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This was suggested by @MayaFromPurpleHouse.
AU: Shigaraki is a patient at a mental hospital and Dabi is his doctor/therapist. There are quirks, however, Shigaraki's is cancelled with Quirk-Cancelling bracelets.
Warning: Self-doubt. A bit of attempted self harm.

Dabi POV
Another day working at this hospital. The patient I had before was taken out of the facility to give him a chance of a normal life. He was recommended to go see a therapist and psychiatrist occasionally to keep up to date with his mental health. I had gotten along with him quite well. He called himself Twice due to his quirk and mental trauma.

Now I was being called into the bosses office again, probably to take care of another patient.

"You requested my presence, sir?" I walked into the office, sitting down in front of the desk. 

Sako looked at me, a patients file in front of him.

"We have a new patient today. We have the information on him for you to read. As of now, he's still being transported here, so it's best you wait outside for him. Just quickly, he can be a bit dangerous to himself and others."

I was handed the folder on this new patient. I went outside to wait. I opened the folder to look at its contents.

Folder: Patient 307
Name: Tomura Shigaraki.
Age: 20
DOB: 04/04
Hair colour: Pigmented light blue.

Skin colour: Pale.
Skin conditions: Scratched, damaged, sensitive.
Eye colour: Red.
Quirk: Decay.
How the quirk works: If the owner of this quirk touches something with all five fingers, it will disintegrate.
Reason for required mental health assistance: Caught cutting arms, scratching neck and attempting to drown self.
Mental conditions: Anxiety, anorexia-nervosa and stress disorder.
Physical conditions: Underweight, eating disorder, sleep-deprived, slight breathing difficulties, muscle tension.
Weight: 48 Kilograms.
Height: 175cm.
Family: Grandparents- deceased.
Father- deceased.
Mother- deceased.
Sister- deceased.
Caretaker/s: Kurogiri & All for One.

"Jeez, what happened to this guy?" I thought to myself. I knew his quirk would be cancelled whilst during his stay here. A car pulled up, and two men pulled out a younger male in a straight jacket who matched the folders description perfectly. He was a lot smaller than anticipated.

He looked up at me, with big, pleading eyes. His eyes were a much more brilliant red than I thought. But then again, you never know what to expect.

The poor guy look terribly traumatised. 

He had scars all over his face, and he looked like he couldn't stand on his own two feet without support. His ankles were locked in shackles, and there was a mask on his face.

"Aren't those restraints too much?" I growled at the men, about to approach them. 

They both tightened their grips on the man's elbows to the point I saw tears in his eyes, and then they started to fall.

"We were instructed to lock him in them." One of the two men said in a monotone voice, the other slapping Tomura's back as he started coughing.

"Well, get rid of the shackles, mask and straight jacket." I ordered. How would I get him to trust me if he was always restrained?

I wouldn't be able to. He looked at me, shocked. I gave a small smile, giving him a wave. As soon as he was released, and the men had their hands off him for a second, Tomura sprinted towards me, tumbling.

The men ran after him, but before they could grab him, he hugged me tightly. I saw the Quirk-Cancelling bracelets, as he dug his nails into my sleeves. He was crying as I helped him stand straight.

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