Chapter 2

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This is the worst day of her entire life. She hates Kanye, and this concert is too loud for her tastes since she hates the set list, and her date is a bit too touchy for her liking. He's a nice guy; it's just like he uses any excuse to touch her. Gloss finally gave up and sat down in her seat. After about 20 minutes he sat down next to her, he leaned over towards her, "not your scene?"

Gloss turned to look at him and shook her head. "Sorry. I know these tickets couldn't have been cheap, but this just isn't my kind of artist."

"Do you not like rap?"

"No I like rap, I just prefer old school rap or like Eminem. You?"

He gave her a wry smile and ruffled his hair, "If I tell you, you promise you won't laugh?"

That made her curious, "sure, I promise."

"I listen to Kpop."

At her blank stare, he realized he needed to elaborate, "Ah, Korean Pop, well, rap, too. My favorite group is BTS."

She thought for a bit; she'd heard of them but was unsure she was familiar with any of their music. "I'll have to check them out sometime." She was being serious, she really would.

He gave her a huge grin. "Do you want to go hang out in the car and listen to music we actually like?"

Gloss pointed to their friends, "What about them?"

James snorted, "They haven't said one word to us the entire time we've been here. I'm sure they've been making out during 90% of this concert. Just text her, and I'll text him and let them know we'll be in the car."

She didn't want to go because being alone with him didn't seem wise, but she wanted away from this god-awful music. "Okay, let's go." She texted Sunny fast that they'd be in the car, and off they went. He reached for her hand, and she didn't want to take it, but it was just a hand. They walked the mile back to the car, and then he loaded some songs on his phone. The first song he played was Fire, by BTS.

Joon and Yoongi were just about to grab some lunch when the elder stopped walking and grabbed Joon's shirt. He looked down at Yoongi's hand, probably wondering what he was doing. He gripped his sleeve tighter, "She's listening to us right now."

"What? Are you for real? What song?"

Yoongi nodded his head yes, "Fire."

Joon pulled him into a hug. "Congratulations, Hyung. That means you are one step closer to her, right?"

He took a deep breath, "I sure hope so."

Gloss and James spent the next three hours listening to so much K-pop that she knew she had found a new love. Finally, Sunny and her date made their way to the car when the concert was over. He was wearing as much of her lipstick as she was.

"Did you enjoy the concert, Sunny?"

She opened her bag and started fixing her makeup. "It was fantastic, and what did you two do?"

"James introduced me to K-pop. I kind of like it. Are you ready to head back to the dorms?"

She rolled her eyes. "Girl, I get that you want to graduate as soon as possible, but you can't forget to live. College is the best time of your life, you nerd."

Gloss took a lot of college classes during High School, so she'll graduate with her bachelor's sometime in the next two years.

James reached over to grab her hand again, "do you think we can go on a proper date sometime?"

She sighed, "James, I promise this isn't a lie. I have a soulmate. I haven't met him yet, but I hope I can someday."

"That's fine with me; I'm not looking for anything serious. We're just in college; I want someone to eat with, do fun things with, etc."

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