Chapter 15

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Linny was rocking back and forth, "She's going to murder me; she's going to storm in here and murder me."

"Calm down, I changed the code. You are fine."

"She's your mother," Linny muttered back.

It had been 24 hours since Chance danced on stage in a leather harness and nothing else covering his chest. Not a peep from either parent, which was strange. He was worried; he'd never gone this long without hearing from his mother, not since her surgery. Even his siblings, Tarot and Scout, haven't heard from them either. 

But he's not making the first move. Nope, he knows how to let sleeping dogs lie. "She's not that scary; I don't know why you are so scared of her."

Linny looked seconds away from puking. "She's your mother, so you aren't scared of her. She could have my life ruined if she wanted to. She's Min Yoongi's wife, her son is Min Chance, and she's Min Gloss. Like, don't you know who she is?"

"She's my mother," he deadpanned. "You've said it a million times by now." Chance sighed, "Look, all I did was wear a harness. I didn't make a sex tape. I'm calling Uncle James." He pulled his phone out, and as soon as he got "Un," James started to laugh.

"Nope, not happening, little Chancy Poo."

"Uncle James, they aren't calling me, and Linny is freaking out."

"You were half-naked on TV; you started a Twitter war. You are lucky you aren't grounded."

"I'm 23, I don't even live with them."

James snorted, "She brought you into this world; what makes you think she can't take you out?"

Well, he's not wrong there, "fine, what do I do?"

"I'm not sure you can fix this one. Your pack mates are all about you being half-naked; they fully support it. In fact, they've kind of been calling for your mother's head on Twitter. They've left your Dad alone since he has the Army to back him. But since I took over Arcana, before they got big, she isn't as well known in the idol world that way."

"They are what?"

James sighed a bit; idol life always had a dark side. Your life was never your own; once you become famous, every fan thinks they own a little of you. They believe their opinion on what you eat, wear and do, and how you look, feel, and act matters. You can't date, be friends, or even look at anyone they disapprove of. It's not fun, and so many people fall into a deep depression because of it; even Yoongi was guilty of it.

And one of the first idols to speak so freely of his depression. It was groundbreaking, really, something so unheard of. "I think you know how obsessive fans can be. You've seen the backlash your parents and uncles have had to go through to get married. Even though your parents are soulmates, people still protested. When your mother got sick, it was even worse. I know you don't remember it since you were so young. But so many people wanted your father to leave her. Someone as famous as Min Yoongi deserved a healthy wife who would remember how awesome he is."

"Why did they not tell me any of this?"

"Why would they burden their children with this? Plus your mother just now got her brain fixed, she doesn't even remember it most likely. There are years she missed out on your lives; she wanted only to remember the good things."

James could hear the sniffles, and it made him sad. He didn't want his little buddy to cry. "I feel bad."

"Don't. I didn't tell you to upset you. I told you so you could fix this. But first, you need to let your fans know you were just teasing your parents. They don't care what you wear on stage, and it's just more of a family drama teasing since your Dad was notorious for not showing any skin."

"I can do that," he said between muffled sobs.

"Chance, it'll be fine, I promise."

Not an hour later, Twitter was again flooded because of Min Chance. Yoongi sighed, "I'm going to kill that kid, I swear to God."

"He's not half naked again, is he?" Her muffled voice came from the bathroom where she was washing her face.

"No, but this is almost worse. He did a V live, crying about how much he loves us, how he doesn't deserve parents as amazing as we are, and that his fans need to be nice. We are soulmates, and just because I want never to show where my seven tattoo is, that's okay; he'll show all of his tattoos, he promises."

Gloss snorted loudly, "That's sweet; why are you so mad?"

"Because Army is now tweeting about my fucking tattoo, AGAIN. It's been over 40 years, so you'd think they would give up at this point. I'm never going to show them where it is."

His beautiful wife pushed his shirt sleeve up and kissed over his shoulder, right where his 7seven was. "If only they knew just how much of a softie you were." She pulled back, "Wait, my baby was crying on a V life, and you have me over here kissing your shoulder, you asshat." She rolled off the bed and grabbed her phone, "Chance, are you okay?"

"Mom," he sobbed, "I'm so sorry; you can yell at me and Linny all you want. I'll perform in a snowsuit if that makes you happy."

She snorted, "Well, don't do that. You'll overheat, and then we'll have to take you to the hospital. I'm okay with what you wear; you are my baby, and it's hard for me and your Dad."

"I don't care that much," Yoongi mumbled from beside her before she smacked her hand over his mouth. He was going to ruin this for her. She's seen the shit he got into with BTS, she knows he doesn't care, that's not the point.

"I know, Mom, I'll be good."

Gloss smiled as she told her son good night and that she loved him, "We raised him right."

"Well don't get all smug, we do have two others we could have easily screwed up."

"Tarot is in college, and Scout is engaged to a very nice boy."

He shrugged, "still time to rebel."

A/N, this is the last chapter of I hear you. There will be no more bonus chapters. I love you chaos goblins so much!

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