Chapter 5

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Hobi had already started teaching them; Gloss stood there watching everything like a hawk. When Hobi showed them a move that had them running their hands down their chests, she paused the music and did something Yoongi had never seen anyone do to Hobi when he was in choreo mode. 

"No, no, no, I'm sorry, J-hope, but as their manager, I must put my foot down. They are babies, my babies, and I will not have them sexualized. Wait until they are all at least of age, please."

Hobi just stood there. He looked like he wanted to fight. He glanced over at Yoongi, and the elder just shrugged. He walked over to her and tried to explain that this was the way it was in Korea. She stood her ground. She went toe to toe with one of the best dancers in the world, and she never backed down. Most people cowered in front of him, but not Gloss. She may only come up to his chest, but she had him back down.

"I'm sorry, I just can't do it. I can't stand by and watch my babies doing hip thrusts and seductively grabbing themselves. They are children and are already being thrown into a world that isn't made for them; I can only shield them for so long. So, if it's okay with you, please make it a little more age-appropriate?"

Yoongi could tell that Hobi wanted to argue, but he saw the exact moment he changed his mind. They were both thinking about it; Kook was 15 when he started. He was sexualized, as well as Tae and Jimin. While they don't mind it now, maybe they were forced too young, and now it's just expected. Perhaps if they had someone standing up for them, they wouldn't have to show as much skin as they did. Especially Jimin and Kook, although Jimin probably doesn't mind too much.

Gloss couldn't believe she just freaking told J-hope no. She walked up to him, interrupted his dancing, and said no. She tried hard not to freak out, but she maintained her composure. He went back to teaching them the dance, minus the sexy parts. She was so proud of Leo that he stepped up and suggested some new moves in replacement, and they worked.

"I've never seen anyone stand up to Hobi like that."

She jumped a little; she didn't realize he was standing beside her. "I think I died a little bit inside." She gave him a small smile, God he was handsome too handsome to look at. She blushed a bit and then turned her attention back to the babies.

"So I was wondering if I could take you to eat after this? I want to get to know you guys better. Is that okay?"

She was about to answer them when August said, "Can James come too?"

Suga looked like he was about to choke on something. He turned to her and said, "Of course, your husband is more than welcome."

She was about to correct him, but they all started cheering about seeing James, "Yah, guys, you saw him last night. Sheesh, I'm starting to think he's your favorite parent."

They all ran to her, "No, Noona, you are our favorite."

"Uh-huh, sure." But she hugged them all back anyway. She turned to look at Suga: "I'll call James. What time do you want to go?"

He looked at his watch, "is 30 minutes okay?"

She started panicking; she'd have to have James bring her something to wear. "Yup, 30 minutes is perfect." J-Hope and Suga left, and he told her to meet them at the suggested restaurant. She nodded and called James, "Chancy, how much do you love me?"

"Chancy, how much do you love me?" Yoongi felt like he was dying inside. He made it to the car before he broke down. He punched the car seat several times, and Hobi just watched him. When he finally exhausted himself, Hobi gave him a sad smile. "Hyung, I'm sorry. Are you sure you want to do this?"

He dropped his head. "I need to make sure she's happy, that he treats her right. As long as she's happy, I'll be okay." Hobi patted his shoulder and then drove them to the restaurant. They got there before them and ordered food and drinks. He needed some alcohol in his system to get through this. 

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