Chapter 4

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Gloss didn't remember much about their night. She drank a little too much but knew they had a fantastic time. The two of them stumbled into her room around 1 am, and they both fell on top of the blankets and passed out. When her alarm went off the following day, she groaned loudly. "Why, why must my babies be on TV today?"

She rolled out of bed and practically crawled to the shower. Thankfully, the hot water woke her up, so she was able to function as a passable adult. She threw on her clothes and walked into the kitchen. She made a huge cup of coffee, grabbed her keys, and was out the door. She turned on some BTS Fire to get her pumped up. 

"Hey Hyung, did you get any sleep last night?"

Yoongi pulled his head up from the table and looked at Tae. "She was at a club last night. She didn't leave until after midnight. Then she was up early in the morning doing God knows what. I'm so tired."

Tae nodded, "Oh, hey, isn't your new group going on TV for the first time today?"

That made Yoongi perk up a bit: "Yeah, their manager, Miss Parker, is taking them. I need to finish their songs so they can start recording. I've been slacking."

Tae patted Hyung on the shoulder, "I'm sure you'll make them some amazing songs. I have to go, they need me in the studio. See you later."

Yoongi laid his head back down on the table. He was glad she was there and having fun; he just wished she was having fun with him.

Gloss pulled up to the company and parked her SUV. She entered the building, and they were all waiting for her in the lobby. "My babies!"

Cian mumbled that he wasn't a baby because he was 18 now. Ryuk ran up to her and gave her the biggest hug. Gloss knew he had to miss his family, and leaving his country behind wasn't easy. She would have had difficulty leaving her if her mother hadn't been traveling the country with her new boyfriend and having the time of her life. 

She clapped her hands, "so, are you guys nervous for today?"

"No, I think we are good. We need to get ready," August said.

"Perfect, let's go get you boys packed up, and we'll get you ready once we get there." They walked to their studio and gathered all their clothes; she grabbed the makeup bag and a few things she had ordered. The CEO was so lovely; he told her to send him links to anything she needed, and he'd order it. 

Eventually, she'll need to meet the mysterious, generous man with this new group. They hopped into the van, and she finally met their bodyguard/driver. Minho was a quiet man; he seemed very serious, but the boys seemed to like him, and that's all that mattered to her. 

They got everything loaded up and headed to the TV studio. The hosts were friendly, but the older lady wanted the boys to dance to sexy music. Gloss stopped it immediately; she walked over to her and told her that they would not be sexualizing children—especially her kids. 

She was mad, but there was nothing she could do. They could walk, and then they'd have nothing to air. Gloss was sure her 'American Ignorance' was being blamed, which was okay with her. But she will not have them doing hip thrusts on TV when some are just now going through puberty.

The show was great. The boys danced to a girl group song that she'd never heard before. They played lots of games and overall had a great time. When it was over, they rushed to her, all sweaty and smiley. "How was that, Noona?" 

"Leo, it was fantastic. Do you guys want to change before we head out to eat?"

They all wanted to head back and get cleaned up, so she texted James to meet them at the restaurant in 30. He said he'd be there; it didn't take the boys long to get cleaned up, so they beat James to the restaurant. It was a super cute place with an upstairs so the boys could eat privately. They weren't famous yet, but even before their debut, some idols had fans, some good, some not.

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