Chapter 9

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He's beautiful when he cums, his back arched off the bed, his mouth is open, and his eyes are squeezed shut. He tenses his abs and he fists the sheets, God it's such a turn-on.

"I'm going to brush my teeth; if you are coming, you need to shower and get dressed quickly."

They met the babies and their driver at the studio. Gloss quickly got them ready. Yoongi just sat on the couch and watched her as she flew around the room doing what she did. They looked great, and she couldn't wait for them to perform their song. They had worked so hard for this moment.

They gathered in a huddle. "I know you guys are nervous, but don't be. There is no one more prepared than you. You can do anything you set your mind to. I'll be in the front row, cheering you on. I love you guys."

"We love you too, Noona." Then they started their chant: "We do it for? THE MOONS. Do we do it for? THE MOONS. Do we do it for? THE MOONS. Who are we? Arcana!" Then they raised their hands in the air and gave their best warrior yell.

"Go get 'em, boys!" They took off to wait by the stage, and Gloss turned to look at Yoongi. "Do you want to stay here or go watch?"

"Do you think it'll be okay? I don't want to take any attention away from them."

She wrapped her arms around his waist. "I think it'll be okay. No one knows that you own the company, so we can keep it that way. If anyone asks why you are here, say you are here to support your soulmate."

His smile was so big that she saw all his teeth, "I can tell the world about you?"

Gloss cocked her head to the side, "Why wouldn't you? I just assumed you would." Then she pouted a bit. Was he ashamed of her?

"Oh I want to, I just didn't know if you were ready for that. Being my soulmate is going to be a lot to deal with."

"You are worth it, Min Yoongi." He kissed her, chaste and quick, but it still made her melt a bit. "Come on, I don't want to miss my baby's performance."

They nailed it. They didn't win, but they weren't expecting them to. When they were getting up, the camera panned around to Yoongi, of course. Once they saw that he was there, they crowded him. He told her to go on since she was already by the door.

"Suga, BTS isn't performing today; why are you here?"

He gave a little bow and waved to the cameras, "I'm supporting my soulmate. She's here for work. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go meet her."

They didn't want him to go; they tried physically blocking him from leaving. Gloss was pissed; she stormed over to where her soulmate was trying to get away. "Excuse me, if you do not back up, you'll find out just how aggressive of an American I am. Now back the fuck up." She grabbed his hand and dragged him away from them.

"Are you okay, Yoongi?" He grinned with the grin she loved so much. "Why are you smiling goofy?"

He tucked some stray hair behind her ear, "Because of you. You charged out there and bullied them into leaving me alone. You didn't have to do that. I could have handled them."

She made her best oops, I'm sorry face, "I know you could have, but you can't go out there and be an ass. I'm American; I can get away with being rude."

He snorted, "Come on, let's see the babies."

When they walked into the dressing room, they bounced up and down. As soon as they saw Gloss, they ran to her and engulfed her in a big hug. "Gloss, how was it? Did we do okay?"

Yoongi could barely hear her from the center of their huddle, "you guys did so great, I'm so proud of my babies. They will take over the kpop world; I know it." Then she patted their heads quickly, "but can you let me go, you guys are hella sweaty." They all laughed, and finally, she could see Yoongi again.

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