Chapter 14

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"MMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM," Chance all but screamed. He looked at his Dad, "Please help me. If she doesn't stop, they are going to cut me from the label."

Yoongi wanted to roll his eyes so hard. "You are the son of Min Yoongi; they'd never cut you. Besides, I literally own a label and offered you a spot. So, worse comes to worse; you can move over to 7."

"Yeah, that's a no," he huffed. "It's bad enough I have to deal with Mother coming here and taking over. I'd have you, her, and Uncle James if I were there. You literally couldn't pay me enough to deal with that."

He sat down, spreading his arms wide. "Then deal with your mother standing up for you. I mean, they had you half-naked on stage dancing and doing hip thrusts."

Chance pointedly gave his father, "Look, I get that you were the king of not showing skin. But I've seen footage of you dancing, sticking your tongue out, and doing all kinds of thirst traps with your hands." He rolled his eyes slightly, "I'm starting to think my father is Uncle Jimin. He gets me."

"Sure, tell your mother, my soulmate that."

"I'm not trying to die today, calm down Satan."

Yoongi wanted to throttle his child that day, but he had to remind himself that he was only 23 and in the prime of his life. But that intelligent mouth is going to be his death. "Can you not wear more clothes?"

Chance held up his finger and pulled out his phone, "Appa is trying to make me not be sexy on stage. Can you talk to him?" 

He was tossed a phone and heard a giggle on the other end, "Jimin," he grunted.

"Why are you being so mean to my nephew?"

"Yah!" He yelled, "First off, do you want your daughter dancing half-naked on stage? If so, I can make that happen. Second, have you met my wife?"

Jimin snorted, "If Su-ah wants to wear sexy clothes and dance, I can't exactly stop her when I was doing the same at a much younger age. It would be hypocritical of me."

"That's the thing, though, I didn't do that. I'd freak out if I showed skin. Now my baby wants to go on stage shirtless and dance like we did in Baepsae. I just can't."

The younger was giggling his heart out over the phone, "I remember you grabbing your crotch and sticking your tongue out as you thrust into the air. You aren't so innocent, Hyung."

"And I want better for my baby. Is that so wrong of me?"

Chance stared at his Dad while he talked to his Uncle Jimin. He really thought it would help, but it was looking like a losing battle. Yes, he's an adult who doesn't even live at home, so technically, he can do whatever he wants. But he loves his parents and even more since his mom had her surgery and remembered them. 

"Can you at least wear a coat like Uncle Jimin did when he was shirtless?"

He turned to look at his mother, who had just finished yelling at his manager. Said manager; it looked like he was seconds away from crying and maybe throwing up. "You traumatized him," he huffed, pointing at his manager.

His mother waved it off, "he's fine. It's not like it's the first time I've yelled at him."

Chance snorted, "You aren't wrong there."

Linny walked over, his head hung down slightly, not looking them in the eye. "We talked about it, and maybe going on stage in low-cut jeans and shirtless is a bit much. But we can find ways to show off your body if that's what you want?"

"Of course it is; my father may want to be a rock in his next life and sleep through this one. But I've worked hard for this body and intend to show it off."

Gloss snorted as she made eye contact with her husband. She was hoping that he would still be on the phone, but he wasn't, and he was glaring at the two. "I go to the gym," he pouted.

"You go to the gym when Uncle Kook or Joon drags you there. You don't even dance anymore, which was your main exercise source."

"I was injured, thank you very much," Yoongi said.

"And you had surgery. We saw the comeback with the wings and Uncle Tae getting mad and waving for you to hurry up."

"Fucker ruined my moment, I was feeling myself that day. The metal wings, me coming up from the floor, and that little shit gets annoyed that I was taking too long."

"Anyways," Gloss interrupted because if she didn't, they'd never stop. "We all agree that, as long as he's not completely topless, it should be fine. Right?"

They nodded their heads, and that was the end of it, until three weeks later when the entire family was watching the wolf pack's comeback. BTS and their families were there as well, all of them gathered around the Min living room when Chance danced out on stage in the tightest leather pants and a fucking harness as a top.

Jimin was clapping and cheering that that was his nephew, and Yoongi and Gloss were speechless. When the Wolf Pack won, Chance was the one to speak as the leader: "I want to say thank you to our pack mates. Without you guys, we wouldn't be here, and please, please let my mother and father know that you like my outfit choices." He winked at the camera, and five minutes later, #letchancechoose was trending on Twitter.

"I'm going to kill him," Yoongi grumbled.

"Get it line," Gloss grumbled back.

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