Chapter 6

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They got to the car, and Gloss looked at James; he was having a mild panic attack. "I can't believe I just met Suga and J-Hope."

"How do you think I felt when they walked into the studio? I thought I had died."

James told the taxi their address, and he grabbed her hand with both his hands. "It's crazy that you both have soulmates. What Hobi said earlier made a lot of sense, though. What if Suga is your soulmate?"

She looked at him wide-eyed, "There's no way he's my soulmate. I could not have won the soulmate lottery. I'm not that lucky."

James just shrugged, "I don't know, I think you should test him."

"How the hell am I supposed to test him?"

"Don't they hear the music you are playing, and the closer you are, the louder it is for them?"

Gloss thought about it, and it's true. "Nope, it won't work if he's my soulmate we've met. He can control the volume now and even turn it off. There's no way to test him." She was pouting and shouldn't have been. There's no way he's her soulmate; it would be epic if he were. But he shouldn't get his hopes up like that. "Whatever, let's just get home."

When she walked into her room, she immediately went to shower. She wanted to wash away the day and the daydream of having Yoongi as her soulmate.

She crawled into bed and lay there for a bit. There was no way he could be her soulmate. It would be amazing if he were, but there's no way he was. She fell asleep; it was a fitful sleep. She dreamed about a man wearing all black. He had a bucket hat on and a mask. She saw bleach-blonde hair under the hat, and he was curled on a black leather couch, fast asleep. 

When she woke up the following day, she played Hello by Lionel Richie. It was the only song she could think of that explained it. She figured he'd take the hint and find her if it were him.

Yoongi woke up the following day to a song he'd never heard. He had to look up the lyrics, huh? Did she figure out it was him? Now he was curious; too bad he couldn't see her that day. They would be gone for ten days, so he couldn't see her for about two weeks. He was upset about that, but it was his job. 

Gloss went to the studio to watch her babies practice. August walked up to her and asked if she was okay. She nodded her head and smiled. They didn't need to know that her mind was a million miles away. It was time to focus on her babies. They were debuting here really soon—less than a month from then. They spent the next two weeks practicing. She didn't see Suga the entire time. Her song playlist might have gone to the sad side.

Yoongi was going crazy. He hadn't seen Gloss in two weeks and needed to see her. He went to the practice room, but they weren't there. They should have been; they debut next week. He texted her asking where they were and smiled when he replied: 'I took my babies out for ice cream; they've been working hard, and they deserved a treat.'

When he read her resume, he knew she was perfect. He asked if she wanted to meet him at the restaurant to discuss the boys' debut. She said she'd be there in 45 minutes. Yoongi headed to the restaurant and ordered a few drinks and some food. He noticed that she liked the chicken the last time they were there, so he ordered it for her. 

When she walked in, his heart started beating fast; she was dressed casually but looked breathtaking. 

"Hi, Suga." She smiled so brightly at him that he could not help but smile back. 

"I ordered you some food and drinks; I hope that's okay?"

"Okay, thank you. I'm starving." She sat down. 

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