Trickster Bugs the Mod

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And speaking of which...

Trickster: When's my part?

Pichu: Just hold on, be patient. I'm just thinking about how best to write the Len's part, since it's probably what everyone's been waiting for.

Trickster: Well, can I at least introduce myself?

Pichu: I'm getting to that, just please don't interrupt the story anymore

Trickster: All right, but even a spirit such as I can get tired of waiting...

Pichu: You're just mad because it was cloudy on the full moon.

Trickster: I'll be waiting, then...

Pichu: can I finally update?

(FYI: "Mod" stands for "moderator". Basically, it's my job to watch these guys and make sure they don't get out of control. Though due to the nature of this story, they probably will.)

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