Chapter 11

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"He's never going to let me live this one down; I hope you know that, right?"

Yoongi grinned at her, "As long as I get you as my wife, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."

Gloss snorted so loud, and then she got serious. "Are you really okay with this? There will be days I wake up, and I don't know you."

"It's already happened, Beautiful, yet I'm still here."

She didn't remember not remembering him. She didn't want to be a burden to him; she loved him. But she's a bit too selfish to give him up. Their wedding was simple and beautiful. Her mom and her boyfriend flew to Korea to be there, Yoongi's family drove up to be there, and of course, BTS and Arcana were there, as were her roommates.

"I do," he said.

"I do," she whispered.

He pulled her body flush against his, "I can't wait to get you home and ravish you all night." They danced the night away. Jimin kept stealing her, and she was pretty sure that Yoongi wanted to throttle him. But it was making her laugh, so he let them dance.

"Do you think you'll forget me too?"

She looked into the green eyes of her best friend in the world; as much as she loves Sunny, she has Alex. James has been her rock, her constant ever since he crashed into her life. "I don't want to. But if I do, you'll have to remind me who you are and how much we love each other."

He wrapped her in his arms so tightly that they were both crying quietly. "Making my wife cry, Chance?"

They both turned to look at Yoongi, her amazingly perfect soulmate. He's willing to stay with her even though there will be a day that she no longer recognizes his face. "Can we get out of here?"

"Of course, beautiful."

They flew to Paris; she was so surprised. "Why did you pick Paris?"

He grinned at her, "I heard you speaking French to James once. I figured it would be nice to go somewhere you speak the language."

Gloss cocked her head to the side, "That's sweet of you, Yoongi, but I only know enough to insult people. I'm not sure how much help I'll be here."

"That's okay; there's still a lot to do here." They spent the next few days doing all the touristy things, then finished up their honeymoon with a two-day trip to Disneyland Paris. Gloss never wanted to leave. She was afraid that going home was sealing her fate, that once they got home, her memory would go away.

It took a year before she woke up one day and didn't know who he was. 

The moment her eyes opened, Yoongi saw it—the same look of fear and uncertainty. He didn't say a word because normally, it passes after a second. But this time, it didn't. She scrambled out of his arms and quickly got out of bed. "Who are you?"

"Yoongi, your husband. Look, you are wearing my ring."

She looked down at her hand, confused. "I'm married?"

"You are; we've been married for over a year." That was the day he started the scrapbook containing pictures of their life together. The next time she woke up not knowing him, he could show her proof. This episode lasted about a week before she knew who he was. 

She still let him sleep in the bed with her. Her brain may not know him, but her body did, and she was always comfortable sleeping beside him. She had to stop being Arcana's manager; the stress would send her into episodes faster than normal. James took over her job since he already knew the boys, and they knew him.

He was doing a fantastic job with them; when she was herself, they'd see them. Yoongi was still with BTS. He tried to be at home as much as he could, but if he couldn't, Sunny and Alex were there. They cared for her when he was gone just in case she woke up one day not remembering.

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