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Jean Grey:

She's never had a reason to own a phone. Like, ever. So she'll communicate with you through her telepathy.

However, she may or may not sometimes send a rather distracting thought to you when she feels like teasing you.

But you always get her back.

Being both an X-Men and a model, Betsy could afford any kind of device she wanted. When she was off somewhere for a show or on a mission, you both exchange texts to each other.

Basically checking in on each other here and there and what not.

But, when she misses you more than normal, she'll start to message you with a goal in mind. It'll start off innocent enough, but it slowly gets more and more provocative.

Finally, she'll send you a picture or two or five and that'll lead to a call.

Phone sex is always a treat.
Invisible Woman:

Though the two of you were usually together, you did have times where you would have to leave the city, state, or even country to follow up on a lead or to take down another bad guy. And, of course, Sue had the Fantastic Four who were always going off to some strange dimension.

So you would call every night just to talk and catch up. Though it never happened before, you were surpised when she had suddenly sent you a photo of her....nightwear.

In truth, she did it after some encouragement from her friends, Jen and Carol. Just something to spice things up.

Well, spice things up it did. She made sure to send you photos here and there just to remind you what you would be coming home to.

And you started to do the same.
Black Widow:

In truth, if she was in the mood, she would just sneak in through the window and wait for you to notice her. Before she moved in, of course.

But sometimes that wasn't an option. So she would be very up front about it when she texted you. It served as a helpful distraction from your studying and both of you enjoyed the playful flirtyness of the whole thing.

But when things got heated, they got heated. She would send photos, sure, but sometimes, once in a blue moon, she would send a video.

However, you would always find them missing the next day. Course you knew Natasha had something to do with it, but you didn't mind.

You had the real thing.
Scarlet Witch:

She had a phone for emergence only. But that quickly changed when she learned about your magic's connection to your soul. Since you couldn't use any kind of magic communication without wasting your soul, she decided to give you her number.

Something she had regretted at first.

You would just send memes.

Most of them she didn't understand.

Most of them she didn't understand

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What did it mean, Y/N?

But she did find ways to make you stop when she just didn't feel like dealing with it. She would take a photo of herself, fully clothed mind you, and send it to you.

It became a kind of game between the two of you. Who will stop sending photos first. But the kicker was, neither of you wanted to.

You cause you got to see more and more, and her because she liked teasing you.

Maybe phones were more useful than she thought.

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