Chapter 3

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Virtual school sucked royally, but Gloss survived. However, she didn't know it would last for almost two years; her graduation was over a Zoom call. It was ridiculous, but they were told that slowly, over the summer, everything would be back to normal. The US had started opening back up; they no longer had to wear masks.

"Will you be my maid of honor?"

Gloss whipped her head around and looked at Sunny. Alex was standing next to her, grinning from ear to ear. "She said yes!" Sunny held out her hand to show off her ring.

"Omg yes! Where's James?"

"Here, I got it on video. Want to watch?"

He turned on the TV, and she saw her best friend's proposal in a few seconds. "I'm so happy for you guys. When is the wedding?"

"July 2nd."

She thought for a moment, "July 2nd is a nice date. That gives us a little over a year to plan. Not bad."

Alex fake coughed, "July 2nd, in 6 weeks from now."

"What," James and Gloss both yelled.

James panicked, "That's not enough time to plan a wedding. Are you insane?"

Sunny walked over to James and grabbed his hands, "Chance, it's more than enough time for you two to plan anything. Besides it's just us, neither of us has any family that we are close to. So, will you two plan our wedding?"

James and her looked at each other and sighed, of course, they would. They'd do anything for their best friends; they were moving to South Korea with them in August. It's the least they can do for the two love birds. "Of course we will. Leave it all up to us." Gloss turned to James, "We'll have to update her passport before we leave."

James looked at the ceiling and sighed, "God, this will be so much paperwork."

Sunny leaned into Alex and whispered, "They realize we aren't their children, right? Like we are adults."

Gloss turned around and winked at her, "You are adults who barely function without our supervision. Let's be real here."

That got everyone laughing, "Well you know the date, let us know when to show up and we'll get married." With that, her best friend was off to her room to most likely have sex with her new fiance.

"Well, Boo, you ready to plan a wedding?"

They spent the next six weeks planning the cutest wedding.

"NNooooo," Yoongi yelled out.

It was 9:00 am, and he heard something he had never wanted to hear unless he was there.

"Hyung, what is it?"

He turned to look at Jungkook, "she's getting married."

"What, how do you know?"

Yoongi started sobbing, "The wedding march, she's listening to the wedding march."

The wedding was beautiful, and it made Gloss not cry so much. Once it was over, she approached her best friend, "You guys have two weeks for your honeymoon, and then we expect you back here so we can head to Korea. I'll take your marriage license, and I'll apply for your new passport. Have fun in Dallas, you two!"

"Bye, Mom and Dad, we love you," Sunny said with a smile.

James threw his arm around Gloss's shoulder. "They just grow up so fast, don't they?"

She wrapped her arms around him. "They sure do. It seems like just yesterday they were making out at a Kanye concert." Alex flipped them off, and they hopped into his car, and they were gone. Gloss looked up at James. "Want to come crash at my place? Being alone for two weeks doesn't sound like fun."

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