Chapter 13

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If you had told Yoongi that he would be celebrating his 30th wedding anniversary with his wife and that she remembered him and their kids, he probably wouldn't have believed you. He spends most of his time with her, not remembering them, but it doesn't matter because he loves Gloss more than anything.

"Scout, have you got the venue ready?" His 25-year-old daughter grinned and nodded. "Tarot, is the food good?" His 23-year-old son rolled his eyes, and Yoongi took that as a yes. Now, Chance, you had the hard task."

Chance was 21 and training to be a kpop idol, "yes, I have secured all of our uncles, their spouses, and spawns."

Yoongi snorted, "That's not a nice way to talk about your cousins."

"Well, since we aren't technically related, I'll continue to address them accordingly," he scoffed.

Chance is as much of a smart ass as his namesake is, and as much as Yoongi loves his son, sometimes he wants to throttle the two of them. "Did James get a hold of Sunny and Alex? Last time I checked, they were in Europe."

"He did. They'll be there. Everything is going to be great, Dad. We've trained for this; this is the first year she's remembered your anniversary. We aren't letting it go to waste."

Family and friends surrounded them, and he could see Gloss's happiness. She loved everyone and always had. She cooed over the little ones that got bigger while she was gone. She cried when Sunny and Alex walked in, dragging them into the corner with James to do whatever those four get up to when they are together.

"Did you get that link I sent you?"

Yoongi sighed a bit. Joon has made it his personal mission to try and cure Gloss of her illness. "Joon, there's no point; the doctor told us there was no cure."

"That was 30 years ago, Hyung. You didn't read the article. They've found a solution in London. They've done it on over 100 people, and all have had various successes. It's not like it can get worse. Her bad days are getting longer and longer. I know you love her, but this life isn't easy. I just want you happy."

"I am happy, Joon; that's. That's what none of you have ever understood. Even if she's gone for an entire year only to return for a day, that 24 hours, it's worth it to me. She's my soulmate even if she doesn't remember me; just being with here, is enough."

"I want to do it," the both of them heard from behind them. Joon gasped while Yoongi sent him a death glare.

"Gloss, you don't have to. I love you, and it is major surgery, and there are a lot of risks, I'm sure."

She smiled at her husband, "You've always been there with me, for me-my biggest supporter, and for that, I can never repay you. But we are still young, and I want to spend the rest of my life remembering you. I'm sick of waking up scared and seeing the look of disappointment flash across your face when you forget for just a second that I don't remember. I want; let me do this for us."

Yoongi was pissed at Joon for putting this in her head, but he'd never deny his wife anything she wanted. "You know I would do anything for you, so if this is what you want, I'd never deny you."

"It is; I want my life back. I love you. You are the other half of my soul."

Yoongi has seen Gloss in the hospital more times than he can count. There were times that on bad days, she got violent with Yoongi, and he had to restrain her before she did severe damage to herself. So he's well acquainted with everything: the smells, the sounds, and how it makes him feel seeing her in a hospital gown. It doesn't matter that they are in England vs. Korea, all hospitals; the same no matter what country they are in.

He paced back and forth in the waiting room, refusing to let the little mins or his brothers come. He needed to be able to break down on his own if anything went wrong. He hated it when people saw him as weak, so he was alone in a country he hadn't been to since the last time he was there with BTS performing a concert.

No one here recognized him anymore, and he was thankful for that because now he could just be Gloss's husband, not Min Yoongi, the idol. He waited for eighteen hours—18 hours of pacing, 18 hours of worrying, 18 hours of not knowing if this would work or not. "Mr. Min?"

Yoongi's head popped up, and when his sleep-deprived brain registered that it was Gloss' Doctor, he ran over and nodded. "The surgery went great; we'll know if it worked when she wakes up. She's under very heavy anesthesia, so that she won't be up for a few hours. But you are more than welcome to wait in her room with her. Nurses will be in and out to check her vitals, but there's no need to worry. At this point, it either worked or it didn't."

"Thank you, Doctor. I don't know what else I can say, but it doesn't feel like enough."

"You don't have to thank me, but I'd love an autograph. My wife was and is still a huge BTS fan." Yoongi blushed, but he, of course, obliged. "She has a scary dressing around her head. We had to shave some of her hair, as we talked about. But she can easily cover it with certain hairstyles."

"She could be bald, and I'd still love her," Yoongi bowed once more to Doctorctor and made his way to Gloss's room. Doctorctor was right; her headdress was slightly scary. But if anyone could rock the mummy look, it was Gloss.

It took several hours, just like Doctorctor said, but when she woke up, she blinked her eyes a few times and grinned. "Someone got old," she scoffed.

"You saw me not even six months ago, you turd," he smiled back at her, "do you think it worked, or are we just having a good day?"

She shrugged a bit, "only one way to find out. I guess that means I'll have to keep waking up next to you every day."

That sounded like the most fantastic idea he'd ever heard. The first year, he was worried that one day she wouldn't remember, so he stuck with the routine he'd gotten used to. Wake up before her, leave her a note, and listen to what song she plays. But whenever she played their songs, she'd skip into the kitchen and tackle him in a massive hug.

He stopped waking up early; he loved blinking his eyes open and seeing her smile at him before their lips crashed together and they made love.

"You owe me like the biggest fruit basket ever," Joon mused as they watched Gloss go toe to toe with Chance's manager.

"Done deal. Now I better go stop her before she gives that poor guy an aneurism." Joon was right, though. If he hadn't pushed the surgery idea on them, Yoongi never would have brought it up. But the bossy leader did, and now Yoongi has his wife back, and she's as feisty as ever.

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