Chapter 10

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Gloss loved teasing him; his facial expressions were hilarious. She was still a little tired from her migraine the day before—that was a bad one. She hasn't had that bad of a migraine since her accident. It took a few years before they went away. "Can we watch a movie or something? I'm still exhausted completely."

He wagged his eyebrows, "oh, have I been wearing you out by taking you to Hong Kong too many times?"

This guy, "No, I think you should step up your game a bit. I think a few good orgasms would help me sleep better."

He loves a challenge; you can see it all over his face. He walked around the kitchen island and picked her up. When he laid her down on the couch, he pushed his shirt up so he could see just how wet she was. He threw her legs over his shoulder, and he used his long fingers and his tongue to bring her so much pleasure that her legs were shaking. She was running out of breath, "Yoongi, I'm good, please no more."

"If that's what you want, I'll stop." He lifted her head and laid it in his lap; she wasn't sure what he put on to watch and didn't care. He was playing with her hair, and her eyes drifted closed. 

She had an absolute dream for the first time in over ten years. She saw Yoongi standing at the kitchen counter cooking. He had a baby in his arms, and two other kids stood at his feet. "Go wake your mom up for me, please."

"Okay, Daddy," they said before they ran off. Gloss woke up later. She wasn't sure how long she had slept, but based on the fact that it was starting to get dark, it had been a while. She turned her head to look at Yoongi. He had his head on the back of the couch, and his eyes were closed.

She was hungry, but that was going to have to wait a bit because right now, she was a little more hungry for something else. She got him out of his pants; it wasn't hard since he was fully asleep and still soft. Then she placed him in her mouth. Gloss could feel him growing larger with every little lick of her tongue. He was starting to move, but he wasn't quite awake yet. It was adorable.

She knew the instant he was awake, he fisted her hair, and he was pumping into her mouth. "Ah, Gloss, what are you doing? You are sick, oh God I'm close. Please don't stop." He was babbling, and she loved it.

She didn't even answer him; she just hummed around his cock. He started moving faster, so she just let him fuck her mouth like he needed to. When he was done, she sat up, "While that was delicious, I'm kinda hungry."

He gave her his lazy smile, "How about I cook you some authentic homemade Korean food?"

"That sounds perfect."

Gloss sat at the counter and watched him chopping veggies and heating up the oil. He got the meat marinated, and everything smelled so yummy. She couldn't wait to try whatever this was. When they finished dinner, he asked if she wanted to start ordering new furniture. She gave him a confused face, "Why would I order furniture?"

He gave her a confused face, "You are going to redecorate the house, remember?"

Oh shit, that's right, "I forgot, yes, let's do that." They spent the rest of the evening picking out new stuff, which was lovely. They both input their opinions, which was the perfect mix between them. When they went to bed, they held each other all night; the following day, she woke up and wanted to make him breakfast. She made him a bacon and cheese omelet. 

He shuffled into the kitchen. His hair was all over the place, his eyes were barely open, and he was pouting in the most adorable way. He kissed her cheek. "Morning, beautiful," he said while yawning. 

"Are you hungry?"

He started kissing her neck, "I'm starving."

Gloss smacked his arm, "I made breakfast, good, come eat."

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