Meeting The Family

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Jean Grey:

Since both of her parents had passed away years ago, her only family were the other X-Men. All people you had met before. And you got along well with them.

So well, in fact, that the guys would often invite you out on guy trips and to drink. Hell, you were all but best friends with Remy by the end of your first year.

Your family was a different story. Jean knew that they hated Mutants. She also knew that you didn't really get along with them for that very reason. So when it came time to introduce her to them, you were hesitant.

To your surpise, they were very kind to her. They had taken a liking to her instantly thanks to her personality. But the real shock came at dinner.

Your father had pulled you outside to talk to you. He expressed his regret over his actions and words agaisnt you. He also stated that since you had left, him and your mother started to change their ways and actually found themselves supporting mutants.

It was a happy event. Jean also had a wonderful time meeting you parents.

Betsy's parents had passed away when she was still young. However, you did get to meet her brother, Brian. You had no idea that he was the Captain Britan. Blew your mind, honestly. And her other brother, Jamie, was a very laid back kind of guy.

You managed to win them over easily thanks to your jokes and stories. They also saw the way you treated thier sister, which they approved of.

Betsy didn't even know what to expect when she went to meet your family. You had only mentioned them once or twice in passing. But she did know you were an only child raised by a single mother.

She met your mother who immediately pulled her into the house and started asking questions. The two got along famously, which you were grateful for.

You had gone to use the bathroom, and that was when your mother told Betsy something that stayed with her.

Your father had left when you were five. After that, you felt a need to be the man of the house and to take care of your mother. That ended up getting you in trouble quite a bit before you joined the Navy then the FBI.
Invisible Woman:

You knew the Fantastic Four family. You lived next door to them. Honestly, if you were a hero, you knew who they were. But, after avoiding them for a bit thanks to....that night, you did go back to attending their family dinners.

The kids already liked you as an uncle, but they now bonded you in a different level when you let them tag along with you on your less dangerous adventures. They accepted the prospect of you being their step father, and actually found themselves welcoming it.

Even Johnny saw you as a good influence on Sue's life. She was no longer restrained by being Reed's wife, but she now had a life of her own. Ben also liked having you around. Another heavy hitter who also appreciated and helped Alicia in her art endeavors.

Lastly, Reed. He....he took a bit of time to come around, but when he did, he wished you and Sue the best. Though, you did get one good punch in. Felt good.

But when it came time for Sue to meet your sister, it happened by sheer coincidence. They had met at a Cafe during a women's march and started to talk. It didn't take long for the two of them to piece everything together. That's when Sue came up with a plan.
Black Widow:

Neither of you had any biological family. At least, Natasha didn't know her family. Your parents had passed away when you were only 2, so you went to live with your aunt who had passed away right after you had graduated high-school.

But you did meet Natasha's family, the Avengers. Most of them, actually. Despite your protests, Natasha had dragged you along to one of their get togethers. You stuck out since you weren't exactly a super hero.

Still, it was pretty cool to meet everyone. Granted, you were the youngest one there. That caused a lot of jokes about Nat being a cougar or her robbing the cradle.

But things started to turn around when you met the King of Wakanda himself. He had taken interest in your knowledge and experience in the field of medical science. So interested, in fact, that he had offered you a job.

When the night ended back at the apartment, you and Natasha laid with each other. It was then that you realized you did have a family.

And it was with Natasha.
Scarlet Witch:

Meeting her twin brother experience.

Pierto wasn't like his sister. Not really, at least. He was much more active and a lot less calm. He was a child at heart.

Wanda was much more on touch with the world. Pierto was all over the place. But he did seem to like you. He even told you you could do better. The fuck could be better?

While you and her brother spoke, Wanda found herself wondering about you and your family. You had never really mentioned them to her. Even after a year or so of dating.

Once Pierto was gone, she had asked you about it. But you simply told her the truth.

You had never met them.

But you didn't elaborate.

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