Proposals #3

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Maybe not holy matrimony, but you did want to marry Cindy.

And she had mentioned once that she wanted to get married as well.

You know, before you "died". But that was a year ago.

Now, you and Cindy were both members of the Avengers and doing well for yourselves.

And so, you decided you weren't getting any younger.

Cindy was confused when you showed up and suggested going for a ride. She agreed, and you took her to a beautiful spot upstate New York.

There, you had lunch and talked about your new places on the team.

Every time she smiled and laughed, you found yourself getting more and more nervous.

She was beautiful. Perfect in every way in your eyes.

You wondered if you were even worthy of her, but you wouldn't know if you didn't try.

And so, you popped the question.

Cindy: Took you long enough, Skully.

You both got Dr. Strange to agree to marry you two.

It was a rough road, but you both made it work.

And even though she was indeed Asexual, she did love you deeply. You never really cared about sex to begin with anyway, so it worked out. Though, the two of you did have some nights where she wanted to help you relax a bit.

She was now helping you reconnect with everyone after being a loner for so long. And it turns out that she was right.

Everyone did miss you.

It was one night after patrol when the two of you were laying in bed. Both of you were wrapped with bandages in various parts of your bodies.

Only your hands were touching.

You rubbed the back of her hand with your thumb as you stared at the ceiling.

Then, you just said it.

Nadia: Marriage? I never thought about it before.

Y/N: Do you want to think about it?

Nadia just smiled.

Nadia: No. Let's just do it.

You loved this girl. She really did make you whole.

It had been a few years now since you started dating.

You both graduated and college flew by for you while Torunn focused on protecting Earth.

And now, you were 25 and living in an apartment together.

Thor and Sif did pop in every now and then as well as Torunn's super hero friends. Yeah. You had super heroes in and out of your place now.

You kinda felt indifferent towards it.

But you were at least comfortable with your live with Torunn now.

Comfortable enough to propose the idea of marriage.

Torunn: Aye! We shall get wedded right away!

Y/N: Wait, what...

Torunn simply grabbed your arm and opened the Bifrost to Asgard.

You were now confused. If you got married to her, would you become the new king if Asgard after Thor dies or.....

Probably not.

Kitty was left at the alter.

The wedding was ruined and now everyone was trying to make the most of it by at least enjoying the reception.

You spoke to Kurt about the idea of weddings and how things were going with Rouge.

That's when it hit you.

Everything was already here. The alter, the guests, the priest, everything.

So, you walked over to where Rouge was talking to Jean. You then got everyone's attention as you dropped down to one knee, even though it wasn't intentional.

You then declared your love for her right then and there and asked her to marry you.

Rouge: Aw, Sugah. Of course I'll marry you.

Looks like there will be a wedding after all.

Opal Luna Saturnyne:
Your daughter, Stella, was now 16.

You and Saturnyne still remained unmarried. She could not marry you due to the laws of the land, which only angered Stella further.

She never did like the Dimensional Development Court. She almost laughed when she learned that she would one day rule them thanks to Merlin, her teacher, revealing her destiny to her.

And so, she decided she would ignore the Court. You and her mother loved each other deeply and you held each other close to your hearts.

You were married in everything but name.

Stella asked you and Saturnyne to join her on a walk through the woods late into the night.

It was there that she told you of a spell that she wanted to preform on the two of you. You trusted your daughter, and so did Saturnyne.

And so, Stella brought out a red ribbon.

Saturnyne: What is this?

Stella: Just trust me, mother. You will love this.

You both agreed to not get married.

It was a choice you both decided on. You didn't need a ring or some vows to know that you loved each other.

But you two both did make that promise to always love each other and remain at each other's side.

Actions spoke louder than words, after all.

And who the hell needed to know if the two of you were married or not? You both knew you loved each other.

And besides, she was kinda against religion as a whole so the church was out of the question anyway.

Still, you and her did get rings for the hell of it.

Illyana: Hey, dorkus. You're pretty cool.

Y/N: Thanks, dear.

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