Catching Up 4

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Black Cat

Who Are You?:
A Kingpin whose power rivals that of Wilson Fisk himself.

Your father was a low level thug who was killed by Hammerhead in a drive by shooting. Your mother was forced to turn to selling herself to make ends meet. But by doing so, she learn more secrets about the underworld.

At the age of 15, you started on your path of vengeance by killing one of Hammerhead's lieutenants. There was no going back, and you began to the Dead Roses Gang. By the time you were 22, you had more power than Hammerhead could ever dream of.

How Did You Meet?:
You needed a thief.

And you found in your living room late one night. You had gotten up to get a glass of water, but instead found the Black Cat trying to steal from your vault. Instead of killing her then and there, as you would normally do, you instead offered her a job.

One that she gladly took in favor for her life. And she got it done without any trouble.

How Did You Become Friends?:
It was strictly professional at first.

You only called her when you needed her for a job. She would tease and joke around with you, but you never took it further than that. It wasn't until her hideout was destroyed that you found yourself offering her a place to stay.

And she somehow ended up becoming your roommate. While you were annoyed at first, you found yourself feeling into a kind of routine with her. You were both criminals, after all.

Late night talks and dinners somehow turned into a friendship.

It was hard to make friends in this business, after all.

Who Fell In Love First?:
That's hard to tell.

She wasn't exclusively your thief. She stole for herself and others as well. Neither of you had an interest in romantic relationships and it wasn't uncommon for one of you, or both, to have a "guest" over.

But if it really mattered, Felicia would admit that she did have some kind of admiration for you first. Plus she would absolutely admit that she found you to be an attractive person.

First Date:
Felicia was surpised when you asked her to meet you outside.

She found a table set up with candles and food that you had made yourself. You had explained that you wanted to thank her on a personal level for her work. She was flattered, and even gave you a kiss on the cheek before she sat down to eat.

You both enjoyed the food in each other's company before she made the suggestion that it should be a date. You agreed, mostly to get her to leave it alone, which made her happy enough to drop it.

Though, you would admit that you enjoyed it.

First Fight:
You both felt betrayed.

You had learned that Felicia had gone and helped one of her flings, Spider-Man of all people, attack one of your rackets. She had returned after a long day out when you confronted her. She was confused at first, not knowing it was your racket that she had helped take down, before you kicked her out.

She fought back against you being as mad as you were but you were over it. It didn't dawn on her until a week later. She had returned and apologized, though you both agreed that she would not move back in.

That lasted a weekend before she came over and kissed you.

First Time:
Neither of you were foreign to the idea of hooking up.

Neither of you thought much of it when she pulled you to bed. You both have had romantic partners before. Even casual hook ups. But no one imagined how amazing this particular hook up would turn out to be.

And so, she moved back in. And that one night stand became two. Then three. Then ten. Then you both lost count.

What's It Like?:

Scratch marks for days.


Lingerie usually.

She has a fondness for handcuffs.

Never just one round.

Sometimes she'll find another woman to join in.

Who Said It First?:
It wasn't until....well, we'll get to that.

But it was you.

And that's all you need to know right now.

Few people had your personal number.

Felicia was one of those people. And she abused it constantly.

Pictures, videos, phone calls, messages, you name it. Sometimes she would send you a video of her with one of her female hook ups. So you returned the favor when you would spend the night with one of your "friends".

It only made your reunion all the better.

Would She Cheat?
Since it was never a real relationship, you both often "cheated" on each other.

You had your one night stands, she had hers. It wasn't a constant thing, but it was just the way the teo of you did things.

But you both did end up slowly down greatly and even stopping all together once the two of you started spending more time together.

Meeting The Family:
Her mother was a very kind woman.

Definitely not what you were expecting. Felicia's mother knew of her career, but she supported her daughter and even seemed to be a kind of safety net for her. She welcomed you into her home with open arms which you weren't used to.

She made a peach cobbler which was delicious. Though, she did mention wanting grandchildren which actually caught you off guard. You never even thought about having children before. But, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Felicia had met your mother as well, though she was more surpised than you had been. You had given your mom a house out in the country where she would be taken care of until the end of her days. That's when Felicia realized that you were really more than meets the eye.

Turning Point:
You did it.

You had become the greatest King Pin in New York. The most powerful man. And you found yourself at a lost of what to do next. Of ccourse, Felicia was with you when you got the call from your lieutenant.

Hell's Kitchen was finally yours. Every piece of the city was under your control. Felicia suggested the two of you celebrate, but you turned down her offer and instead decided to get to work as the new Kingpin.

First step?

You needed a queen.

And who better than The Black Cat?

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