was very excited to talk to them.

First Fight:
You never should have helped the Champions.

You only agreed to since you knew a few of them from random team ups and hanging around Nadia. And so, you tagged along when they asked you to help. However, that particular mission ended with you arguing logistics with Ms. Marvel on criminals.

Soon enough, the whole team found themselves siding with Ms. Marvel while you gave up and decided to not bother. But what really hurt was the fact that Nadia didn't back you up. Criminals were criminals, right?

Nadia was confused on why you were upset, which only upset you more. It wasn't until Janet explained it to her. You both talked about it on a rooftop in New York.

First Time:
She had read about it.

She knew the science behind it and she understood what it meant. You weren't a stranger to the subject either. Of course not. Look at who your parents were. But neither of you ever talked about it to each other.

So it came as a massive surprise when she invited you over so late at night. You figured it was just so she could ask your help, she had a bad habit of staying up late to work on things, but you weren't expecting her to be in her room.

In that nightgown.

With the candles.

And the....the music.

Oh my lord.

What's It Like?:

She likes to look at you.

She gets turned on whenever to talk science.

She holds you close whenever she can.

Cuddling sometimes.

She never knew what foreplay was before you.

Who Said It First?:
She did.....kinda?

What she actually said was...

Nadia: You're the only one who makes me feel this way. And I only feel this way towards you. I have no idea what this is, really, but I like it. Like I like you.

So, yeah.

She was innocent.

But you had sent a picture of yourself after a workout one day. She found herself hot and bothered. And so you got a text asking you to come over. Thus started the research.

You were taking a break when you got a message. You saw it was from Nadia and you opened it half expecting it to be some random science fact.

You were not expecting such a photo from her.

Would She Cheat?:

I mean....come on.

Meeting The Family:
She was surpised to learn that you had actually met her father before his death.

You were a kid, but you recalled going with your dad to one of the Avenger parties. Hank Pym was there as was Janet. And of course, Janet already knew who you were. Which was probably why she trusted you to be with Nadia.

And Nadia had already met your dad. She respected Matt and she enjoyed learning about his blindness and how he was still able to do what he did.

Your mother, however, was a different deal. She was shocked to meet your mother when she showed up one night. She was dangerous. Gorgeous. Deadly. Maybe that's why they got along?

Turning Point:
You walked a dangerous line.

Your father taught you to never kill. Your mother only taught you lethal methods. Nadia knew this. All of the Champions and Avengers did.

It didn't make it any easier when you finally killed.

It came out of nowhere and no one knew why. Not your dad, not the Avengers, not the Defenders, and not Nadia. But the news showed the lifeless body you stood over with a bloodied Sai in your hand.

Just like that, you were a wanted man.

Nadia joined the hunt.

She didn't want to take you in. She just wanted to know why. Why you became a murderer. But after days of searching, she found nothing.

So she was surpised when she found you in her room. She was about to say something, but you motioned for her to stay quiet. She then noticed the blood coming from your side and the brusies on your face.

And you explained everything.

How the Hand had framed you for murder and how you were nearly killed yourself.

She was able to prove your innocence to everyone while you and your parents took down the Hand that tried to kill you.

You spent that night holding Nadia in bed.

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