What if?

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 AU: This is if instead of AFO finding Shigaraki on the streets, but it was All Might who did instead.

APOLOGIES. I got Dabi's age wrong in previous chapters, he's three years older than Shigaraki, not the four I had initially put in. Should've done more research beforehand.

AGES: Tenko Shimura- 5 to 16

Dabi- 8 to 19

All Might- 41 to 52

Endeavour: 30 to 41


All Might POV

I walked through the streets, finding two men screaming at someone, going to hit them.

"Oi! Scram!" I yelled. They instantly ran, revealing the person before them.

A little boy. He was tiny, very thin and short. He had ash blue hair, sad red eyes, blood dripping from his face. The poor kid looked so scared. And very unhealthy. His clothes were dirty, soaked from rainwater and there were even a few tears in his shirt.

"Hey there, buddy, what's your name? Are you okay?" I knelt down in front of him, observing his injuries. He shook his head, backing away. "Don't worry, buddy, I won't hurt you."

"Tenko... my name is Tenko..." he squeaked. "P-please don't touch me... m-my hands keep destroying things... I-I killed my family by mistake, please don't hurt me!" He cried, starting to sob. The tears, fright and what he must be going through made my heart break.

"No, no, I won't hurt you. Of course, I won't hurt you. Everything will be okay. Come with me, Tenko, we'll get you some gloves, and then I'll take you to my home. How does that sound?" I suggested. He nodded slightly, standing up.

When I said tiny, I didn't realise how small he actually was. He'd probably be able to literally hide behind my leg if he wanted to. I guided him to a nearby store, taking him to the winter clothing section. Winter was approaching after all.

"Go on. Choose as many pairs of gloves as you want. We can also get new clothes for you. And shoes." I said, lifting him as he looked up at the gloves. I had a trolley next to me to put everything into.

He would hesitantly point, so I would grab the pairs, and throw them into the trolley. When we were finished at the glove, scarf and winter sock section, I seated him in the trolley, which he was very small for.

"Let's look around, little buddy."

(Two hours later) 

Tenko POV

All Might paid for everything we got, grabbed the bags, placed them in the trolley, and pushed it out of the store. He reached into the bag, pulling out a pair of baby blue gloves.

Once the tags and plastic were pulled off, he cut off one finger on each glove, putting them on my hands. Then a taxi pulled up.

The man driving and All Might put all the bags into the boot of the car, and then All Might lifted me out of the trolley, carried me to the car, and sat in the backseat. He gave the driver an address, and the driver started on the route.

"Are you feeling okay, Young Tenko?" He asked me, letting me sit and rest in his arms. I shook my head. "When we get to my home, we'll get you cleaned up, those injuries treated, and cleaner clothes on you. We'll also have lunch, and you can sleep in my bed until I can get you your own. Tomorrow, we'll go to Child Services. I'll have you registered as a foster child, and I'll make sure I'm your guardian. How does that sound?"

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