Chapter 8

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Gloss pulled him closer to her, "Well, this table is the perfect height."

He nipped her collarbone, "my soulmate is insatiable."

"It's your fault; if you weren't so amazing, I wouldn't be like this," she quipped back at him.

"It's okay; I'm enjoying pleasing you." Then he kissed down her body; she was sitting up on the table with her legs on the arm of the chair he was sitting in. He looped his arms around her thighs, and he pulled her to the edge of the table. His mouth was on her, and her hands were in his hair.

It was so hot, seriously, in this position, and in the kitchen, it felt so dirty and wrong, but holy hell, he knew what he was doing with his tongue. When she was trying to catch her breath, he looked up at her and smirked, "So now that I've taken you to Hong Kong, does the dream make more sense?"

"Omg, is that what that means?"

He grinned at her, "That's how James figured out it was me last night."

Gloss started pouting, "he knew before me?"

"Well, in his defense, if you were a better Army, you probably would have figured it out sooner."

Now she was pouting, but the doorbell rang, and he said he'd grab the food.

"Yoongi," she whispered; he turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow. "You are in your underwear. Let me."

"There's no way I'm letting anyone see you with your sex face on and practically naked." He turned to the door and yelled just a second. Then he took off to his room and grabbed shorts and a shirt. He returned in less than a minute, paying the nice man for their food. "Ready to eat?"

Gloss smirked, "I am, but not for food." She pushed him down in his seat and crawled under the table. She pulled him out of his boxers. "Think you can eat your food while I eat you?" He gulped and nodded his head. "If you stop eating, then I'm going to stop, got it?"

He raised his eyebrow and looked at her, "you sure you were a virgin?" he scoffed.

Oh, she was. She just had a very active imagination. She pulled him into her mouth, and he groaned, but he wasn't eating, so she stopped and kitten-licked the tip. "Someone isn't eating like a good boy."

"Fine, fine, I'll start eating." He opened his mouth, and she took him down once he had a bite in. "Oh fuck," he groaned. Gloss glared at him, and he took another bite, so she started moving again. He was a good boy, and he kept eating until he had his orgasm. When she was done, he sagged back, "You are amazing."

Gloss sat down in his lap, and he started feeding her. It was sweet. She could stay in his lap forever if he'd let her. "I never want to leave here." 

He sweetly kissed her neck, saying, "Let's stay here forever."

"Deal," she giggled, "although we should probably shower."

"Ohh, having you in the shower sounds amazing."

He's just as greedy, and she loves it. They spent the entire day pleasing each other repeatedly and on every surface in that apartment. "You should probably have someone come clean."

"Move in with me."

Gloss rolled over and looked at him. He looked so sleepy and adorable. "Yoongi, I have an apartment, remember? You pay for it. Plus, my friends live there."

"They can stay; I'll even keep paying for it. But I want you here. I've waited three years for you, plus with our schedules, it will be difficult enough to see each other."

"What about your brothers? Don't you guys live together?"

"We can stay there too, or here or hell, your apartment. If possible, I want to wake up with you in my arms each morning."

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