Would She Cheat?

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Jean Grey:


Well, unless some bad guy did some kind of brainwashing thing, but not by choice.

She already knew what it was like to be cheated on and she refused to make someone suffer the same way she did. Besides, she made it very clear to her teammates, friends, and potential romantic rivals that you were hers and she was yours.

As for anyone trying to hook up with you, well, they wouldn't be much of a problem.


It wasn't anything too extreme, and it wasn't even her fault.

She was doing a show over in Paris while you had to stay back and work a case. She had been invited to an after party where one of the sponsors invited her for a drink. She had declined, but he was persistent.

It all escalated to him kissing her, which she made him pay for dearly. She ended up flying back that night.

When you came home and found her on the couch, she told you everything through teary eyes. You comforted her, while you sent a text.

You had friends in Paris from your time serving.

The kind that could make people dissappear.

But you would never cheat. Never even crossed your mind.
Invisible Woman:

Woo boy.


She was over for a family dinner while you were out investigating with Daredevil. Being around Reed in an environment like that made her think back on why she even married him in the first place.

One thing led to another and you came home to an empty house. When she came home and you realized what happened, you left.

And, in a fit of anger and heartbreak, you finally gave into Elektra's advances. You felt horrible afterwards.

When you did finally return home, you and Sue ended up fighting and it was whole thing.

You both agreed on going to therapy.
Black Widow:

Never without talking to you first.

She was a spy, and sometimes that meant getting information through flirting or maybe a bit more. She had told you this at the beginning. You understood as well.

But she still gave you a call before to see if you would be okay. You knew it was part of the job, and sometimes it would be world saving, so you would always said yes.

It hurt, it did, but she would always come home to you. She would always find a way to make it up to you.

And sometimes, she would bring over one of her friends to, say, let you get even.
Scarlet Witch:

No. Neither of you, actually.

If you weren't touring, you were home with her. When she wasn't dealing with magical threats, she was with you. There was literally no time to cheat on each other.

You both found comfort in one another and it was something you both refused to mess with.

Though, of course, there had been offers while you were on tour. But you would just call Wanda and talk to her for a bit. It always helped.

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