Proposals #2

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You were technically not allowed on Krakoa since you weren't a mutant and unmarried to one.

And so, Laura made a move against the Quiet Council who were in the talks to kick you off the island.

She made sure to have all members present when she publicly declared you to be her fiance.

Everyone was shocked, even you.

But that was it. She made her choice and the Council had to respect it.

Just like that, the two of you were engaged.

It took a while before you came out of shock.

Laura: If you want out, just say so. But until then, you're mine.

It was a few years after her identity became public and she was proven innocent thanks to your help.

Since then, you had become a semi famous photographer and Gwen kept being Spider-Woman.

And now, the two of you lived together in your own home.

And what better way to take the next step than eating takeout on the floor?

You and Gwen had enough to live fairly comfortably and you were both pretty happy with each other. Especially now.

And so, you randomly just brought the idea up.

Gwen was caught off guard, but she did confirm that she would like to be married.

And so, you reached into your pocket and brought out the ring.

You just shrugged when she looked at you with an open mouth.

Gwen: I don't know what to say?

Y/N: Say yes, or no. Say whatever you want to say. I'll love you regardless.

Gwen: Yes. Oh my God, yes!

George just about had a heartattack when you told him.

Marriage was a pipe dream for people like you and Felicia.

Especially considering your past.

But you were the king of the underground and Felicia was your queen regardless. But to make a point, you suggested the idea.

Felicia joked about how when she was young she had a fantasy about planning her own wedding. But she knew that life wasn't for her.

And you respected that.

However, though unmarried, you both did refer to each other as husband and wife. And everyone treated her as if she was your wife.

Felicia: I love you, husband~

And you loved your "wife" as well.

Jen had always dreamed of her own wedding.

Even when she was a little tomboy.

But those dreams were crushed when she became She-Hulk. Then they were returned when she met you.

You already made it clear that you would love her regardless of what she looked like. And that was when she was an horrible glob monster during a weird Gamma thing.

Long story.

And so, when you took her to the rooftop of your apartment building and she saw what you had set up, she fell in love all over again.

And when you both ate dinner, she began to wonder why you were doing this out of the blue.

Then, as she looked out at the beautiful city as it lit up during the night, she turned around and found you on your knee with a ring in between your fingers.

Jen: Do you really have to ask?

Your daughter was now 14.

It was wild to think about it. You felt old. But she still loved you and she was very much a daddy's girl.

And when she asked you when you will finally marry Carol, you had no answer. You had definitely thought about it. And Carol had brought up the possibility a few times.

You just didn't want to it.

But Delilah gave you her full blessing and support and encouragement in the matter. She actually really wanted you to.

Delilah: Do it, you won't.

So, you took Carol out to a nice dinner. You walked around the neighborhood. You talked about mundane things.

Then, when you got back to your shared home, you made your choice.

Carol had left to the kitchen to grab something, but when she came back, she found you already on one knee with the ring.

She laughed, then pulled out the ring she was planning on using to propose to you. Turns out, Delilah was playing both sides.

You definitely had to thank her later.

Carol: Have I ever told you how much I love your daughter?

Delilah was beyond excited, as was her mother.

She was made of diamond.

She never cared to add another.

But she had already seen inside your mind enough times to know that you truly did want a family of your own.

So, she told you she would say yes if you were to propose.

But you didn't.

Not even three years later. She was now a well established celebrity and she was an exceptional teacher. You even made strives in your own way.

You now ran several successful charities and foundations that had put your name on the map.

Yet, here you were, nearly a decade into your relationship with no ring in sight.

Finally, Emma had enough. If she wanted something, she refused to wait for it.

And so, she walked into your home and declared that she wanted to get married.

Y/N: I....I thought we were?

Emma: What? Since when?

Y/N: Since you told me yes when I proposed. We had a wedding and everything.

Emma thought back on it and recalled a wedding, but it wasn't hers. Was it?

Emma: Can it again?

Y/N: Uh........sure?

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