Proposals #1

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Jean Grey:
How does one keep a proposal a secret from someone who can read your mind?

It's quite easy, it turns out.

The Hellfire Gala came and the large announcement was made regarding the mutants' next move.

Their ambition was high, that was for sure.

But the ceremony ended, and you were proud of your partner taking the lead on the new team of X-Men. You even made sure you congratulate, and warn, Scott on his role as her co leader.

The night began to draw to a close, but you had made an arrangement with Emma Frost to pull off one last surpise.

You were honestly surpised she agreed.

Like, super surpised.

But the reporters and guests left, leaving the people of Krakoa to their own devices. That was when Emma Frost made one final announcement.

She called you and Jean to the stage where she began to tell everyone about your work at Xavier's old school. You were already beloved on the island.

So, when you dropped down to one knee and pulled out that diamond ring, everyone held their breath, waiting to see what Jean would say.

Jean: Yes!

The crowd went wild as you slid the ring onto her finger and kissed her.

You were ready to move forward in life.

You still had nightmares, but those will never truly go away. Betsy knew this and she accepted it. She was your rock. Your anchor to reality.

When you needed her, she was there no questions asked.

You felt like you couldn't give her enough to repay her.

So, you spoke to Dylan and he told you exactly what was on your mind.

Dylan: You got to put a ring on that finger, kid.

And so, you went and visited your mom to tell her your plan. She was so overjoyed that she gave you her wedding ring to propose with.

You returned home that night with a bouquet of flowers which surpised Betsy. She happily accepted them and you insisted on making dinner.

Once you had some food ready, her favorite to be exact, you poured her some wine and stuck to your water.

You began to ramble on about how much she meant to you and how you couldn't have gotten this far with her. She was blushing like crazy and trying to downplay it, but you meant every word.

And so, when you got up and dropped to one knee, Betsy covered her mouth as tears filled her eyes.

Betsy: I....yes. Yes yes yes!

You had no way how to repay her for all she's done, so you gave her your life.

Invisible Woman:
She had been married once before.

It was something the two of you had talked about before. She wasn't against the idea, but she also wasn't ready to jump back in at the time. Now, three years into your relationship, she found herself to be much more confident.

But you had two people to ask first.

Franklin and Valerie were both very encouraging of the idea and they even pushed for it. They loved their parents, but they did feel like you were just as much of a father as Reed was.

So, when Ben held a barbecue for the FF family and some close friends, you decided to make a move.

Surprisingly, Reed offered to help you look for a ring.

The two of you had your differences in the past, but you both moved on and accepted each other as friends.

And so, when the barbecue was in full swing, you held the ring firmly in your hand. That's when you walked over to Sue and asked her to follow you for some privacy.

Sue was completely unaware that her children were secretly leading everyone behind you both.

You expressed your love for her and the two of you agreed to plan a date for the weekend.

But, you had one more plan for it.

You pulled out the ring and dropped to one knee. Sue was shocked, but she simply allowed you to ask her to be her wife.

Sue: I thought you'd never ask.

She was very surpised when she heard the cheers from behind her.

Now blushing like crazy, your fiancee kissed you.

Black Widow:
Hiding things from Natasha was nearly impossible.

So you didn't really try. Besides, you doubt you hold yourself together without messing the whole thing up.

So Natasha decided to take matters into her own hands.

You were working on your laptop one day when she came home from a brunch date with her friends, really a cover to go and get the ring, and immediately sat on your lap.

She closed your laptop and turned to you.

She told you that she loved you and wanted to make you happy. And so, she held up the ring and asked you to be her husband.

It took about half an hour before you came out of shock.

Natasha: So, how bout it? Make me the happiest woman in New York?

Scarlet Witch:
She thought you were joking at first.

You just kinda sprung it on her one day as you both ate lunch.

But when she realized you were serious, she stopped laughing.

Then she asked why.

You knew you loved her, but you didn't realize just how much until you woke up to see her there, by your side. It made you think.

You truly did love her with all your heart and soul.

Whatever was left of it, that is.

And whatever was left of your life, you were ready to give to her.

So, you asked her again.

Wanda: can I say no?

She was getting used to being a super hero.

And so were you.

And you had actually gotten pretty kinda decent at this adult thing.

You could cook meals and do laundry!

But at the end of the day, you and Nico would come home and just deflate and relax. You could be yourselves around each other.

But one day, before you had hoped, you came home to find Nico on the couch, with the ring box in front of her.

She had found it while she was cleaning.

Not your plan.

She began to panic a bit about the idea of getting married. She thought that the two of you were way too young and that she wasn't mature enough or that you might regret it in the future and....

You quickly out her concerns to rest when you kissed her. You took the ring and promised not to propose just yet. Not until she felt that she was ready.

To your surpise, she stopped you and instead asked you to do it properly.

So you took the ring and you got on one knee. You told her how much you loved and respected her. You told her that you couldn't imagine a life without her.

Then, you asked her to marry you.

Nico: Not just yet, but I would be honored to sometime in the future.

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