Chapter 12

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He scratched the back of his head, "I'm in a K-pop group; we're pretty popular."

Gloss nodded because she didn't understand, but she knew she'd have time, or maybe she'd remember. "How many times have we done this?"

He slid his plate towards her, "More times than I can count. But that's okay; I get to make you fall for me all the time, and since I know you so well, I keep getting better and better at it."

She blushed again and looked at the food. It was a perfect restaurant-quality French Toast with a side of bacon. She devoured it, not realizing just how hungry she was.

"Hey Gloss, I know you don't remember, but we were supposed to go on a date today. We have a standing date every Sunday. Do you want to go still?"

"Sure," she dressed, and he took them to a cute cafe. "Is this a BTS cafe?"

He laughed hard, "Yeah, I'm still kicking myself for choosing this place. It's starting to become embarrassing."

She patted his shoulder and then turned to order: "Can I please get a hot chocolate and a cinnamon roll?"

"Of course, Gloss, Yoongi, your usual?"

"Please," he said while trying not to smile.

They spent the next hour talking and eating their pastries. "Do you want to go get some real food? It's a bit after lunch, and I need to feed our baby girl."

"We're having a girl?"

He grinned this adorable gummy grin, "We are. Does that make you happy?" She was finishing her cinnamon roll, so she nodded yes. "Come on, let's go get some pizza."

The rest of the day went by in a blur, and the next morning was a good memory day. Thank goodness because she went into labor shortly after he fed her. "Yoongi?"


"I think we need to go to the hospital; my water just broke."

"Oh shit, okay, I've trained for this. Let's go."

Thirteen hours later, their daughter was born. "Hi there, Scout. I'm your mommy, and this is your daddy. We're so excited that you are here."

"She's perfect, Gloss," he said while running his finger over her eyebrows.

Gloss kept having episodes, which made having a baby difficult. She would need her mother, and Gloss had no idea who she was. When she was a year old, Gloss convinced Yoongi that they should have another baby. He was reluctant at first, but he wanted more kids as well. When Tarot was born, Gloss was having a bad memory day. She had no idea who Yoongi was or why she was pushing out a baby, she had no recollection of.

Yoongi wasn't doing as much with BTS anymore. He said he was getting too old to tour around the world. But she knew it was because of her. He was too afraid to leave her alone for too long, and now they have two kids, a nearly 2-year-old and a newborn.

Life was crazy. Gloss woke up to notes on her nightstand every morning. Somehow, Yoongi was always awake before her. She kept the notes, putting them in the drawer. There were hundreds in there, and it made her smile. She walked into the bathroom and turned on Save Me.

"Little Mins, Mom is having a good memory day, okay."

Scout and Tarot gave each other a high five. They love good memory days because then Mommy remembers them. Yoongi looked down at Chance, who was being really clingy. Yoongi knew he wanted to nurse because he kept throwing his pacifier out. He gave him a kiss on the top of his head. "Mommy will be here in just a minute, okay?"

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