Catching Up: Torunn

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Special Character for Mikexlrose

Who Are You?:
Just a normal highschool student.

Literally just a highschool student. Nothing special about you.

How Did You Meet?:
Well, you thought she was just a normal highschool student too.

You were just minding your own business when she suddenly appeared next to you. She had asked you about the open desk next to you and claimed it for her own. But the way she talked was kinda weird, but you didn't mind.

She was your new seat partner.

How Did You Become Friends?:
It was bound to happen.

You were the only one who didn't find her choice of words weird. Plus, she sat next to you in every class you shared. When you realized that she had no one to eat lunch with it hang out with, you offered to let her join you and your friends.

She was pretty cool and you liked having someone like her around. Even your friends grew fond of her and welcomed her into the group.

Who Fell In Love First?:
She was too proud to admit it was her.

But it totally was.

You treated her like a trustworthy companion and like a true equal. While she was sent down to Earth to love among the humans to better understand them, she wasn't particularly interested in making friends.

Much less falling in love with one.

Who Asked Who?:
Torunn: I request that you join me for a trip to the animal prison.

That's what she said when she asked you to go with her to the zoo.

Yeah, I know.

First Date:
It was to the "animal prison".

You gladly went to the zoo with her and showed her all the animals that she didn't know. You had no idea that she had never gone to the zoo before, so you enjoyed showing her all the animals.

Especially the giraffes.

Though you had to stop her from trying to ride one.

It was fun and you liked seeing her look at everything with such wonder.

At the end of the date, you officially asked her to be your girlfriend.

First Fight:
She punched a guy who was picking on you.

While she got detention, she refused to apologize. But the issue was really what the whole situation made you look like. You felt like she thought you couldn't handle yourself.

It made you upset but Tournn didn't understand why. This lead to an argument where you tried to explain that you didn't need her protecting you all the time.

In the end, you realized that she had good intentions. So you graffitied the gym wall and got into detention with her to keep her company.

First Time:
It was a rainy day when you found yourself stuck at home.

You and Torunn had plans to go out for a date at the park, but the thunder and rain swiftly appeared out of nowhere and ruined that idea. Still, you were surpised when your mom said you had a visitor.

You went downstairs and found Torunn standing there with a picnic basket and seemingly untouched by the rain.

Your mom went to work while you and Torunn made do with having an indoor picnic.

You had kissed her on the cheek, just because, but she found herself wanting more. So one kiss became two, two became three, three became you carrying her to the bed, that turned into clothes being tossed away.

Your mom had to stay late, so Torunn stayed over.

What's It Like?:

She usually took over with surpsing strength

Her voice was almost like music

You made sure she always finished first

She would gladly return the favor

You've never done half the stuff you do with her

She hugged you tighter than anyone else

Who Said It First?:
You did.


It was the morning after your first time with her. The way she seemed to glow in the morning light, the smile on her face, those beautiful eyes. You just had to tell her how much you loved her.

She just smirked.

Torunn: Of course you do.

Torunn didn't even know what a phone was.

You had to explain it to her but she still didn't get the concept. She only got one after you told her that you could use it to talk to people. So she would often call you.

And that was about it.

You weren't really expecting anything, but you did show her how to use a camera.

You got a bunch random selfies of her doing random things throughout the day.

She sent you one of her with a penguin. That was her caller ID.

Would She Cheat?:
What did you think?


The answer was no.

And anyone who so much as looked at you with romantic intrest was met with the glare of a warrior.

Meeting The Family:
She loved your parents.

She had met your parents the first time she came over for dinner. She immediately fell in love with your mom's cooking and your dad's horrible jokes. Jokes she often quoted.

And your parents liked having her around. Though you mom did admit that she was kinda odd, she loved how Torunn offered to help her whenever she was around. Your dad even showed her some of his old heavy metal CDs which Torunn loved the art covers of.

But when it came time to meet her parents, Torunn was a bit hesitant. But one day, out of the blue, you got a visitor.

Turning Point:
Her Thor.

You were at a lost for words as you and your family sat across Torunn and hers. Her father was the super hero Thor. The Norse God of Thunder. And her mother was Sif. An Asgardian warrior.

Torunn, was also a hero with powers of her own.

You had been dating for nearly a year now, and she never told you. Not even a mention.

You kinda felt a bit betrayed.

After Thor met you and Torunn's parents spoke to you, they gave you time to talk to Torunn. She apologized for not telling you sooner, but you were still upset. Torunn explained the whole situation to you and told you something that really surpised you.

Thor and Sif liked you and they approved of your relationship.

How does one date an Asgardian?

Apparently the same way you do with any highschool aged girl.

Nothing really changed after you learned she was Thor's daughter. Besides the fact that, you know, she was Thor's daughter.

You still felt hurt over the whole thing, but you never told Torunn about it. You knew you should, but you didn't really know how to tell her.

You pretended that everything was fine. You went on your dates, spent time together during school, and you acted like you were okay.

But Torunn knew that something was bothering you.

And she wanted to know what.

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