Foolish Love (Nadia)

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You were at a crossroads.

You were still a street level hero, but one that everyone knew and respected.

Even now, at the age of 24.

However, in your civilian life, you were a recluse.

You and Nadia have been separated for nearly a year now. You still saw her during the occasional invasion or team up, but that was it.

You never did the whole get together thing everyone else did. You stuck to yourself.

Things had changed since you prove your innocence. For starters, you had turned down offers from the Champions, the Avengers, the Defenders, the Ultimates, and even whatever the hell Deadpool was trying to recruit you for.

Oddly enough, you did get roped into that last one and ended up having to fight this weird space dinosaur ruler and it was a whole thing.

Then, after everything you've been through, your body finally shattered when you were hit by a truck.

Some kid was almost hit when the tire blew out and started flying right towards him.

It was a slow recovery, but you did get back go your feet and picked back up where you left off.

Regardless, you slowly getting more tired as the days went on. Even now, as you sat on your bed shirtless and covered in bandages, you were tired.

You were still fairly young. At this rate, however, you'll surely crumble soon enough.

Nadia: You look bad.

You lifted your head and grabbed your club. You were ready to attack, before you spotted Nadia standing near the window.

You found yourself entranced by her just like you were when you were younger.

The grip on your club tightened as you slowly lowered it. Nadia was wearing her uniform with her hair tied up in a short ponytail. Her hair had gotten longer for the last few months.

She's also grown a bit more. Not by much, though.

Nadia: Hey, Y/N.

You just narrowed your eyes. Why was she here? What did she want?

You tossed your club back down and went to turn on the lights. However, when you took a step, you felt pain shot throughout your body.

Nadia noticed you grab your side and quickly hurried over. She helped you sit back down on the bed where you shook from the pain.

Nadia turned the lights on and looked at you. Now that she could actually see, she saw just how bad you were.

Nadia: Y/N....

Y/N: What are you doing here?

Nadia slowly lowered her hands before she looked around your apartment. It was spotless. You were never really home anyway. This was merely a place to sleep.

Nadia: I wanted to see how you were doing. Your dad told me that you were back to fighting again. I guess I got a bit worried.

You gritted your teeth.

She doesn't get to be worried. Not anymore.

Nadia: Look, I know the way we left things wasn't ideal, but...

Y/N: You were ready to throw me into a cell with no proof. You nearly did.

Nadia knew what you were talking about.

The reason why you didn't trust anyone any more, was because no one trusted you.

The day you were framed for murder, everyone turned on you with no evidence or proof. If you didn't prove your innocence yourself, you would've been thrown into a cell

Left to rot in some prison.

Nadia: I know. I made a mistake. We all did. But we miss you. Everyone does.

Y/N: You didn't miss me when you walked away.

That day she ended things, it broke your heart. The one person you thought you could trust, could confined in, left you alone in the dirt.

But she had her reasons.

You became closed off. You started to push everyone away and you refused to tell her why.

Then, you started to scare her. You were more brutal during your patrols. That mixed her her Bipolar disorder had become too much.

But she felt just as lonely as you did.

She tried dating again, but nothing ever stuck. No one ever treated her like you did.

And you haven't ever found anyone you loved like her.

Nadia: I always missed you.

She walked over to the bed and sat next to you. She gently laid her head on your shoulder.

You were in pain and your body was sore.

But this felt nice.

Nadia: I left because you refused to let me help you. So, would you please let me help you?

You didn't answer. Nadia just waited for some kind of response.

Finally, you held her hand.

The two of you sat together for a moment, then laid down the next. Though, Nadia didn't want her uniform to dirty up your sheets, so she took it off.

For the first time in nearly a year, the two of you laid in the same bed. Vulnerable and exposed.

And you both slept.

Morning came, but neither you nor her woke up.

When she woke up first, she stayed.

You both knew that this could blow up in your faces, but you didn't care.

It was foolish kind of love.

Guess it kinda works out for the two of you.

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