Valentine's Day Special

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This is a late arrival, but meh. Who cares? (Just so it's clear, any holiday special is in the normal AU with very slight changes to their personalities and behaviours).

I also deeply apologise for basically going ghost for three weeks, I do have my reasons, and unfortunately, I will not be posting at the frequency I once did as I sleep eight hours a day, have seven hour-a-day school days plus two and a half hours of travel for school. I'm usually out of the house for ten or more hours a day, and I have other minor responsibilities that only give me around two-four hours a day for myself.

Again, I am so sorry for this. But please, enjoy this chapter. 
Shigaraki POV
Dabi was out of the base, seemingly preparing a surprise, but wouldn't tell anyone what it is. Not even Compress, whom he'd trust with almost anything. 

For around nine months, he and I have been together, and he was the one to initiate basically everything. An awkward conversation, cuddling on the couch, heck even just linking our pinkies together made me a bit anxious. I just don't know why, but a likely, subconsciously at least, it may have something to do with my quirk.

He didn't care at all though. Instead, he just did it even more, and took it from a more gentle and comforting approach, which I greatly appreciated.

What he'd do, for example, if it were to be a cuddle on the couch, he'd first sit in the corner of the couch and pat his lap softly with one hand, beckoning with the other. As soon as I'd get to him, he'd get me to sit on his lap and hug me tightly, then pull me to lay down with him. Might I add that he wouldn't let me go for what'd feel like hours on end.

I stared at the black screen of the T.V being powered off, lost in deep thought. My mind was a sea of random thoughts of everything, but also nothing at the same time. 

Losing focus on my surroundings, I felt myself organise my thoughts in an orderly fashion, and I found the root of every single thing in my head. And I don't think it takes a genius to know. If it's still not obvious, then the core of it all is Dabi.

Still thinking to myself, I suddenly felt a pair of hands fold over my eyes, making my vision go fully black. Feeling the roughness of skin grafts and small bits of metal, an outline of an image overtook the darkness. Dabi was behind me.

"Guess who~" his deepish, scratchy voice circulated the silence. "Here's a hint... it's someone you wish to decay all the time."

"Oh, I don't know..." I murmured, pretending to think. "Is it Dabi?" I smiled as I turned to face him. He pushed me down in a hug, tugging my legs around his waist, kissing my face. "Dabi...! My ribs are hurting!" I whinged, trying to push him upwards so his weight wasn't crushing me.

"But I love you, 'Mura! I love you so much!" He exclaimed, pushing himself up immediately. My legs were locked around his waist, his legs helping him remain up so he wouldn't fall on me abruptly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, lifting my back slightly as his hands caressed my back. "Happy Valentine's Day!"

Right... Valentine's Day... I don't exactly understand much about it, but Dabi had mentioned giving me a surprise for this very day. I told him that it wasn't necessary, but he insisted.

"Happy Valentine's Day." I answered back, smiling as he kissed my arm. He then pushed my limbs so I was completely flat on the couch, then sat on top of me. I laughed in pain, trying to shove him off. "Get off me!"

Reluctantly, he rolled off me, falling onto the ground, which made me laugh hysterically. Especially when he made a small 'ow' sound.

"Oh really now?" He grinned, starting to stand. I leapt over the back of the couch, starting to run as he started chasing behind me. I continued laughing like I was utterly insane, jumping off walls, on and off windowsills, over chairs and everything else in my way until I got to a lockable room. 

I tripped over, rolling through the open door, kicking the door closed and pressing my feet against the wood so it wouldn't open, beginning to sit up.

"HAHA! I win!" I shouted, managing to lock the door whilst in the process of standing. 

"Baby~ open the door please~" he switched his voice to a more admirable and swooning tone to coerce me into opening the door. I sighed, unlocking the door and opening it. 

Almost instantaneously, I melted into the embrace he managed to trap me in, pecking his lips lightly. 

"Now are you happy?" I asked quietly, starting to gaze into his eyes. He smirked, nodding. I was about to question the reasoning behind his smirk until he suddenly threw me over his shoulder, starting to run out of the base. I screeched for him to put me down, laughing in the process. He, on the other hand, decided to not put me down, continuing to run, occasionally stopping to readjust his hold on me to make sure I didn't fall.

"No." He said, starting to run again. We -he- weaved through trees, jumped over rocks like a bushranger until arriving at a clearing. 

Finally, he set me on my feet, covering my eyes from behind, guiding me to walk forward.

Deciding to stay silent, I walked where guided, opening my eyes as he removed his hands from my face. He had set up a whole picnic type of thing with small gifts, heart cards, flowers, with cake, sandwiches, fruit and other small snacks along with water, soft drink (soda) and cordial. I smiled at him, sitting across from him.

"Like it?" He asked with a sense of anxious hope in his tone. I nodded, looking around in awe.

"It's amazing. How long did you spend doing this?" I asked, facing him.

"Under two hours. It was very easy. And I'm so happy you like it." 

Dabi POV
Admiring the man before me, I picked up a cookie, his favourite type as well, holding it up to his lips. He tried taking it, but every time he did, I'd pull it away from his hand. He looked at me with a deadpan expression, shaking his head ever so slightly.

"I can feed myself." He said, evidentially holding back a laugh. I just held the cookie up to his mouth again, not letting him take it. He relented, taking a bite, holding a hand underneath the cookie to make sure no crumbs fell on his clothes. 

After he had finished the biscuit, I played a nice melody on my phone, gazing at him again. He ate a few grapes and some apple slices, still looking around. I shifted next to him, laying down so my head was on his lap. He smiled at me, giving me a chocolate covered strawberry.

"Glad you like it. Happy Valentine's Day, my dear."

"Thank you, happy Valentine's Day, my love."
Sorry for this short chapter, but the chapter's out and I hope you enjoyed.

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