Chapter 7

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They walked up to the door and rang the bell; Hobi and Jin answered. "Gloss, James, it's good to see you guys again. I'm Jin."

Like they needed an introduction to World Wide Handsome, he shook their hands and told them it was nice to meet them. James was practically glowing. They followed them to the dining room; the other guys were already there. Jin said he would start bringing in the food, and Joon and Hobi followed to help.

"Gloss, here, sit next to me."

She smiled at Jimin and sat beside him while he went into full flirt mode. James sat across from her next to Suga. She could feel both of them looking at her, but Jimin demanded her attention. When the food was set on the table, everything looked amazing. They all dug in, and Jimin kept putting food on her plate. 

She was too busy eating and laughing at Jimin's antics to notice her soulmate practically foaming at the mouth.

"Gloss here, try this." She turned and looked at Jungkook, taking the drink he offered. She downed it and me at how yummy it was. "Do you want another one?"

"Yes, please." He gave her his bunny smile and poured another.

Yoongi would kill those two if they didn't stop flirting with her. They know she's his soulmate, so they do this to annoy him.

"So Gloss, Hobi, and Yoongi told us you have a soulmate. Have you figured out who it is?"

He turned to glare at Jin. They all want her to realize it's him, but he wants her to figure it out on her own. She smiled and excitedly said, "I had a new dream last night. I think he might be a C-pop idol."

That made Yoongi choke on his drink, wtf. Why would she think that? Thankfully, Hobi voiced the question out loud. "Why do you think he's a C-Pop idol."

"Well, I don't know if Suga told you about my last one, but I saw a guy in all black with a bucket hat and mask on. He was sleeping on the couch, had bleached blonde hair, and looked idol-like. Then last night, I saw two microphones, a silver one and a black one."

Ah, his microphones—that's adorable. He could see the guys were on the same train of thought as him. They'd just recently updated their mics, and he went with silver after having black for years. But that still didn't explain why she thought he was a C-Pop idol instead of a K-Pop idol.

Joon leaned forward, confused. "That doesn't explain why you think he's a C-Pop idol," he said.

She snapped her fingers, "Sorry, I forgot about the other part. During the dream, I kept hearing this voice saying Hong Kong over and over."

James started to choke on his drink. He looked at Yoongi, and the elder nodded his head. His eyes went wide. Yoongi leaned over and whispered, "Please don't tell her. I want her to figure it out." James nodded his head, but he was squirming in his seat. Yoongi wasn't sure how long he could keep this a secret. He really hoped she figured it out soon.

Jungkook kept giving her drinks, and soon, she was nodding off. James picked her up and laid her head in his lap. "Just let her sleep a bit, and then I'll take her home."

"You guys should stay here; we have a guest room." 

He looked at Yoongi, "We wouldn't want to impose." 

The elder waved him off, "It's fine." He handed him a drink and sat on the couch across from them. Everyone else crowded in, they sat around shooting the shit. His social meter was running low, so he walked across the room and sat in the chair. He just watched his soulmate snoozing away.

She sat up abruptly and locked eyes with him. Fucking finally, he mused to himself.

Suga, it was mother fucking Min Yoongi. He was her soulmate; she couldn't believe it. Gloss sat up and looked at him; he knew. He knew she was his soulmate. She got up and ran towards him; he stood up and opened his arms. She jumped in them and kissed him. "It's you?"

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