Catching Up 5

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Who Are You?
A member of Gamma Flight.

You worked closely alongside Bruce Banner when he was exposed to the Gamma Radiation that turned him to the Hulk. However, you weren't unaffected. You ended up gaining something similar to Hulk's strength but without the Green skin and the extra muscle.
But you still had the monster inside of you.

How Did You Meet?:
Bruce asked for your help in saving his cousin.

This cousin ended up being Jennifer. You agreed and helped him with the blood transfer. And when Jen woke up, you both met formally. And when she turned to She-Hulk, younwere there to help her through it.

How Did You Become Friends?:
Besides helping her adjust, you also found a common interest in crossfit.

Thanks to your superhuman abilities, you managed to keep up with Jen during your shared workout sessions. Plus you found yourself actually interested in the fashion magazines she would often read.

Plus, it helped that you didn't see her as a monster during her earlier days when she was a bit self conscious about it. You helped her get adjusted to things and even got her career as a lawyer rolling again when you landed her the case of the century.

She never forgot that.

Who Fell In Love First?:
It was a dead tie.

I suppose you could say it was love at first sight.

You were the first person she had seen when she woke up, and you were immediately struck by her new appearance.

And that love only grew the more time you spent together.

Who Asked Who?:
You did.

You were running tests on yourself when she walked into your lab. The two of you shared some small talk before she asked what it was you were doing. You explained that you had hoped that you could help Bruce by looking at your own DNA.

You couldn't really recall what had brought it up, but you both started to talk about your love lives, or therefore lack of. So you suggested the two of you get dinner sometime.

She agreed and the two of you had a date for Friday.

First Date:

Namely at one of the most exclusive restaurants in New York. Thanks to Jen being a big time lawyer and you being somewhat of a hero yourself, it was easy to get in.

You both enjoyed wine and a three course meal. You both ended up avoiding any Gamma Talk the whole time and instead focused on other things.

Jen felt relaxed and loved spending time with someone who didn't make a comment on her appearance.

First Fight:
She found you talking to General Ross.

She was civil at first. She simply asked why the two of you were talking. You told her it wasn't anything important and that you had it handled. But she kept pushing.

That ended up spiraling into a fight about you hiding things. You assured her that it was nothing, but she found it hard to believe so ce you were trying do hard to hide it.

Finally you told her that Ross wanted your help in finding and destroying Hulk, but you refused and gave him false information.

Jen felt a bit bad about the argument, but you also felt like you were to blame since you didn't tell her the truth.

First Time:
When you woke up, the bed was broken.

You both had gone on a date to the movies which was a nice change of pace. And when you got home, you both had a glass or two of wine. Or three.

It started off with sweet words before she began to kiss on you. You ended up carrying her to the bedroom after that. Thank God for superhuman stamina, strength, and healing factor.

What's It Like?:


Never dull.

She likes to take control sometimes.

She actually prefers it when you do.

Hopefully whatever you're doing it on holds.

Broken furniture most of the time.

Who Said It First?:
You did.

You were both on the Avenger's helicarrier after a mission. Jen had managed to get you to tag along so you could help, which was much appreciated, and you both fell into conversation.

You ended up saying it mid conversation and neither of you really caught it until later on. But you were the first to say the L word, so there you go.

After workout photos were the best.

When she was done working out, she would always send you a progress picture. Sometimes, she wouldn't wear clothes for it. But she also liked to tease you with outfits she would be wearing on the runway. Maybe even whatever outfit she had picked for court that day.

Likewise, she enjoyed getting pictured from you after you had just gotten done with working out or work. She especially loved it when you were still sweaty. Reminded her of the good times the two of you shared.

Would She Cheat?
Technically, no.

It was an argument that drove you both to separate temporarily. During this week of separation, she ended up sleeping with Tony Stark. You had also hooked up with Betty Ross, which you regretted.

The two of you ended up talking things over and got back together, but you both felt ashamed by your actions.

Meeting The Family:
You had met Bruce before you met her.

But her parents were extremely kind people. At least, as kind as they could be while avoiding the fact that their daughter was now green. But they were nice to you.

Being an orphan yourself, it was weird at first to have a family dinner. It was even more weird when they had asked you how Bruce was doing.

You had to tell them that he was still on the loose and you weren't even close to finding a cure for him.

Turning Point:
General Ross showed up at your doorstep.

You and Jen were surpsied when you found him at the door. He explained that he was working on a way to find and eliminate the Hulk, and he wanted your help. You and Jen refused, but Ross pushed it a step further.

If you helped, he would spare Bruce and let you try to cure him. If you refused, the military would destroy the Hulk and kill Banner.

You were against both options, but you were forced to choose after they declared Jen a threat as well. With no other agreed to help.

You and Jen didn't even eat dinner after that. You ended up isolating yourself in your office, trying o find another way.

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