Shigadabi Headcannons

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Shigaraki HCs:
• When finding out Dabi liked/loved him, he was denial about it for ages.

• He loves being woken up with a forehead or nose-bridge kiss.

• Scared of his quirk.

• Under more pressure than people think he is.

• Allows Toga to braid his hair from time to time.

• His insecurities sometimes affect his villainous performance.

• A nearly nightly sleepwalker. Nightly sleep talker.

• Wishes every day to be able to hug his dog again, and gets delighted when a puppy or dog runs up to him.

• Very ticklish. And very giggly when tickled.

• Light sleeper. Light weight. Just light in general.

• Very protective (cough, overprotective) of the original league.

• Attempted to cut off a finger on each hand to get rid of his quirk.

• Neat freak.

Dabi HCs:
Is used as a human heater during winter.

• A fantastic cook, always cooks people special meals on their birthdays and on special occasions.

• Relentless flirter.

• Makes his leaders bed every morning to ease struggles for the man.

• Helps Toga sharpen her blades whenever needed.

• Whenever Twice is having a mental break, he's always there to help him

• Secretly misses his siblings and mother all the time.

• Dreams of defeating Endeavour whenever he isn't dreaming of Shigaraki.

• Likes to attack people with random things that make them laugh. (Toga: showing her random kitten videos. Twice: dad jokes. Compress: terrible magic tricks, you get the point).

• Always makes the bathroom look like an oily mess when dying his hair.

•Treats Toga like she's an annoying little sister, and cares for her like an older brother.

• Looks for ways for his skin to hold together without surgical staples almost daily.

• Naturally flirtatious and smug.

ShigaDabi HCs:
• Shigaraki is a huge cuddler, always loves being held by Dabi.

• Dabi likes to mess with Shigaraki when he's playing video games.

• Were very awkward around each other after first getting together, but became more comfortable after Dabi got a baby blue teddy bear for Shigaraki.

• They like to watch RomComs together a lot.

• Bakes together occasionally (even though Shigaraki is really bad at it).

• Sneaks into each other's rooms at night to cuddle.

• Valentine's Day is awkward for them, but they make an effort for each other.

• Dabi loves to play with Shigaraki's hair a lot.

• Rotisserie chicken [Dabi] likes to take random photos of Shigaraki when he's doing random activities (i.e drawing, petting dogs, climbing trees, ect) and especially loves to take photos of Tomura sleeping.

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