Who Said it First?

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Jean Grey:

She did. Though it wasn't some great gesture or anything.

You both were enjoying you lunch when your students came in for the next class. You quickly cleaned up before Jean left to her own class. She kissed your cheek, as she normally did, but she had mentioned those three words without even thinking about it.

You stood there for a moment while your students teased you. Jean, however, didn't even realize what she had said until she was half way down the hall.

That was quite the conversation to be had.

You did.

It was after a particularly bad nightmare that you found yourself in her arms. She was trying to calm you down as you tried to gather your thoughts.

You needed something to focus on. So you focused on her. After a while you had calmed down enough, but Besty still played with your hair as you laid your head on her chest.

Then you whispered it.

But she heard you.

And she whispered it back.
Invisible Woman:

She did.

It was after another date when you had made the suggestion that she move in with you. She already knew the way you felt about the constant expanding of 4 Yancy St, though it was all some weird interdimensional what have you, and how crowded it could get. Plus it wouldn't be such a massive move since it was literally next door.

After talking about it for a moment, she agreed. So the two of you sat on the couch and watched some TV. It was about a year in your relationship by this point, and Sue found herself thinking about her time with you.

And so, she turned to you, and told you that she was in love with you.

You didn't say anything at first, which worried her, but you did kiss her. You didn't have to say it. She knew.

But you said it anyway.
Black Widow:

You. You had said it when you had your fight.

But that didn't seem fair. So, graduation came. Natasha attended with your friends. She watched as you got your Bachelors. And when it was all over, she waited for you out front.

It was there, in front of your friends and even some of hers, that you kissed her and told her how you felt.

She made you the happiest man alive and you valued every moment with her. And she smiled the entire time.

She had never been in a relationship like this before. And she didn't hate it.

So you told her you loved her.

She just smirked, telling you that she already knew.
Scarlet Witch:

She did.

You were at one of your concerts when you spotted her in the crowd. So you dedicated a song to her. Her favorite one. And she watched you preform the entire time.

After the show was over, you had found her and opted to go for a walk with her instead of going drinking with your band mates. You both ended up at a quiet Cafe where you discussed the origin of your magic. You also spoke to her about her family, which she was hesitant to share.

But when she found herself talking, and you listening, she simply told you that she loved you. Though it didn't seem like you caught it.

So she said it again.

And you smiled.

Y/N: I heard you the first time. I just wanted to hear it again.

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